The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 05, 1984, Page Page 8, Image 8

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    Daily Nebrcskan . Monday, March 5, 1C34
Pan d 8
m, 1 0 -
Coach Col said Nebraska's
fifth consecutive men's Big Eiht swim
ming title is more important than the
others because "we won it as a team."
"It's the most satisfying win because
it reflects the most team effort " Bentz
said. "We didn't intimidate them, we
just beat them."
Nebraska's young team posted five
conference championship perform
ances which probably didn't intimi
date the other teams. However, the
team may have scared their oppon
ents with backup performances. Neb
raska's final 514.5 points resulted from
a lot of depth in most of the events.
The 1,650-yard freestyle exemplified
Nebraska's depth. Ernie Duran won
the race with a time of 15:47.01, .02
seconds ahead of Iowa State's Jens
Nielsen. Teammates Jon Under, Jim
Fellows and Per Ove Staveland placed
third, fifth and sixth respectively in
the event. All four of the swimmers are
Duran followed Nielsen most of the
race. He said he had planned to "hang"
with Nielsen for the first 1,000 and
i 1
Bob Czeranlco, Todd Welter cad Cob
breaststroke preliminaries Saturday
In "Controversial NSSA role topic at
debate" (Daily Nebraskan, March 2),
the 'Daily Nebraskan misspelled the
name of the ASUN party, Fashin.
In the same issue, a story about the
Open League Intramural basketball
championship mistakenly identified
Neil Harris as Nate Mason. Also, the
story about Oklahoma's men's basket
ball victory against Nebraska contain
ed, .-quotes taken, from IIFAD radio's:
ill lit I i
then move ahead. At that point,
though, Duran said he was tired and
decided to hang with him until the last
100 yards. His victory was Nebraska's
first ever in the 1.G5Q free.
"I knew I could out-sprint him " he
said. Duran said he missed his last
turn and threw off his momentum, but
still managed to turn in hb beet time.
Tim Brinner's first-place finish in the
100-yard breaststroke with a time of
56.89 was also a high point for Neb
raska.' Bart Thomas from Iowa State
was second at 57.92.
Nebraska's SOO-yard freestyle relay
placed first and the 400 medley and
400 freestyle relays placed second this
Kevin Weires, Keith Moore, David
Hecker and Chuck Rea turned in a
6:43.41 time in the 800 freestyle relay
to better second-place Iowa State's
time of 6:44.05.
Nebraska's 400 medley relay team
posted a 3:24.03 time following Mis
souri's 3:01.67 and Nebraska trailed
them with 3:02.46.
Reynaldo Castro broke a UNL var
sity record in the three-meter diving
event eriroute to a first-place finish.
1 1 .
Crs!g AndresenDslly Nebraskan
Snodcress spur on a teammate in
afternoon. .
"Moe Iba Show." No credit was given in
the story.
In the Sports Shorts of that day; we
mentioned the women's soccer club of
the Capital Soccer Association, but
forgot to give the phcr.e number to
contact. Anyone interested in pl-ying
soccer this sprint can call Allison
Jameson at 475-1C J3 cr47u-Li .2 c.r-y-tjfcA&e
ta v cejt
- Corrections
Castro scored C 31.70 paints and was
followed by teammate Erie Or.ibene
with 00.55 points. The divers switched
places in one-meter diving Ojnibene
scored 457.35 points and Cestro tal
lied 457.00 points.
' Nv.lra-.'.ai Coach Jaf Hubcr was award
ed the coach of the year title. Iowa
O 4
ate took home the conference sv.ira-
Nebraska diver Erie Ojrdbcne performs a twisting dive in tirds-eye 1evv
at the Ei3 Ei.:bt Championship Meet. Oaibene wca the one-meter diving
event and finished second In three-meter diving behind teammate
Reynaldo Castro.
Big Eight swimming coaches
say money is the difference
By Wcrd W. Ttiplett III relief. We just try as hard as we can
and be satisfied with that."
. Kansas men's swimming Coach Gary
Kempf raised the white flag as early as
Thursday night. Iowa State Coach Bob
Groseth called it a meet Friday after
noon. But even as the other conference
coaches were conceding the Big Eight
Men's Swimming and Diving Champion
ship to Nebraska, they were able to
find some good in their teams' perform
ance. There's really nothing you can do,"
Groseth said. "They've got too much
depth and too many good people run
ning the program," Groseth said.
The only coach who didn't think
Nebraska was going to dominate the
meet was Husker Coach Cal Bentz,
who thought Missouri's dual success
and Kansas' home-pool advantage
would give those teams added mo
mentum. Kempf, Groseth, Goldfarb and Okla
homa Coach Mike Burt each said Neb
raska's superiority is, directly related
to money.
"Money helps," said Burt whose Soon
ers finished last. The state of Okla
homa is having serious financial prob
lems. There seems to be no immediate
(Sportsmanship ratings In parentheses)
Men's Casketbs'l Division Championships
Faculty and Staff
CBA One (3.0) 48, Wreck Crew (3.7) 30
Frstsmitlss A
Beta Theta Pi (4.3) 67, Delta Tau Delta (4.0) 37
Frtrn5es DC
Sigma Chi C (3.0) 33. Delta Sigma Phi B (3.7) 32
Reslncs Hz"s A
Harper Eight (3.7) 50, Harper Five (4.0) 55
Rt!anc9 H:!s CC
Cather Three B (3.5) 53, Selleck8300 B (3.5) 38
Cmt'l Fry -
Average Whits Team (3.5) 56, Alpha Tau
Omega (3.7) 43 -; " .- ': .
L! jjhtsss'-hSj -
Hossrs (3.5) 61, Basketball (4.0) 52
. , . - ' lnz; jnsnts A
Norga3 (3.5) 54, Shrooms (3.7) 53
Penthe-rs (3.7) 2, Jammers (3.7) 0
WJJ.lliLLi vuiv
ming coach and swimmer cf the year
awards. They were Coach Dob Groscth
and Scott MacAdam.
Iowa State finished second in team
competition behind Nebraska with
331 points. Missouri followed with 375,
Kansas State with 322 and Oklahoma
with 155.5 points.
While Bentz not only has a recruiting
budget larger than anyone else in the
conference, hu can leave good assist
ant coaches in control when he leaves
on recruiting trips, Groseth said.
Recruiting dollars at Missouri and
Kansas are also less than at Nebraska
Nebraska has" won so consistently be
cause Bentz is able to recruit in great
numbers, Goldfarb said.
"We've won more events than they
have," he said. That means we've got
better quality swimming. But we don't
have the third and fourth places like
Nebraska does."
To catch Nebraska in the near fu
ture, each coach said his program will
need more money. But, no one has it.
"With that football program, Neb
raska will always have that kind of
money," Groseth said.
The situation is the same in Col
umbia, but Goldfarb said he will not
give up hope.
"Just look, they've got better equip
ment, great warm-ups, and higher sal
aries," he said. "But you never resign
yourself to losing. If we cant be the
giant, well be the giant killer."
Huskers close
regular season
UNL's women's basketball team finish
ed its regular season Saturday by los
ing to Oklahoma at Norman, 97-79.
The Huskers finish the year with a
16-11 overall record and sixth in the
Big Eight with a 6-8 conference record.
They will play Oklahoma State in Still
water, Tuesday, in the first round of
the Big Eight tournament.
Nebraska never led in the contest
despite shooting 51 percent from the
field. OU shot 43 percent from the
field, but put up 91 shots compared to
Nebraska's 53.
Stacy Imming scored a career-high
22 points to lead the Huskers. Center
Angle Miller added 16, Debr?,Powell 14
and Cathy Owen 12.
Toni Eldridge and Lynn McCurdy
led the Sooners with 20 points each.
Oklahoma plays Kansas in Norman
Conference co-champions Kansas
State and Missouri will host first
round games against Iowa State and
Colorado, respectively. The Wildcats
defeated Mieeouri in Manhattan Sat
urday to tte for the charr.pionehip.