Monday, March 5, 1S34 Daily Nsbraskan Pago 7 kow ilfiiiKoXurblni lklr(cin) 1 1 CO U 'i r l nnl 1 1 1 lit ( i .SR VI f: ''(';:'' J CON SERVE I V - I MTUS D0MTU5E Vf J i fSrcfld. I A Welcome A XCC'U's IkCgS f Green . Ststs ;' . Keg Beer I J Basketball 10; I 1240 No. 48th ) Available for I W Fans 46M336 St. Patrick's V Heavyweight Keg Specials 1G rz. CUD 1G nd. PQH isgsi.cooRSor . COORS LIGHT (ice, cups, tap, tub) ice' CUPS taP tub (ice, cups, tap, tub) CD CO CO CJL.Jp C-JLd CzJCiJa : rl, 1Gf3l. Warm Cass Beer , X-"SrJi ,::.:OLQ. GTVLS Maister Brsu . . . v.5.93 (ice, cups, tsp, tub) (ice, cups, tap, tub) Old Milwaukee . . .6.48 r'y wU . : PBR Light. ..... .5.43 KZJKJ d ' UzzkzJ D loose case Lirrhtvciftht Kerj Specials 8qal. MILLER or 8qal.BUDor "" MILLER LITE BUD LIGHT tliru (ice, cups, tap, tub) (ice, cups, tap, tub) . a ,'')) co 310M' rnn 3 II L. If you're short of both-become a plasma donor! You'll earn'$10 for just under 2 hours of your time when you donate. And you can donate twice a week (but please wait 72 hours between donations). You can earn up to $100 a month and study while you're doing it! New donors bring this ad for an additional $2 for your first donation. It's a time saving money making idea! Call now for an appointment find out how you can win $100 in our monthly drawing! 475-8645 i'-'; '-: . UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER ' , 1442 O Street 475-8645 OPEN: Mon., Tuesv Thursv Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wed., Sat. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. just a quick 3 tninuta wslk from campus NENA 99 Rod Balloons : : , JL ...1 Epic JUDAS PRIEST i)Eii:,i)i:!Ls OrTIlL FAI TH including: Frewheel BurnmgLovt Bite Rock Hard Rid FreeHeavy Dyty CMT,irs Oi Thit Faith -. F Ji:' "ft " we-".. r Columbia BAN FOGELBEXIG WINDOWS AND WALLS including The Lanquacse 01 Love Lei Her.GoGoru Sweet Magnolia i Travellinq Sale 'ELIMINATOR: iz EunvTur.iics . tC'JCll 4 i i V Epic RCA Warner Bros. CYNDI LAUPEtl SHE'S SO U.NUSUAL- including: Money Changes Everything Girts Just Want To Have Fun When Ybu Wert Mine All Thn AlbUITIG Or CGDGOllOO Cl!'3 each ;: Che lea. cUB -bit rbumsnEHsstte'S by such favorites as Dan Fdgelberg, Nena, Judas Priest, John LennonYoko Ono and others on both albums and cas settes. This price for a limited time only, so hurry to RG Entertainment today! Epic TiiH!.;nEi:Dcns LE;.r tocr i S v-v.y. Inctote ths Sijr'as: F"D21E CF THE XOTKE CKA::iCAr;3, MYCITY WAS CCrT, 2T"3 f'LES 3 Sire Jehn Lcnncn Ycko Ono Milk and Honey 1 Mktd. by Polygram y'V FOOTLOOSE ORIGINAL MOTION PHTI KK SOI NDTKACK featuring: BONNIE TYLER Holding Out For A Hero KENNY LOGONS I'm Free (Heaven Helps The Man) MIKE RENO (of Loverboy ") and ANN WILSON (of Heart") Almost Paradise . . . Love Theme From Footloose SHALAMAR Dancing In The Sheets . ' :' & lis- p. ;' iv. -'I i Includes . . -Mama That's All Illegal Alien i c. . f jJ a5P Columbia or1-! 7 rn . ,,, cf Fgz'Zzzzj ct Gcr.s3 on album or cassette for only 7.99 each. Footloose is the original soundtrack from the motion picture and Genesis includes Mama That's AH, Illegal Alien and more. Sale ends March 1 0. FEDERALLY INSPECTED Uf4No. 13