The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 05, 1984, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Monday, March 5, 134
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New Social Cinema
projected ct Sheldon
The Sheldon Film Theatre ii sponsoring a
series of seven Crw from the Gcn.n Demo
cratic Republic. Tlie filir.s will be presented
Thursday through turdy. The series, en
titled The drKian Dcriocratic republic: To
ward a New Social Cinema, is on a national
The scries w programmed and coordinated
by The American Film Institute in cooperation
with the State Film Archives of the German
Democratic Republic. '
The schedule for the four-day festival is:
'Vf''' "y
7 p.m. Mama I to Alive 197Q, by Konrad
9 p.m. Solo Sunday ( 1 079, by Wolf)
1 p.m. Anton the Magician (1978 by Gunter
3 p.m. The Fiancee (19S0, by Reisch and
Gunther Rucker)
5 p.m. On Probation (1931, by Herman
7 p.m. Ikarus (1975 by Heiner Karow)
9 p.m. Apprehension ( 1 982, by Lothar Warn
eke) V
7 p.m. Apprehension
8 p.m. Ikarus
1 p.m. Mama V?i Alive
3 p.m. Solo Sunny
5 p.m. Anton the Magician
7 p.m. The Fiancee
9 p.m. On Probation
Admission is $3 for single screenings. A pass
good for all the screenings will be available for
$10 at the Film Theatre box office.
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The American Ballet Theater's production of
Don Quixote w!l be featured tonight on Great
Performances. The performance features Mikhail
Baryshnikov and Cynthia Harvey and airs at 9 p.m.
on Channel 12.
Franco Ze5rel!is La Trawat will be shown in
the Film Theatre today. The film, which stars Teresa
Stratas and Placido Domingo, will be screened at 7
and 9 p.m.
At ts XkLniall
The Alvin Alley American Dance Theatre, cele
brating its 25th anniversary, will come to Lincoln for
a special three-night engagement beginning tonight
and running through Wednesday. Programs will
vary each night. Tonight's highlights include "Night
Creature," choreographed by Alley with music by
Duke Ellington, "Treading," choreographed by Don
ald UcKayie and music from the collection of John
and Alan Loraax.
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