Monday, February 27,1934. Daily Nebraskan Pago 9 v i WERE FIGHTING FOR NOUR UFE CO American Heart Associalion Nebr'ska Affiliate 7 ) & Readv While You Wait M- RESUMES COPIED Quality Duplicating Fine Papers Pegy Cass and Susan Strasberg in Agnes of God. 'Agnes' lacks sincerity Kimbsil Recital Hall Jf M f S ', mr, ' j DavsAWeek 9Z' - . H jv ' S A V ', PS s A j. d. x y 13th &R ,48th & Vine Review by Mona Z. Koppelman What Agnes of God lacked in genuine emotion, it tried to make up for in spit-and-polish theatrics. Sometimes the production succeeded, but more often, failed. The play was presented to a full house at Kimball Recital Hall Satur day. Agnes of God by John Pielmeier spins a doubting-Catholic yarn about a naive nun who allegedly kills her own baby, a less-than-elaborate cover-up by the Mother Superior and an atheist psychiatrist who vows .to get to the bottom of this nasty business. The court-appointed psychiatrist, played by Susan Strasberg of TVs Toma, is an ex-Catholic with a chip on her shoulder. She lapsed into trite soliloquies that were less revealing of "Dr. Livingstone'' than they were of Strasberg's inability to develop em pathy for her character. Pedagogy for dial UNCEAN Piano teachers will be listening to the music March 2, 9 and 16 in a series of workshops offered via the University of Neb raska Continuing Educa tion Audio Network (UNCEAN). Joan Reist, a UNL piano instructor, will lead instruc tion from her studio at UNL, while participants gather in North Platte, Sidney, Scottsbluff and Al liance. Reist will discuss a var iety of topics for estab lished and beginning tea chers, including the teach- ing of reading music and selected literature. UNCEAN is a system that utilizes telephone lines, microphones and speak ers to carry instruction from the Lincoln and 0 niaha campuses to var " ious sites across the state. Orvii Owe rj, LCLcocrdi nator for the program, described response to a similar series in 1C33 as tremendous. Peggy Cass (familiar from game shows To Tell the Truth and The Match Game) played Mother Miriam Ruth in her own belting barmaid baritone. Her characterization worked, but only be cause it didn't require much effort. A Mother Superior and a psychiatrist weren't really on stage: it was Cass in a habit and Strasberg in a double-knit suit. Agnes was Agnes. A fine perform ance by Lynn Chausow as the innocent sister maintained a thread of sincerity that frayed only during the last half of the second act. Part of that was due to a sermonizing script. And Chausow may have just pooped out after a strenuous first act. She worked hard in the first act to maintain some chemis try among the three characters. The effort seemed to. take its toll on her during the second act; she peaked too soon. Continued cn Pegs 10 rjJ en czj c3 czi a anarj Game Gal-ry presents the Buddy System Special Q rBring in a friend, both present your University ID. and each' of you can have two tokens FREEH u . i JP, H D q $2 worth cf rj tolicns FREE q cmcunl h . rj puiclizccd. Q Gidrcccrjel 0 token FREE 0 14tll Cl aQw n Present your UnL ID. between 8:00 am- : LI 1Q00 am and get a - FREE cup of coffee. HOT DOGS 4-Sl.uu HOURS: 8 a.m.-ll p.m. M-Th 8 a.m.-l a.m. Fri 10 a.m.-l a.m. Sat. 12-12 Sun. F, 191 ,ftl We have the latest in games including Mach EI, Pole Position, and Cloak 'n Daqoer. ej czs a a m C3 a cn xi a a aannannacjD D a D D D i ; " ' . . ..- "C-n Tsir- jv, r&, - -stjs&r j&sj vi? 1 J r2zi rJ ( J r V I iFvA ' if;;' ;