The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 24, 1984, Page Page 11, Image 11
Friday, February 24, 1034 Daily Nebraskan Pago 11 o r Tl rT r . - - What the heck dos Mullahsloo mean? Well, com lo tht Sheldon Film Theatrt 10 find out by teeing "The HullnbHloo over Georgia and Borinlos Picture" Irom India diiecitil by J:; ri Ivory. 7;00andS00p m Sun., Feb. 28 ami Mon., Fob. 27, with 3:00 p.m. Matinee on Sunday. $2 50, itudftnts; $3 00, general public, Brought to yuu by U.P.C. Forsyn Films Committee m All men Interested In bolng "Mr. Black Collegiate" pick up applica tion In Room 200, Nebraska Union, by Friday. The Sling" . Will bt shown at University Luthe ran Chapel. 1510 Q Street, at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 24th. All art Invited. BAYTCMA EEACII, FLORIDA Tima it running out. Join ua In Florida over Spring Break. For Information, call Tom at 423-1003, TALENT WANTED All types ot talent welcome. Singers, comedians, dancers, etc. If you have tal ent, try out for the Entertainment Fest. Sign up for auditions in the CAP Office, Room 200, Nebraska Union or call 472 2454. Auditions are Feb. 27 and 28, 4 30 6 and March 1, 6-10. Sponsored by UPC Black Entertainment and Travel. 65 A CHEMISTRY TA Now accepting applications from qual-' ified undergraduates to be laboratory teaching assistants during the Fall 1984 semester. Great experience. Excellent pay. Forms available in Room 227, Hamil ton Hall. Oeadiine soon. ATTENTION UNL MEN: DELTA SIGMA PHI FRATERNITY Is currently seeking quality men for membership. We art a progressive and growing organization. We offer a chance for collect men to develop their leader ship, communication, and social skills. If you art intertsted in personal develop ment in a positive environment, please contact David Testerman at 474-6202. Millie's Diner open Sundays Breakfast Buffet, $3.50 . 8-11:30 a.m. Dinner Buffet. $4.50 11:30-2:30 p.m. . 2210 'O-Street ' Friday. 5 am. 2.30 p.m. Rootin' for Ronnit COLLEGE REPUBLICANS Membership Drive Meeting Sunday. February 23. 9:00 p.m. Room 335, Nebraska Union, UNL Students: ChiO Sig Ep Softball Marathon for Easter Seals March 17 Sign up today at Union ACROSS . 1 Detest 6 Air: Comb. f Grav is Musical ending 14 Norman Vincent 15 Stepped on IS Spoken 17 First name of a Wharton hero 13 Narrative IS Julep adiitive 23 Second looies 22 Easeball's Rose - 23 Court issuance 2 i One who needs a buyer 23 Price S3 Ycko 31 Former ring king 22 One who gives permission 31 Hurry off 23 Spotted 23 Advocate at court 41 Senator Kefauver 42 Still untouched 43 Sparks or Buntline 45 " Miserables" 43 AsonofSeth 47 Aboriginal Australian group S3- boy!" 52 Kind of skirt 53 Passages sunk into the earth 3 Po feeder 3 Oast SI Heron's kin 2 Goerir.g's greeting 3 Gear at the ; Grand Banks 64 5 C3 67 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Are you a Unitaflan-Univartallsl with out knowing it? Find out 11 a m. Sunday t tht Unitarian Church. 6300 A. Roommnta wanted for larg house on busiine. $100 plus utilities. 474-6007. Roommate wanted: not picky about gander: must be financially secure (I'm not going through this again!)!! Share 2 bedroom apartment. Central heatair. Garbage disposal, swimming pool, near East Campus, on bus routes. $150 month plus 12 utilities. Call Don at 46&-9761 between 2 & 10 p.m. weekdays. Open-minded, non-smoking female to share 2 bdroom apartment with fire place. $152 SOplus 12 utilities. Near East Campus. 467-3343. 464-1908. Available now. Malt roommate to share 3 bedroom duplex. $32 & 13 utilities 474-2608. Non-smoking, female roommata to shart apartment. $125 plus 12 utilities. 472-3532 between 1-5. TYPEWRITERS RENTAL-SALES-SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4138 Word Processing by VVordGraphic Resumes, term papers, Free PickupDelivery 467-5965 TYPING and grammatical expertise. 85tpage. double-spaced. 435-8734. Pregnant? BIRTHRIGHT it a confiden tial helping hand. 483-2609. TYPING $1.00 per page. IBM Selectric. 466-6551 Clove Cigarettes Cliff's 1200 'O' Street tiki' ;;' illt LOST: Gold Seiko watch, near stadium Mushroom Gardens Lot 22 between 6-6.30 p.m. on Monday. 22084. Call 476-5789, 435-7754. Reward. CROSSWORD PUZZLE Eted by EUGENE T. MALESXA 8 Gangster's Gladiator's milieu "Golden and girls...": Shak. Basic nature Warbucks DOWN Simians 0neofthe 'Little Women" Laughter sounds Norwegian ' king Begin again Reached Arnold, e.g. 9 City in Texas or Russia 10 Make difficult 11 Bay window 12 Gabriel Rossetti 13 Tailor 21 Treasure 25 Red (S African trees) 23 Instance 27 Chooses 23 Tiff 23 Third anniversaries 33 Start 35 Norse god of war , u h U Is 'i i Is l po" " 12 13 14 1 j 77 iTI JJ '-- 1 l-J ,24 25 26" 27" 29" 29" 30 """ j31 - 1,, "" i34 Li M 37 . i l!1"ZZZZ JlTZZiZ: 47- 4 ' f f n : sTU l T I K " i0 - 1 ? " j"iZZ rr1" """""" 4 j I, . Zi- i 33 ! ' "S j j I j I ! 1 I ' I I 1 Attention: Randy S. does not wany anyone to know that today is his birthday. So don't call 472-8206 and don't wish him a Happy Birthday. Julie B. Here's to burned out hftadlightt, your little white hat and fiowms In the gml. Have a happy B-Day. You'll always be my daisy. ' Friends always Mikt Congratulations to all those who suc cessfully completed Week on the Wagon. It's Party Pegnyt Happy Birthday Sister Peggy . . . Peg tor short. P&L&ALOTSI VD & JJ To the buttercup keeper Here's to: The Clayton House Smoke rings Taco Inn Firebush "She'll lick you anywhere for free!" The "broken" knee Are your hands cold? . Bruce's party "The Four Beer-ka-teers" Denny's Can I have your autograph? Drink, drank, drunk. Myrtle Memories Marked women "Bang your friends" Could you spray my pillows? 1-2-3 shift And Sent 'em up!! You're EXCELLENT! We love you!! Love, Your Hasem FIJI. Looking forward to tying ont on at the Mai Tie party! v . Love, Tht Kappas Edt, Weesie, Karebear, Sunshine, and Milly: You'll all the greatest! Thanks for the homecoming. Love ya, Christine P.S. This includes Jeff and Tim too! To the massive blonde in tht black pin striped coat, Happy Birthday cutiel Wow. how does it feel to be 22? Hope it feels as good as I feel with you. Lovaya! Rock, Happy 5th Anniversary ont day late! Love, Katt To the 2 guys playing frisbee in front of tht Union at 3: 1 5 on Wednesday: Sorry to run over your orange frisbee. Kelly iLynnt (Maroon Car) Kit. A. This weekend could have been funl Maybe next time good lookin. Handyman P.S. See you Thursday. gal 33 Wine : Comb form 37 Unci, dos, 33 Make-believe 43 Rosters 42 Venus and Mars 44 Singer Vic 47 Menotti hero 43" cockhorse . . ." 43 Loosened a knot 51 Farther along 54 Currier's companion 55 Taj Mahal site 53 Mr. Flintstone 57 Take care of 53 Collar gadget r Girl with long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes: You wera walking north on 1Cth a! 2:2Qon Wed , and I S'v,', T r "i f";;ct. Interested In meeting sometime? RVP Biown eyes, hair, and moustache GLAD THAT VOU'RI GLAD I'm sorry (a) I didn't make It to your party m Saturday and (b) that I'm lata answering your personal. I may be irres ponsible, but I could really love and respsct someone who'd lot me make it up to her with a pizza andor movie some time. If Interested, mynumber is 472 8U81. Raoul P.S. Your roommate has a nica voice. Kappa's, We hope you don't get knotted up look ing for Mai-Tie. The Fiji's Blondie. Happy 21 st B-day. By the way. I totaled up your bill and you owe me at least one case of Moet Et Chandon. (The Best!) Your Movie Star Kevin and Rocky (Harper 5) This Is your first of two warnings! Return personal Items stolen from us or ELSEI! Your Favorite "Poker" Players Gregg, Two years?! Why should I break the record?! Shorty 26000 . Impeccable taste in attire. Majority of assets currently invested but am willing to negotiate. RVP. Mr. X . , w I J I j,klivtf I buM OLD BOOKS A FEBRUARY SPECIAL ALL MEDICAL COOKS HALF PRICE 1822 N. Street "8:C0-1:CQ i-" r . fi mm -type-set, d't$tiircfKe TACCErJT V PrintingCopycenter 226 South! 6th 475-5000 v.i i.y I I I I I I I I T a n G pa Enjoy the sunny sida of Ufa 1120 "K" Strest 474-5355 BARRY'S i PHOTO LAB i Film Developing Specials FREE FILM with processing (bring j . this ad) 4 hour Service Open Sunday 56th & Hwy. 2 421-1545 Edgewood Shopping Center 0lM.lTS'" ilSjH' CIO IB IB PE'aTnU,? f KiC ?T B A f ll'r. H T Jf I0 UjP "A li . a ui pi alNjo fsT N E TAjfcI Elfitn TRjjsl!S ii:M DIaTl A U T.fcjy t'TTT, ;in IIH, kH ' otFfsiA III tTn rii,iT Tip Aluis'UjK' I TplS AW A X H AjF P7TNi I"?" Jit I R; oTn'ec " RlTlrolyu TjVy'irt sTtTe p eTnIP e l 5M7 rthr, t Kappas: . . Yellow ties & Red'" Green Ties & Blue Now you've got a Piece And we've gut one tuo. Good Luck, ThtFUis Tracy, . Happy 21st B-day. Aren't You Glad You'rt in Nebraska? ". , Love, Dan f ' I-) ! luJtA: O.JC FOOD- . Seats 130 . BREAKFAST o LUNCH COFFEE BREAK 1123 "R" ST. ' NEXT DOOR WEST OF NEBR. BOOKSTORE Continue at ; u NO LIMIT. Now through February 29th 13th & E 2133 N. 48th r Mir n' -; . " This Friday and Saturday night, beginning at 0 pm, we're caving away FREE Champagne to everyone who stops in to help us celebrate. 10 prn 1228 T" St. SUMMI Earn a guaranteed S3000 for the summer. Midwest Corporation has openings for the summer in the following communities: NEBRASKA Grand Island Fremont Alliance Hastings Hartington Norfolk Red Cloud Lincoln Omaha Kearney Madison Osceola Holdrege Nebraska City . Seward Lexington York Sioux City McCook Sidney St. Anton North Platte Scottsbluff Tekamah Ogallala Chadron Tecumseh Auburn Hyannis Wahoo Beatrice Broken Bow Wayne Bellevue Valentine West Point Blair Ord Columbus Kimball David City Bridgeport SCHOLARSHIPS AVAIABLE INTERVIEWS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28TH. EXECUTIVE INTERVIEWING ROOM, CLAYTON HOUSE 10th & O STREET 2PM,4PM&6PM ASK FOR MR. BAIR (NO PHONE CALLS ACCEPTED) Jerry B. Just wanted to wish you good luck running tomorrow. You've been a terrific friend, , Gloria P.R. ; Nous esperont que tu as un bon anni Versalre. Aver amour ' G. and C. JL VARIETY IN . c I FEB. SPECIAL 2 Fers On Drinks With A Friend Daily 24 PM Free Popcorn . r r i r' ri n f I 5 HAMBURGERS CHEESEBURGERS n m r "r? u Come join the fun! - LVlBnin'i - 476-1020 ERJOBS J