Tuesday, February 21, 1934 Pago 5 Daily Nebraskan pan n a ccoupoNsaa a a en ri 1 1 ii ii ir is - n. - n - " t - " DLv. Mim.r : Vrtmc I i im U FOOD g IT Union priorities wrong Many students are aware of the organizing drive aimed at making the local chapter of the AAUP the collective bargaining agent for UNL faculty. Their concerns are not without real merit: Anyone who pays even a little attention to the nuances of how business is handled with regard to faculty members rr.d faculty ideas knows that in the minds of far too many administrators, faculty members are employ ees in very nearly the same sense as file clerks with regard to decisions or policies of any importance. However, I do not believe that the problem of being regarded as employed objects by administra tive manipulators is going to be solved by unioniza tion. The experience of the UNO effort indicates that while token attention is given to matters of univer sity governance, quality of instruction and student welfare, the overwhelming attention is focused on three other issues: salaries, monetary renumeration and faculty fiscal compensation not so narrowly trained in on grubby bucks. However, an informa tional flyer has reached my mailbox today indicat-. ing that the feeling of the AAUP groups is that the three key indicators of interest are indeed salaries, monetyary renumeration and faculty fiscal com pensation. I fear that we are in that respect not different from UNO. The problems of governance who is in charge are indeed serious at this university and a great deal of education of administrators is in order before they will diminish. However, unionization with bucks first, second and third in priority is not the way to do it. Richard K. Boohar associate professor life sciences Statements erroneous The Feb. 16 edition of the Daily Nebraskan fea tured an article on the Nebraska Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. While I appre ciate the coverage afforded by your newspaper, I also feel compelled to comment on some statements contained within the article itself. What I question primarily is the use of strange quotes attributed to me which contain erroneous information. Moreover, these quotes may tend to portray the library in a negative manner. For instance, I was quoted as being critical of the library's small staff size, when actually the size of our staff approximates the number indicated in nation al standards for libraries of our type. Also, I was quoted as saying that volunteers do most of our work when it would be more accurate to say that volunteers are used to supplement the work of our staff. Rather than questioning the library's effective ness, I take pride in showing that our library's circu lation figures per patron are nearly twice that of similar libraries of our size. Our success in automat ing library procedures and in promoting the service are other indicators of effectiveness. The article contains several factual errors as well; for instance, neither Mr. Terry nor myself were given correct job titles. - I arn sympathetic with the difficulties involved in reporting on a statewide library program after only a 30-minute interview. I am also grateful that an alternative means exist whereby I may take excep tion to what I believe to be misunderstandings and misinformation. ' Dave Oertli, Director Nebraska Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped 'Are we hostages?' Are we all hostage to the banker? Does the banker own us via our car, home, farm, appliance, etc.? Do we exist at the pleasure of our friendly neighbor hood bank? Are all the banks really responsible for the failure of one bank and therefore the logical candidates to help out their own? Is Common wealth alone in its gretd or are all banks part of the same fabric? Should the state of Nebraska bail out Commonwealth and therefore have the taxpayer pay for thi; restoration of trust with eventual higher tax in some form, or should the banks of Lincoln stand together and do the right thing and protect their own? Each bank president knows the answer to this basic question and there must be a few, or at least one, with enough courage to admit complicity with the goof we all know as Commonwealth. In their silence, are not they, too, hostage? Donald A. Bercey Lincoln BREAKFAST II -i n :r: 0 Scats 130 z: o a. 8 LUNCH COFFEE BREAK n n 1123 "R" ST. NEXT DOOR WEST OF NEBR. BOOKSTORE LjaanaaccouporaciGana FEET SPECIAL BREAKFAST FOR $1.00 8.O0-930 M-F WITH THIS AD MICHAEL JACKSON DIANA ROSS GGc77P-n i i i b"dL3 UvJUC, 7DD . 'Letter Policy TheDailyNebraskan wel comes brief letters to the editor from all readers, and interested others. Letters will be selected for publication on the basis of clarity, originality, time liness and space availa ble. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit all material submitted. Anonymous submissions will not be considered for publication. Letters should include the author's name, year in school, major and VCSCliiY' nf? n . CS1 .IMiC::'" C3 pae:ic::3 lg'u u A I . :::;-a::-3 cv G2 .3 c? cue?. L t rr-ini: .T TI 71 ) , . v j , j , ..j . . - I: L, r L r : : r ' I-, r r g. ,-, y-yy : , , . . , ' ' y group affiliation, if any. Requests to withhold names from publication will not be granted. Submit material to the Daily Nebraskan, 34 Neb raska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68583-0448. re: o o o o o o o o . o o o . ( )' o o o o (I o o o it o l o o li o o o o ( o o o .4 o it It o a fi o it it it it it it ' it it it it it o o ( o it . o o o o n o a o it o o it it o it o 0 0 o o. it o - it 1 i t - . V J , "V ,4 Wednesday, February 22nd 8.00 pm Centennial Room Nebraska Union $150Student $2.00Gen. Public DOOR PRIZE WIN: ttA NIGHT ON THE TOWN" MARCH 6th Dinner for 2 at the Skylight Bistro 2 tickets to the Alvin Ailey Amerjcan Dance Theater UPCMPAC 14 DAYS K0nr.lAL Pn0'CSSS!K6 TIE FREE PARKIf4G NORTH OF BANK, 6 CLOCKS SOUTH OF THE STUDENT UNION! - . ... - : f 1 . . . f : -s " r , . r i L , : ' ' " City Bank & Trust Company cf Lincoln 14th end M Streets Phcns: 477-4431 Lincoln, Nebraska CZZZ3 V.zrr.tzr F.D.I.C O G -a O V. 0 0 o n it O O O O , o o it o o o o it it it it it it a ii it o it it it it ..it it it it o o 4 I i . it i. n o . it it i it it it it i t it 1 1 ' it i t it it it - i t i ti 'a i t it i o a it it ' O o o n o .( ; a y , o.. l' t ; i ?' - , v ' 'lit' J '-1 'X i