Thurcdsy, February 16, 1C34 Daily Nchrawkr.n Pc3 3 V, N.llUl P.llJ!.r. t'.lHIU M J 1 1 7 7 V, I i i f i 7 7 t I I 7 7 0; i I, 45 watts per channel C 71 Loudness contour , I I A8 speaker switching Mode! SX-303, List $240. u -.--. LW lALJ LmU uaJj uJ 1 1 fiuiiML : ' fAn 'i;,3 Am -r5 I !iLi:iJ..dBP SO watts par channel Station search tuning 10 AM10 FM preset Modd SX-60. List t600. & WD 45 win stereo amp ? tana mnnitfir A8 speaker (witching o7 Modal SA 620. List S2S3.95. Z Vcu'ro cr-D fc cava rr.sro C:an t'cu ever t..- ufM. r?f!j r:fv""" - Viiwvi4 1 tVitKatl cc.": o::::;t a 11:2 sror.G is sr.ic p.iikdi f.rtcrd Ch?b Vcrs Hu;cvl ,24 hour digital timer Timer onoff. Sleep timer Clock and second counter Modal DT-540. List $ 1 20. frS-51 uu BBSs I BBC a u-' : : fwT Z to Such Thta fts (1 7a Val7 SLb 0-rcL w - f V II iLJm I mJ 1 I rf t I 1 X ff T Tt t ... ik - V - ; w "l II l" Vi l7 33 watts of power per channel Station search tuning 8 AM3 FM station presets Model SX-40. List 9350. VA ln n I ... fs I . 7 Xfy: MIHI i'l3f;j :n 'Jir -r Semi automatic operation Belt drive mechanism Polymer graphite tonearm Model PLS-30. List $135. Fern C PSOiMEER Quartz PLL direct drive Fully automatic operation Front control operation Model PLS-50. List $200. l3SOrICER''p : "if Crsct Pcrfcre:s:K3l Cassette deck with Dolby S B Soft touch ooeration ' . v LED level meters V Model CT-10. List $185. U 7A I Cosy OpercL'snl r Auto Reverse Dolby?BC Music search CT-50R. List $370. 1 U-w X Double Speed Skip gprch Dolby" 3 CT-1040W. List $450 C3 - n n. ft. With auto tape replay Fast forward and rewind x;i )- speakers handle up to d.) watts ct power Model KP-2000TS-121. List $210. f.,JlffiJI StwFO CciSS3 fyf KjsesE'wSal 77, PIOWEER y7W He, Si!.!.! o O' .1 t -4 -lew-. 1- i up to 20 watts of power ""I y7 TS-121. List $210. U U. U M fM f -w f i-""S xV I lint a-w .i Wlal . 5 xg sr.v ----- P Locking fast forward and rewind Automatic tana eisct Speakers handle up to 20 watts of power ! ! L. 1 Model KP-5500TS-121. List $304. U LJ -1:1' 'AAA,n fsssr 1 LI'. T wwm. t x- .k. x Auto reverse cassette with Dolby P.'H a 5 12" speakers handle 20 watts of power - 6X3 maxxial 3-wey speakers handle up to B0 wafts of power Model &e-720QT$-121T3-eSQ5. List $660. if" rnei x? ) t3 Saoj fis Cc;h Oilh ftp srovsd , 3) Cfrrd Sn:-&!E- X XV ywA Fltrandng Kvcllabi. Visa ond RViKtrserd ftcctpted. Soma OsjofltRIss f,toy - Ltellad. AUDIO BFT.Sfi.E2 UF IKE V -J w.. 1323 "O" Street SSJ0?f:::3 CCr,T.l 7A n i 7A 1 . 4$7s. xvxVv.