Wednesday, January 25, 1S34 Daily Nebraskan Pag a 11 0 Rec Scoreboard (Sportsnsr--!? ritb-i in parentheses) lien's Dicketball Basketball (3.8) 55, Hosers (4.2) 53 Harper Seven L (3.3) 23, SeMeck 8200 (3.3) 25 Four Jerks and a Squirt (4.3) 41, Burr One West (4.3) 10 Gams Cocks (4.8) 42, Old Styta (4.3) 40 Burr Two West (4.0) 47. Harper Fiva (4.0) 23 Abel Eight (3.0) 43, Sellock 81 00 (3.3) 23 Abel Nino A (4.3) 65, Abel Seven A (4.3) 35 Burr Three West A (3.0) 52, Schramm Four A (3.3) 43 Harper Five A (3.0) 52, Abel Six A (3.3) 44 Abel Four A del. Schramm Two A by forfeit Abel Nine C (3.8) 27. Abel Three C (3.0) 25 Cather Thirteen B (4.3) 43, Schramm Eight B (4.0) 41 Csther Seven C (2.5) 41, Selleck 8100 C (2.8) 28 Selleck 7200 B (4.0) 53. Abel Ten B (4.0) 28 Cather Three C (3.3) 27, Harper Three C (3.0) 24 I Running Rebels A 67, Bugtussel A (4.0) 53 Sixers A (3.8) 42, Mark's Marvels A (3.8) 12 C.J. and Boys (4.0) 33, LXIXER'S B (4.3) 8 Alrballers B (3.5) 33. Firing Squad B (3.8) 33 Bucks B (4.3) 61, Holysmokers B (3.8) 41 Hoyas B (3.5) 53, Baker Street Irregulars B (3.8) 43 Blobs B (4.4) 45, Lova Brokers B (4.4) 30 Hosers A (3.0) 47, Reckdigs A (3.8) 39 Fraternities Phi Delt A (3.0) 43, Lambda Chi A (4.0) 37 Alpha Tau Omega A (4.0) 33, Phi Gamma Delta (4.0) 34 Beta Theta Pi A (4.3) 62. Sigma Chi 2A (4.3) 44 Crr-dlFry Scum of the Earth (3.8) 47, Spud Boys (3.8) 33 R Street (3.3) 33. Harper Nine (3.3) 32 Culture Center (3.8) 53, Hosers (4.0) 43 Vcnea's Esketbsll Smith Six (4.8) 17. Abel Ten (4.8) 10 Smith Seven (3.0) 19, Pound Eight (4.0) 17 Hooper Poopers (4.0) 45, Sandoz FiveRisky Business (4.0) 8 Smith Ten (4.3) 37. Hurtin' Units (4.8) 20 Animals (3.0) 43. Good Buds (3.3) 12 Abel Thirteen (4.0) 30. Sandoz Six (4.0) 12 ' v Co-HecVcSsybdl- " e ' AP5 and Company (4.8) def. Rick's Raiders (4.6) 15-10, 15-4 Legal Eagles I (2.0) def. Neihardt Staff (4.5) 5-15, 15-1. 15-6 Slug Jrs. (4.2) dsf. Cotoriams (4.2) 15-7, 15-2 Sandoz FourSelleck 7200 (3.0) def. Sudden Impact (3.5) 15-3, 16-6 Cather NinePound Nine (2.8) def. Beta Sig Buckhoms (3.3) 15-9,14-12 Schramm FourSmith Ten (4.8) def. Raymond II (3.8) 15-0, 15-0 SlugsSluggettes (4.3) def. Triangle (4.5) 15-8, 7-15. 15-2 Love TwoCather Ten (4.0) def. Smith EightSchramm Eight (3.3)15-11.15-10 Spiker"s Six (4.5) def. Guppies (4.8) 15-4, 11-15. 15-10 Ag. Econ. (4.0) def. Harper NineSmith Seven (4.3) 15-11,9-15, 15-5 Barely Legal (4.0) def. Food Science (4.0) 15-13, 7-15. 10-15 Easy Knights def. Sigma Nu by forfeit Cowling Ecst UrJcn Klrsn Keller High Men's game Joa Kreizinger, Gitaklews 195 High Men's series Scott Rezek, NEUBC High Women's game Holly Brown, Lucky Strikes 164 High Women's series Holly Brown, Lucky Strikes 453 Pia Founders High Men's game Dan Halstead, Gutter Balls 195 High Men's series Dava Taylor, Four-Niners 509 High Women's game Deb Rawhouser, Four-Niners 165 High Women's series Trina Pekas, Strikeouts 435 V7S tsn;n.. 1 ... n;u- n, Mawinatnrs Your COIIeue degree makss Air Force flight careers a reality. Goal oriented? Qualify far Officer Training School and become an officer in the world's finest flight program. Excellent pay, benefits and prestige. Only a limited number of these special opportunities remain. For more information, call: C2-471-C:31 Freshmen & Eopticmores: See AfRQTC Brown . . . Beating odds . Continued frera Vz"z 10 "I just think Kerry mougnt ne nad to be a n r j u uizlJ Continued from Vzz? 10 Despite moving on to Nebraska, Miller starter and had to be a still stays in close contact with Stem star," Brown said. meyer and the Wilber girls' basketball One of the other prob- team, lems Boagni had with the It's a lot different not being on the Kansas program was the team anymore, but in some ways I'm resignation of assistant even closer to them now "Miller said. "I Coach Jo Jo White. White really enjoy watching them play." had been under consid- Steinmeyer said that Miller has gone eration for the head as far as playing a game at 5: 15 in Lin coaching job after Ted coin and driving to Wilber in time to Owens was fired. watch her old teammates play. "Jo Jo and me were like One adjustment Miller has had to big brother and little make is getting used to playing against brother " Boagni said. "It taller opponents. Miller said she was upset me and I was deeply always the tallest player in high school, hurt. It left a scar that DUt at Nebraska Miller b often two to will never go away. He'd three inches shorter than the oppos- always been there for me mS center. Hill said Miller has adjusted and all of the sudden, to the disadvantage by playing her "bam he was gone." own game. BothBrownandBoagni handles it (the height disad; said they hold no animos- ntas) Plying stefy.?e ity toward one another. Hm said She knows her Nations Both said they'd like to see the other succeed. "I have nothing but good thoughts about Kerry," Brown said. "I dont have anything against Coach Brown, Boagni said. "I made the decision I made for me. They're (Kansas) going to be great. IVe got a lot of friends on the team and I want them to do welL" Brown said the loss of Boagni was not the only significant one to the Kansas program. Season assist leader Hunter failed to reach the required grade point average to maintain his athletic eligi bility. "Losing Cedric was a real blow," Brown said. "He was making great strides as a player.. He fit into the system extremely welt" Brown said Hunter is in school and should be eligible next season. The return of Hunter could be a key to a successful season next year for the Jayhawks, Brown said. Brown spent two sea sons at UCLA prior to moving on to the New Jersey Nets of the National Basketball Association. He moved to the Kansas post last April after guiding the Nets to the NBA play offs. Brown said he enjoy ed most his experience at UCLA. "It took me awhile to get things together at UCLA," Brown said. "One advantage I had there that I don't have here is that the kids at UCLA believe they can win. Our kids here doubt themselves. They haven't had a lot of success." and she's very cool-headed on the court. That's rare for a freshman." Although Steinmeyer and Hill believe Miller has a lot of potential, she's taken a humble approach to her game. When told that Steinmeyer predicted shell eventually make the All-Big Eight team, Miller simply laughed and said, "IVe got a lot to learn." "The thing about Angle is that she doesn't know how good she's going to be," Steinmeyer said. "But shell still try to be the best." Another adjustment Miller has had to deal with is the demand basketball and academics have made on her time. "I really don't have much time for anything but basketball and studying," Miller said. "Having to do both makes you learn discipline. You know when youVe got to study." While Miller has made a big impact on Nebraska's women's basketball team, it doesn't equal the mark she made on the town of Wilber. 111 gf4 I v i par America's greatest hero has a new theory on fast delivery. To test it, call: ON CAMPUS: DOWNTOWN: M I WW fl Mil t aw. 3) 12 lb. bag of ripple chips with deliveries of $10 or more. 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