The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 16, 1984, Page Page 17, Image 17
Monday, January 10 1934 Daily Nebrakan Pegs 17 Blockers indebted to the black community "Rockets, lloonshols. Spend it on the have riots. Money, v3 make it - . . . -Before we spend it, you take it. . " "Inner City Blues" . Marvin Gay e ' Graduating seniors Irving Fryar, Turner Gill and Mil.o Rozier have left behind a legend and a. legacy that Stelly Nebraska will remember for a long time to come. For thlj tc.!cnted trio, life ha3 truly just bejun. Each will inevitably sign multi-minion dollar contracts and con tribute to some professional sports team. In llht cf this success, both past and future, this piece is written to pro vide some social and political insight as to hov these three great black men can help to make the black community even greater. The incomparable Turner Gill has had the sort cf athletic career of which dreams are made. In his first start against Colorado, the two-time All-Big Eight quarterback set a school record, tossing four touchdown passes. Besides being this year's team co-captain and the most valuable player cf the 1033 Orange Bowl, Gill amassed another amazing statistic: the Husto r games and lost only two when he started as quarterback. Not too shabby. However, his courage and persever ance transcended throwing and run ning for touchdowns. What about the comeback he made after being injured in the 1081 game against Iowa State? What about his comeback after the shot" he took from Missouri's Randy Jostcs in 1082? Such determination is the mark of a true champion, and this kind of intestinal fortitude will enable Gill to sign a big-money contract, either m professional baseball or football (if there is a team willing to start a black man at quarterback). Then there is Irving Fryar, who some know as "Whiff." The senior wingback from Mount Holly, NJ., garnered All American honors and i3 a sure bet to "turn it out" once he reaches the pro fessional ranks. Even with his individual athletic ability, Fryar still heeded those around hniuvho cared enough to lend a help ing hand. Two such individuals, team mate Ricky Simmons and .assistant Coach Frank Solich helped keep the energetic superstar in line and enabled him to overcome homesickness. The young man who once ran with the G Town Gang (the "G" stands for ghetto) has promised that he will come back to Nebraska to make sure that his host family remembers him. Finally, Mike Rozier. Comedian Bob Hope prophetically said Rozier was OPEN TO PUBLIC WAMOUSESME Maw Reconditioned FURNITURE-APPLIANCES Used Factory Seconds Abandoned 10 Discount to UNL students and fatuity-" novv till March 1 v i OPEN 10am to 7 pm :: 7days F.. Q. WAREHOUSE : ::: 4333 N 6ist:i-?k Desk $20 . Lamps S3 Sofa $35 Stereos $50 Dressers $45 Dinettes $20 Bookcases $15 Bunk Deis $50 Sofa Sleepers $20 , Refrigerators $50 Bars and Stools $50 Chest of Drivers $29 Occassional Chsirs $8 Washers and Driers $50 Color and B & W TV's $20 Twin and Re;ukr Beds $25 ' lCSTs of Miscellaneous Prices listed er starting prices nd will nx q ffavclock POSt OlXC vary with inventory ' - - iters! Welcome back'- Cornhus w Come in and enjoy a FREE cup of coffee to celebrate our new opening hours. (You must show your university ID.) Offer good from 8:00 am until 10 am. each weekday NEW lunch special! Hot Dogs 4$L00 GAMES -V GAMES V GAMES GAMES Track and Field is here along with many other favorites. Mach 4 and Cliff Hanger are coming soon. TOKENS 6$100 ; re 1 ,JH .H,fs. f. (n n VS.J J mm 1 : "Heisman spelled backwards." Having collected' more trophies and plaques than a backstrect pawn shop, Rozier recently signed with the Pittsburgh Maulers of the USFL for $3 million, with a third of it "up front." A very team-oriented individual (like Gill and Fryar), Rozier's interest in those less fortunate can be seen In his concern for disadvantaged and handi capped children. Rozier wasn't too big a superstar to give a towel to a 7-year-old fan from Carter Lake, Iowa, after the lluskers dogged Syracuse, 63-7. These three athletes have paid their dues and are now on their way to reap ing the kind of financial benefits that befall individuals with their kind of talent. However, in case they are in search of direction or potential tax shelters, let me offer the following: In the first place, all three are fortu nate enough to come from strong, supportive family backgrounds. Regardless of this, however, a basic fact for all three to accept Is that they are from black communities. Not neces sarily ghettos but black communi ties nonetheless, in light of this, pro fessed concern for the disadvantaged should begin right in their own back yard. What could be a bigger disadvan tage than growing up in a society where mere skin pigmentation can label you for life? Therefore, one area that certainly needs attention is the context to which these three owe their existence in this case, the black community. Continued on Pans 18 r r VljII GLXM8 IN THE NEBRASKA EAST UNION NORTH 40 LEAGUE KINGPIN KEGLER (Need 1 Team) PIN POUNDERS (Need 2 Teams) STRIKE N' SPARE (Need 6 Teams) NITE OWLS (Need 6 Teams) GUTTER DUSTERS (Need 3 Teams) 5050 MIXED (Need 2 Teams) STARTING DATE AND TIME Mondav, January 23, 6:00 P.M. Monday, January 23, 8:00 P.M. Tuesday, January 24, 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, January 25, 7:30 P.M. Thursday, January 20 5:30 P.M. Thursday, January 26, 7:30 P.M. Each League Consists of 6 Teams-4 Persons Per Team. Teams and Individuals Must Preregister and Pickup A Copy Of League Rules At The North 40 Desk Students, Faculty, Staff, And Friends Are Eligible. For More Information Contact: North 40-472-175T Or; iRay-472-1776 East Campus 472-1776 1 h . V I (NEED: I ilovi i,ARi.,nu'jRd I DMOV.slindihin ' 1 tjhk'spoon MARdAHJNI: '. lb (iRl)l M) Ml 1 1 .. I j.matl ( 8 ) can IU )l I Kl RM.I. ( ( R I (H i ) ian It )MA I AI ( -SAiT WPHFR uiUMi ... spijh iio'I"ia:osau: ' ,; STEP It In skilk'i, on nHdiuni Iu ji. ciKk union and garlic in margarine (ill gokk n - - STEP t AUU KnninU txcf Sir & iiKk till bed ho pink color . STEP is Stir in lonutoo. corn, laco since & m joinings RiiIikc neat lo kmvM heal invr anil ciKik ID min. lootnotc ( nim h up lorulla chips and sprinkle on lop jiw before' eaiin)( - DEEF IESICAHA 1 TO a SERVINGS , aTaiE SKILLET WITH LID TOP OF STOVE i - MEDIUM HEAT ... i ' ! i. 1 J! f I 40 $5.00 S L 14 Q