The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 16, 1984, Page Page 15, Image 15

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    Monday, January 10, 1C34
Daily Nebrsskan
P. 22 J 15
Reflections from a hot tub
ByChrbtephcrBurbrich drinkf
Hot water whirled around Tim's That was just swell."
ankles, steam forced its way up bh Oh. Tee hee. Bbbbbbbbbbbbbb."
nostrils, Am apumanti trickled down Aren't you going to ask me what IVe
jus taoputua auu iuicK j agger s voice Bot me answer tor
n lJ- . I urr". i
wailed on hi.i eardrums.
Tim, dear, what have vmi c-At tho
answer to?"
The ultimate question."
"Oh. Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb."
"AaaaauuuughhhhhhhrTim was au
dibly distressed. "Dogjone it, Esmer
"&;t, I think IVe rot it theuit.irnntfnAKsin o,.., ...
Got what?, asKed Esmerelda as she mg raotorboat. Listen, I can hear it in
tiptoed hz ck jdnst the far wall of the every song, read it in every book, see it
dressbs room, in every painting. IVe even smelled it in
Tlie cr.- .vcr!" a burrito. It's been revealed to me. The
"Oh. Sis sighed and rcapproached whole world, no, the entire universe
the tub, stopped at the edge and revolves around four words sung by
screanisd, "ELEEEX, what's that?" the immortal Mick Jagger."
"Wherer Esmerelda burbled something that
J, u V did" sound at all like, "which four
"Which corner? words?"
That corner." Tim was undaunted. "Love, it's a
Tim sav ncthlr.g in the corner, but bitch. Don't you see it? It's sort of like
he heard a r.ct-too-dainty splash in the Yin-Yang, a coexistence of com-
Esmerelda s direction, where her towel plete opposites. An overprofusion of
now lay vacant either Yin or Yang, love or bitch, sets
Trobatlyjuctasweil, Tim muttered the universe and all its inhabitants on
"Whabltt?" asked Esmerelda, who their ears. What do you think, darling?"
was pkying motorboat in the steamy "Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb."
Readers input
sought, heeded
The Arts and Enter
tainment section wel
comes all comments and
criticisms from interested
readers. Address corres
pondence to Arts and En
tertainment Editor, 34 Ne
braska Union, Lincoln,
Neb., 6S5C3.
Letters are Edscted for
publication on the basis
of clarity, originality and
In addition to criticisms,
the Arts and Entertain
ment paga welcomes story
ideas from its readers.
Suggestions also should
be sent to the Arts and
Entertainment editor.
Heineken (light or cltvrk)
Dos Equis
6-9 p.m.
Thurv 19th: Paul Phillips: I n. 2();h: McCiuffin
Lower Level Atrium
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D - - c::d fck::ly 13 p STriET lcmti::i
n I his is a coupon x " U
East Park Pla2a Mall-Food Village U
66th & O 464-6261 s
Tuxedos by Max lAWker '
. . .a class act.
M ;
V t I
and Co-Sponsors invite you
to attend their
it'M;a .))
4ft r. AWT. i j
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on Tuesday the 24th of January
at seven o'cloclr in tli2 evening
at Pershing Auditorium
Pick up your KFOR Bridal Forum invitations at:
Ben Simon's, Atrium and Gateway
Russ's IGA Stores-, 66th & "O", 17th and Washington, 27th and Highway 2
Sampson's Floral, Winthrop Road and Ryons
Special Moments, 1344 "N"
Compu-Fhone, Lie, 70th and "A"
Orvi'le Friesen Fhotography, 5420 Canterbury Lane
Sartor Hamann Jewelry, 1 1 50 "0" and Gateway
Lincoln Tent and Awning, 3900 Cornhusker
Boomer's Printing, 1212 "O"
United Rent Alls, 710 North 48th
Friedman's Microwave Ovens, 245 South 70th
El Toro Roffler Family Hair Center, 203 North 13th
Kep Harding's Sport Shops, 1332 "P" and Gateway
T & T. Video, 217 North 14th
70th and Van Dorn Liquor, 70th and Van Dcra " '
Classic Wood Furniture, 1325 "O"
Kevins Meadovvlane Pharmacy, 70th and Vine
KFOR Radio. 825 Stuart Building
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5 i