The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 16, 1983, Page Page 15, Image 15
Friday, December 16, 1C83 Daily Nebraskan Pago 15 Late and early birds flock to Stormie's tyCizvU:: Although Etormis's Kitchen, 1E23 0 St., opened its docrcs threeycars Ego, the nht time cale indirectly received its name 36 years ago. Bob Von Busch, port owner and fry cook, said the restaurant v.c.3 named after his wife, who was nicknamed Stormy by her family doctor. "She was born during a hell of a storm," Von Busch sail By the time meet people ere getting ready for bed, Stormia's b juct opening its doors for the "Nfcht Ov. Ij r.nd Early Birds," according to the ' yellow neon sign that hangs along 0 Street outside the cafe. Stormie's is open Monday morning from 5 a.m. to 1 p.n., Monday through Thursday even-, ing from 1 1 p.m. to 1 p.m., Fridays 1 1 p.m. to 1 1 a.m., and Saturdays from 1 1 p.m. to 5 am. Von Busch said he never has considered opening Stormie's during more conventional hours. He believes there are more people who need a place to eat at night. The fact that Lincoln is a university town contributes to the restuarant's late-night crowd. The bulk of Stormie's' customers are stu dents and the "working class," Von Busch said. He also noted that business definitely picks up during final and midterm examination periods. However, Von Busch said he believes newer students are not aware of Stormie's and he has noticed a slight decrease in business. Many of Von,Busch's student regulars recently grad uated. Regulars make up a good part of Stormie's customers. Many people always come at a cer tain time of the night. For instance, many bar owners and workers come after the bars have closed, Von Busch said. Most meals at Stormie's range in price from $1.50 to $4.50. Von Buschsaidhe likes to keep the prices down to where everyone can afford them, unlike the other restaurants along 0 Street that stay open during the night. Most of the meals Von Busch cooks are breakfast items, but the hamburgers also are popular, including the house specialty, "The Belt Buster" hamburger. f Von Busch describes The Belt; Buster" as 10.5 ounces of Grade A ground round, spiced with its own seasoning and served with "any thing you want on it." The best way to describe it is for you to come on down and eat it," Von Busch said. Don't Hide Share A Ride. Call 471 -POOL ! i- c4 Dessert Lover's delight Delicious desserts to delight your senses. Mouth watering tarts, creamy cheesecakes, and freshly ground coffees. Enjoy your favorite dessert in mir riininn room or take it with you to savor at home. ; Mon.-Wed. 11 am 9 pm Thurs.-Sat 11 am-12pm 222 South 13th Street. (402) 476-7222 : DENSA for intellectually indigent , DEN3A Isnt just a joke. Founder Steve Price genuinely wants to change the elitist attitude some have toward IQ. He is also making satiric war on MENSA the club for the conspicuously brainy. BHN3A - Diversely Educated but Not Seriously Affected, in case you were wondering is like the Institutions it lampoons. It requires a strictly de fined entrance exam. However, doffed reportorial investigation has unearthed some DQ (density quo tient) tests: Fill the bathtub to the rim with water. If you are able to displace any water when you get in the tub, then you are dense enough for DENSA. . Which docs not belong with the others: (a) dada (b) abstract realism (c) cubism (d) mama. How long does it take the average person to run the gamut? . Define universe. Give two examples. People can't study for the DENSA test ; "Originally there was no test Then a woman wrote in that she couldn't join an organization that didnt have a test," Price said. "She suggested the bathtub test as the first DQ test, now there are more than 200 DQ tests. "We try to keep anxiety levels down. Our members would rather be dense than tense," Price said. The test also lacks an answer section. Price said that is "to avoid cheating and because there is no one answer to many things in the universe." DENSA members also tend to see things in non-standard ways, he said. "Alfred Binet originally designed it (the IQ test) to look for learning disabilities in children," Price said. When it came to America it went Hollywood: everyone had to have a higher IQ than the next person." Price took the name of the organization from the Latin word densus meaning thick with leaves and full of potential "What we're trying to do with DENSA is to say that a mind cant be equated with a memory," Price said. Interested parties can receive the DQ test and DENSA newsletter to DENSA, PO. Box 214333, Dallas 75221. rr Stop In and get your free Pentel Rolling Writer. We stock Cross, Parker, Pentel, Pilot and other fine pens, pencils and accessories including many Fountain Pens .and Calligraphy I if Ion's Cc7 , 1 : j Him Garden Level Douglas III Eldg. 210 N. 13th St. 474-3435 iaai ring this cd end rccciuo a 20 discount on your purchoso. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o n p- r r o LJ LJ LJ 1 .. 3 X FRIDAY & SATURDAY 13th & "O" ONLY OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I : folders and more Ifciii Hazel "1 r !. Z : : !.i Url: .i C:.- r f 1 4T: C11::