Thursday, December 15, 1833 Daily Nebraskan Page 17 Silly artists, Treflon men a year's injustice on parade All good thing3 must come to an end. Everything put together falls apart. Easy come, easy go. The last column of another semes ter, another year, i3 traditionally a chance to reflect, sum up, and make your thank-yous. Being the devout tradionalist I am, I think IH just babble. Like Andy Rooney or maybe Paul Harvey. Billy Shaffer I don't like a lot of things. (See? just like Andy Kooney!) I don't like the way that banality and confor mity are rewarded and true creativ ity is frowned upon. It happens in music when groups like Judas Priest are ziilionaires and Robert Fripp gets a van and a couple grand for a national tour, if that. It happens in art when someone like Dan Howard wins another purchase award for something that has for its main attributes being "pleasing on the eyes" or just plain silly, and non traditional artists continue to scrape to survive. It happens in dance when people pay millions for "Flashdance" and the real dancers are the guys "breakin' " in the street. I don't like leaky Bics and weak Xerox machines. I don't like cover charges that are called "donations" and bus drivers that prey on bicy clists. Not being able to afford cable, I see a lot of commercials. I hate it when they run the same one twice in a row, and during planting season I've dreamed of putting out a con tract on the Treflon" man. I dont like houses that smell like cats (a pet peeve). And speaking of houses, I think landlords should have X's tattooed on their foreheads and be forced to wear coats made out of shag carpeting. I find most bodily functions rather disgusting. People who slurp their coffee can either die or move to Kearney, as far as I'm concerned. Concerts and movies should never be made more than two hours, and most should be considerably less. I hate it when people laugh too loud, long, or easily, and if someone throws something at me it had bet ter be either lethal or a pack of matches. I don't like people who are 100 percent honest or poor liars. And you can throw people that use words like "ambiance" and "intelligentsia" into a hole and fill it up, too. Just to keep from coming off as a real Scrooge, there are a few things I do like I like it when someone else slips and falls on the ice. I like lop sided victories. I like to listen to people who can type really fast. I like to make my cat beg for her food. I like to open doors for little old ladies. I like to ring doorbells and run. I like old TV shows and new music. Enough of the babble. Now for the thank-yous. I'd like to thank my edi tor for excusing deadlines and pay ing me such huge sums for so little work. Thanks to my staff of secre taries for their countless romps around the desk and their good cof fee. And thanks to you, my faithful readers, for the hundreds of letters I've received praising my excellent journalistic skills. After a semester of (purportedly) covering the Lincoln art scene, it appears that there still is one. Keep those eyes peeled, all you "art cops," and have a merry Christmas. - - Cards Cz Letters IX Factory slur Mi Willcox's article in the Daily Nebraskan "Another unpleasant sur prise from NBC," Dec. 1 3) rankled me. Overall, I found the article quite agreeable. But the slur about factory workers was uncalled for. After his put down of uneducated factory workers, he went on to say that he found it lift ing to hear news about jogging turkeys and about Iggy the Pig's her nia. I think maybe the real difference between factory workers and Wil Icox is that they watch the news to become in formed and he watches the news to be enter tained. He said as much; Eddie L Vaughn Lincoln Brighten your style for the holidays with Hair Sculpture Art Hair Art Ltd. NORTH EAST 2441 N. 48th 301 S. 70th 464-8223 4S3-2964 HIT FAMILY HAIR CENTER THE CUT YOU KEEP a BLUES TorJieim the RGCKirr, Rim OF PIHW MACK and the BICESSNES $1.50 COVER FRI. & SAT. From KANSAS CITY THE BON-TON BAND "SOUL ACCORDIAN BLUES" YOU'LL DANCE YOUR SHOES OFF 94:00 $2.50 COVER TI!E ZOO BOR i36fkKth Student film competition announced The Academy of Mo tion Picture Arts and Sciences and the Acad emy Foundation has an nounced its 1 1th Annual Student Film Awards com petition, according to Elaine Richard, program coordinator. The Student Film Awards were established to recognize and encour age outstanding achieve ment in film production by college and university students. Students from Nebras ka are eligible to enter an 11-state regional compe tition. Cash grants and trophies will be awarded for outstanding achieve ment in four categories: animation, documen tary, dramatic and ex perimental film. To be eligible, films must have been com pleted after April 1, 1983, in a student-teacher class room relationship within the curriculum of an accredited school After the regional se lections are made, semi finalists will compete against films chosen in the six other regions. They will be judged by the Motion Picture Aca demy's voting member ship. Winners will be flown to Los Angeles for a June 10, 1984, ceremony. For more detail on how to enter in the re gional contest, contact Dan Ladely, director of the Sheldon Film Thea tre, 472-2481. TREAT YOURSELF OR A FRIEND T:f I do;;ja su::; ' r-ssr hard fox UC T v l,. r " 3 : - mtri- nHA PolyGram Records f ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK jTA.wm- RETURNtifEDI PRICES GOOD THRU 1218 217 N. 11th 477-dCSI i "I R ECO R D 5 East Park Plaza 464-8275 U F I 5 open till 9