Pago 16 Daily Ncbraskan Thursday, December 15, 1933 Clydes5 passed! out to Taes; amd! wanrsii; An (9 tots tk Ansfysb by Mike Frost Well, the votes are in and it is time to announce the big winners (and losers) for the first Clyde Bruckman Awards. Votes were accepted from Nov. 17 through Dec. 9 and less than 100 responses were received. However, that is not bad considering this was the first time out. Without any further ado, here are the winners and runners-up for the coveted award named for the director of many Buster Keaton silent movies. Best Performance by an Actor or Actress: Runners-up: A three-way tie between William Hurt in "The Big Chill," Jessica Lunge in Trances" and Mel Gibson in "A Year of Living Dangerously." Winner: Shirley MacLaine in "Terms of Endear ment." Worst performance by an actor or actress Runner-up: John Travolta in "Staying Alive." Winner: Christie Brinkley in "Vacation." Best Movie in 18S3 Runner-up: "The Year of Living Dangerously." Winner: "The BigChilL" Worst Movie Runner-up: "Staying Alive." Winner. "Flashdance." Best Television Show Runner-up: "Cheers." Winner: "Hill Street Blues." Worst Television Series Runner-up: "Square Pegs." Winner: "Dukes of Hazzard." Best Album Runner-up: Michael Jackson, Thriller. Winner: The Police, Synchonicity. Worst Album Runner-up: Styx, Kilroy Was Here. Winner: Def Lepperd, Pyromania. Best Pop Group or Singer Runner-up: The Police. Winner: Spandau Ballet. Worst Group or Singer Runner-up: Bonnie Tyler. Winner: Quiet Riot. Best Black Performer. Runners-up: A tie between Lionel Richie and Michael Jackson. Winner: Prince. Best Jazz Performance Runner-up: Chuck Mangione. Winner: Miles Davis. Best Country Music Performer Runner-up: Emmylou Harris. Winner: Willie Nelson. Local Band Runner-up: A three-way tie between The Click, Cost of Living and Justin Morgan. Winner: Charlie Burton and the CutOuts. Best Concert in an Auditorium Runners-up: A tie between Lionel Richie in the Bob Devaney Sports Center, and Tom Petty in Omaha's Civic Auditorium. Winner: Stray Cats in Omaha's Civic Auditorium. Best Concert in a club or bar Runner-up: The Romantics at the Royal Grove. Winner: Johnny Reno and the Sax Maniacs at the Zoo Bar. After any good awards show comes the analysis. Here, then, are some observations on how the voting went. Perhaps most striking was the number of "worsts" the Clydes electorate came up with, as opposed to the "bests." For example, 15 nominations were received for best movie. There were 25 nominations for the worst one. There were 20 nominations for best television series, but the worst series category received 30 nominations. 12 individuals were nominated for best actor or actress, 27 received citations for worst acting. By far, "The Big Chill" was the most popular winner. Most category champions won by a handful of votes, yet "The Big Chill" received three times the number of votes as its nearest competitor, "The Year of Living Dangeroush." The closest competition was the best pop group or singer. Spandau Ballet won that category by a mere half a vote. The Police came in second place, just a half a vote ahead of David Bowie. Nearly 20 groups received nominations for best local band. What's interesting here is the most popular local group, Charlie Burton and the CutOuts, was a distant fourth for best performance in a nightclub or bar. In the nobodys-perfect category, best movie "The Big Chill" received two votes for worst movie. "Hill Street Blues," the most popular television series, also received two votes for worst series. And, in the "It's Never Too Late for A Comeback" department, Ronald Reagan received two votes as best performance by an actor. Clyde Bruckman would have been proud. vi ,. y. y . if "" ' V """" '7 . Hi Ay; s " " " - i 4 is r v J the pouce m k, I r rr rrrr r 'H;. " Jy- . f V - i . 7 t7 ' ' , j' .! i Photos courtsty Stuart Theatre, Columbia Pictures, A&M Records and Daily Nebraskan f!!a photos. Some of the Clyde Awards winners (Counter-clockwise from upper left): Shirley MacLaine (with Danny DeVito), Charlie Burton, the cast of "The Big CLiH," Willie Nelson and The Policed Synchronicity. The Clydes brazen review Today will go down in history as the day the Clyde Bruckman Awards brazenly proclaimed the winners and losers in the entertainment world of 1983. Here is our commentary on some of the winners (Jeff in italicized, Chris in plain and peanut): Chris Welsch Jeff Goodwin Best movie "The Big ChilL" An alright movie, intellectually stimulating, but tketitlewasmisteading.Itnevergotcold. . I agree. ; Worst movie "Flashdance." It wasn 't a great movie; not even a good one, but it was far from the worst I voted for "Tough Enough" as worst and I stand by that. Ugh. ;:. V' Worst TV program. his afar greater honor to be named worst televi sion program that it is to be named best, because there is such a wide and eoctensive field of bad programs. The "Dukes of Hazzard " must really be bad to have won. I agree. Best Actress Shirley MacLaine. ' - She's a locaXfavorite. -ChwckJagoda voted twenty times for her. Bob Kerrey voted 15 times for Deb Winger. This was a set up. Shirley Booth easily should win for her performances in the reruns of "Hazel" I havent seen it. Worst Actress Christie Brinkley. This woman is beautiful, but terrible. She cant dance, shecantsing, and she can Y act Zcave Chris tie for the Cover Girl ads. It's all a misnomer. Brinkley isnt an actress, she's a looker. Grunt Best Album Synchronicity. I'll never forget the first time I heard "Every Breath You Take. " was riding along the ocean near Huntington Beach, Calif. It was a beautiful day. I was speechless, just like I am now. 1 Yes. Worst Album Pyromania. I haven 't heard this album, but some of the tracks sound laud, boring and uninventive, like our column today. After listening to this album you '11 probably turn into a pyromaniac, and start with the album. (Or the column!!) : . Yea Best Group Spandau Ballet. Sorry folks, this is a bad choice. This is just another one of those nambie pambie, ernis and andy groups that no one will hear from again. They Ye The Carpenters of the '80s. A very merry holiday season to all of you out there in entertainment land. Well be back next semester and better than ever. Please send story ideas. Please!