Pi?S0 6 Daily Ncbrcskan Thursday, December 15, 1033 'S USA ' Letters rav w w hp w ) ' f m urn y m -l ' -4 ,J -1 i ,7 j t L t .-T- ."N N. 1 fi rV.l Cn 10) 1?!. (Jtluf. II lift) llftjfcs '.r IN' H .. IUf U litf Motives questionable Clergy must obey laws H 1 4 4 I would like to add some things to Eric Peterson's column (Daily Nebraskan, Dec. 9). I have checked numerous books on teacher certification and it seems that almost aH states do require teacher cer tification. The Nebraska Supreme Court found that the current law was not unreasonable to the Rev. Sileven's beliefs. I would like some answers from Sileven. Is it impossible for a teacher of his faith who could meet certification requirements to be found? Why does his particular group of people feel they do not want certification? Is the implication being made that there is something immoral about the law and even the entire state? How does teacher certification contradict the scriptures? I am skeptical of their situation. I can see a movie of the week or the next national bestseller looming here and I dont like it It makes me wonder about the true motives behind these minsters and the groups they are asso ciated with. I am not sure their ideals are as good as they would have us believe. Dale Hayer senior English -o, f f f , f- "" " i ft ml ti t t 'a I fi 1 fi 'iJ 4l I lltriWrriai Timely Gifts from Sartor Mamann 4 R M Editorial Policy 25 to 50 Off Entire Watch Selection, Including Seiko, Bulova, Caravelle, and Pulsar Watches (Rolex not included). A DOWNTOWN HSO'OV v GATEWAY Enclosed Mall Unsigned editorials re present official policy of the fall 1983 Daily Ne braskan. They are writ ten by this semester's editor in chief, Larry Sparks. Other staff members will write editorials throughout the semes ter. They will carry the author's name after the final sentence. Editorials' do not ne cessarily reflect the views of the university, its em ployees or the NU Board of Regents. The Daily Nebraskan's publishers are the re gents, who established the UNL Publications Board to supervise the daily production of the newspaper. According to policy set by the regents, the con tent of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its student editors. Country Kettle Presents '0 n u u u - Tyoo.-Thuro. 11 a.m.-G q.ih. wm mm .in II I El Quarter lb. Burger Quarter lb. With Fries Coke or Mr. Fibb Giant Sweet Rolls Bottled B Good Dec. 15 4917 Holdrege 46S-1659 Hours: M-T-VV-Th6a.m.-2a.m. Fri.-Sat. 24 hrs. Hurray for Bill Allen. He finally found a subject to talk about that I agree with. I'm referring to his editorial on the Faith Christian School in Louisville (Daily Nebraskan, Dec. 2). Why some people think they're above the law 111 never know. These schools claim that their students receive higher scores on tests equivalent to tests taken in public schools. Therefore their teachers must be doing a good job. If this is the fact, then why dont these teachers just go get certified. I'm sure theyll have no problems at all receiving their certification, iftheyresogood. I'm in full support of the law that all teachers must be certified. Those parents of the Faith Chris tian School children should have been irate at the school for allowing uncertified teachers to teach their children. Instead they let their beliefs blind them into supporting their minister instead of their child's future. Darren Theesen freshman College of Business Adminstration Election sites practical As a faculty member of the AUN Electoral Commission, I have been surprised (perhaps naively) to see the recent Electoral Commission decision on polling places turned into a Greek Residence Hall Association "war". Perhaps the following information will clarify a few matters raised in recent days. 1. The decision to reduce the number of polling places was motivated by reasons of practicality, economics and efficient operation of the election. 2. After our review of past election history, we found no correlation between the number of polling sites and the number of votes cast In fact, in the past decade or so, the largest number of votes were cast in an ASUN election with only two polling sites. 3. Most UNL students live neither in Greek houses nor in residence halls. 4. On Wednesday, March 14, we presume most students will be on campus for class, necessitating no great effort to stop at one of the unions to vote. 5. Matt Wallace, ASUN president and, I believe, a fraternity member, vigorously opposed the change adopted by the Electoral Commission. My personal view is that the RHA-Greek in ferences drawn from this decision are wholly in appropriate and irrelevant to the issue. Two "neutral" polling sites have been designated, ac cessible to all students. Given that decision, I hope students will wage election campaigns which at tract sufficient interest in cause those two polling sites to be fully utilized. Jerry LPetr associate professor economics, ASUN Electoral Commissioner RHA input needed The dispute between RHA and ASUN regarding the residence hall polling places is becoming more and more intense, despite the good wishes of David Spencer, ASUN Electoral Commission director, and Bob Wok, RHA president In Spencer's letter (Daily Nebraskan, Dec 13) he mentions that this past summer his commission met with Wolz and decided to have a representative of RHA sit in on all Electoral Commission meetings. If that is true, however, Wolz failed to teU the RHA Executive Committee or the RHA Council about that meeting, and by Ids neglect the post was left unfilled. Had RHA been represented on the ASUN Electoral Commission perhaps such an idiotic decision regarding the polling places would not have been rendered. If Spencer still wants an RHA representative at his meetings, I am more than willing to serve in that capacity. It may be too late to resolve the polling place dispute fairly, but in the future hall residents must have a voice on the ASUN Electoral Com mission. GaryAurand chairman RHA Election ion Fans, friends needed UNL women athletes need friends and fans to come out and support women's athletics. Fans lift you up when ycu are down, therefore, they play an important role in any competition. If one takes time to watch women's athletics, they would find competition as exciting as men's athletics. c"rs to come out and cheer us on. You win net be disappointed fa our effort ' , " . , Crystal C. Coleman ' ---.." . . - -- member' UNL women's basketball team