1 V : . V - . X - i - r ; 1 1 ", .Tuscdsy, Dc5: mfecr 13, 1H3 .1 i i X,. " -t77: - - v ' University of Nobraska-Unttoln Vol. 82, No. 73 .. State oCklais reviewed proposals for the disposal of Commonwealth Savings Co. before a crowded Pershing Auditorium Monday night 4 " Interim state Banking Director John Miller told .depositors that even if a sals of the insolvent institution is developed in the near future, they should not expect to get a full return of all of their funds. V " . "Based upon what we have ... we should hops that at the time the sale b consummated, there'd be an immediate return to each account of 13,000 to $10,000. And I'm sorry to tell you that," Miller said The state would also pursue litigation against the principals of Commonwealth in a civil lawsuit, and will seek to collect on a surety bond issued against Commonwealth officials. vr "::-...:.. Any funds leftover for insurance of Common wealth's deposits by the Nebraska Depository Insurance Guaranty Corporation also would be divided among depositors, and if those measures still dont give depositors a full return of their accounts, Miller said the banking department may die a lawsuit against the state of Nebraska. Such action would require the banking depart-, ment to choose a lawyer completely independent 6t state control to pursue a claim against the state, and possibly against Miller and special. assistant' attorney general David Domina themselves, Miller said. Miller also discussed what the Banking depart ment has been doing for the past three weeks for set Committee everal reports are currently under crersaration including discussion on the actions of public . officials in relation to Commonwealth, and possible " : measures to Insure that a situation similar to . Commonwealth's insolvency does not occur in the future. ..... -, . Domina explained that the nature of Common- : wealth's problems makes the institution particulary difncp.lt to sell. He and Miller reviewed the three ' primary options for the ultimate dlrposal of Common- ' ' wealth,-"- "- . . 'v -t -The first, which Domina described as the "most optimistic," would involve the state investing , enough funds into Commonwealth to to guarantee both its assets and its liabilities, the state funding : plan would ofter a return to depositors of a good 1 s issue reallocation reports Two campus committees in charge of reviewing recommended program changes at UNL have com phtsd Cr;r reports and have forwarded them to . .-JUIL Chancellor Martin Masssnale. . : The reports stem from recommendations on pro- C. m j IjCldtj Vi.e cancccr3." - ..- v. , -i-jf. Vwttvvv j-mA kiad ; stae in the ongoing process of identiing tivo per cent of HNLa KZi-Lj general fund budget for real location within the university, v ... : . " ' ' ' : '..-rr . Massengale said the advisory committee reports .from the Academic Banning Committee and therf Support Evaluation Committee will be used along with recommendations made by UNL vice chancel- r lors in developing the chancellor's final recommen- dations for the lleclnlccrrus. Tliei?'recommenrEr ' ;- dations will be sent toth2;lU Board cf , PegentsMrE: ' - ; The cemmittesrepcrtaSsasd fcyUNL cfSeiab- l!ssday, dtvr suppsrt fr rri'arproram'misl6n35;: ; ' &A b w vV&Vvi t J V4 ll ill VV A t TI'.2 AFC repert ni;!: c'dnst consolidating the . , '. transferrfcl the Department cf Constrcction Man- content to tl;e Collet ci Aneuiture," cmtnating ; the Bureau cf Business Ecsearch and Chddon film Tl:eatreJ.ccnsslliatir.g the Departments cf Classics : ;- d and Mc-iern Languages, eliminating the" Analytical' Service Lroratery, replacing elective laboratory experiences Li e rieulture and changing the report- - ing structure fcr the Nebraslai Forest Service. It al:o advi:3 Cat there be f :t! r ttty before - - arri c:;:r3 rz -".:.;Ht re""" f f -f rz - The HC report advises against proposab for.. eliminating petitions in counseling and personnel and risk management; opposes transfer of three full-time advising positions to Intercollegiate Pro- calls for future study of a student develop- if center 'and recommends cgainsf proposed iterations in maintenance, custodial and physical ', plant cervices, rr z;:9r:r.-: , "-The HC report also vfs'egainsfproislsfbfr . eliminating pcsitiorJnjcojlmseli "EsdAmasagemcstB?PPPses2tr Z grama; caTj-forfaturestudycf a:Etudentdevlcp-Y- mehf 'center :and "-recommends . against -.proposed alterations in maintenance, custcdialand phjtical plast servtees.-' - -s -: Z".:".:.zir?rzr .The CSC report' also advises" ag.ainsf -proposti changed in' funding for greek affairs and interna-jr tional educational servtees. fat ti0 ' A complete listing of the committees recommen- 53 appears on page 5,. zEr:-rz WWW"1 ir i si f ' 1 4 portion cf their deposits, and would be a relatively brief process.--"" V ' But the problem of constitutional barriers and political opposition might make such a solution impossible to achieve, Domina said The second proposal the "deposit maintenance" plan, was termed the most realistic by Domina and Miller. It would Involve a private entity infusing a significant amount of capital into the bank, while its assets are partially liquidated The state would1 invest funds to guarantee a certain base level of deposits, and the new banking Institution would re-open fully Insured Drawbacks of the plan Include public scepticism about the motives of the private buyer, and the probability that depositors , would net be fully reimbursed to the level of their deposits. H : The third option would involve simply liquidiHg Commonwealth's assets, principally Its real estate holdings. Thb would be a "worst case" scenario where the state as Commonwealth's receiver would do nothing more than sell Its assets at a market value, severely depressing the local real estate market for an Indeterminable amount of time. Domina terms the proposal "abominable." . . ,,-f,' " - : " - " r i "-"IT. vt".'f-.- . U. f V' - - v V I A. ? Mere, than people-gathered tlczlrj ; rdlt at rers!dng Aadltcriam far a pallia 3 forum cn tiie recranlzatisa and sale cltem ctfyes cf CcmmcnTraal2ii Carlzgs Co jit . tn?rr."j?ggri , - - , . ,,. ..i.. ... Inside Limiting the number of polling places for. ASUN elections sparks controversy among student leaders ... ... . ..... . . ..... .Pa; 3 0 A 2-year-old Infant that died last weak N2C's "Overnight" is eulogized by Jeff Wil cox . . . . ; .-i "1 . . ;i .. . . . ...... Pg3 13 .;: Member -bf'-thd Smith 10 flag iootball team discuss . their upcoming trip to New Oricans . . , . ;'. , . Pci 12 KlSi3n-.... "'l .... - -t ... .. :.;:rsa. l Art3.cndEntcrt::r3rr.;r.t.. 10 . f j , , .. .. . .... -. . . i Crc:r,v:rJ , ta C-f T- V -i-.' . ... , . . iff S! I; " '! ' ' V ' ' ! b: i,