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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1983)
Thursday, December 8, 1833 Daily Ncbrcsken Pago 15 i-Jiassnii'iiec'i 113 CLASSIFIED DVr)T1SlN3 CALL 473-1711 2.50 minimum charge per day on com mercial ade. Tan words included. $2.00 minimum charge par Oay on indi vidual student and itudant organtie tion ad. Students mutt pay for the ad at the tima it la placed. NO REFUNDS ON PRE-PAID AOS. NO RESPONSIBILITY ASSUMED FOR MORE THAN ONE INCORRECT IN SERTION. FOUND ad may ba tubmittad tree of chsrge. DEADLINE: . 1 p.m. day befo-e publication (Monday thru Friday) An $9 00 service chargt will ba awaatad for all chacka returned to tha Daily Na braskan and will ba coilactad by Chack Rita. Hi Microwave oven looks like naw, $185.00. 47Se&v7aa-3iaa. Tv Seats Together Nail Diamond Concert Bst Offar. CaU 476-33S4. 47M721. Aak for Ssud. Scandinavian Design Boofccaaaa, Sal of 3 tor $ 123.00; 7 foot shelves adjustable. 474-GS54. GREAT CONDITION 1SS04-door HONDA ACCORD Red ffva apaad; mutt aall this week I Bast otter over $4800. 475-5400. Panasonic Video Recorder Full Features 20 Tapes. $489 00. 475 6628. 786-3166. 1961 Ford, unibody truck, white with stock racks, 6 cyl. (20), 3 spd. on floor, minor dent In driver's side door. Steel bolted radiels, new engine. Good work truck. Good condition, both mechani cally and physically. Call 435-3817 after 6:30 p.m. PERFECT FOR CHRISTMAS1 College sweatshirts by Russell Athletic. Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, Princeton, UCLA, USC, Standard, others. Order by 12963 for Christmas delivery. $14 each postpaid. Send check to Box 317, Brook haven. MS 39601 or 1-601-635-1065. ARGYLE SWEATSHIRTS! By Ruasell Athletic White shirt wRedNavy pattern. Light blue wRedNavy. White wPinkColum bia blue. Gray wRoyslWhite. $17.50 each, postpaid. Send check to Box 317. Brookhaven. MS 3S301 or 1-601-635-1035. Univega Viva Sport 3 months old; black red 12 spd. with saddle bag. bookrack and bag. water bottle plus 2 free tune-ups at Cycle Works. $310. Call 477-6649. Fisher Amp and tuner 55 watts channel technics direct drive turntable, pair 501 Boss. Call 477-6849. Might sell separately. Univega Vivasport Black ft. red. 3 months old wbookrack and bag. bottle, saddlebag. See at Cycle Works. $320.00. 74 Toyota 4 speed: 2 door, new bat tery, good condition: $350 or best offer. Black ft White TV. 12". New. $45. Radio with cassette recorder ($3 value). $35. Hair dryer (1 10 value). New. S3. 475-21 72. New Technics Quartz-lock Direct Drive Automatic Turntable, New Audio-Technics Cartridge. EsecKenl unit. Need cash quick, going for $155.00. 472-0870 anytime. Peavey T-60 electric guitar wcase. II 75.00: Crate C1-R 20 watt amp $75.00. 474-3144. afternoons, evenings. K2ii diai:o::d- Must f 2 tickets. Dirt Cheap. ; -CaB after 6 CO p.m. 4794C39. TIMS Kusfcer Issues Pre-Oranpe Sow! Pries) 4&t-l2 after S. , KsopTrymg. Very nice 1 bedroom basement apart ment; laundry; 2615 S. 13th; January 1. $160 - plus. 463-4304. $190 Monthly University approved, coed cooperative housing. BROWN PALACE, INC. 476-2533 WILLOWHAVEN APARTMENT! 1829 1642 Knox Street Sharp 2 bedroom units. Woodburning fireplscestove. Energy efficient, close to either campus. Carpeted, all appliances, pool for summer use. Deposit. No Pets. 46-6200, Manager. JOSEPH E. KEAN CO. 474-1636 Three rooms for rent in a very spacious suburbsn home. Excellent for NU stu dents. Csll 463-5734 weekdays before 1:30 p.m. or anytime weekends. 5-BR house 4 blocks from stadium; Shower, wssher, range, refrigerator freezer, dryer, all beds, desks. LR furni ture fully furnished. $$00month. students only; no families. 477-5049, lesve message. East Campus Large 2 bedroom apt. Stone fireplace, all appliances. 42ionuntington. $325per month. 423-0902 after 5:00 p.m. 3 Bedroom townltouse. Wells Court. Charteson Court 1 12 feht, garage, ftrece. $4fcSmerrtL 4e7-fW71. 4 BR houea. blocks from stadium. Shower, wstfer. dvr, ranfe. retrlf freezer, afl t-. drt-' i. LR tunUure. fuiiy furnished. . a. Students only, no families. 477-C 3, km messas. East Campus Am . Newer 4 bedroom. Rec Room, $440. 4834549 after S. T r: .... i -. m ' Godfather's Pizza Now hiring for part-time kitchen and counter help. Must be available over the holidays. Apply in person. 12th 6 Q. Part time carriers to deliver to homes in Lincoln Apply 1 0 00, 2 00. Frl Sat . Dec. 6th ft 9th, 624 K Street PART-TIME POSITION " E xcel lent opportunity for university stu dent to team management in sales, ser vice and coiiectiona, working with young people, parents, and customers as s city earner route supervisor. Must be availa ble by 2.30 p m. and have auto. Mileage expenses paid. We offer vacation and holiday pay plus Other benefrte ' Contact Persoiiel Department for your interview appointment. 473-7412. JOURNAL STAR PAINTING COLORADO f XI VACATIONS 40-C4 SAVINGS Short Notice Vacationa at Affordable Prices. Vacation Clearinghouse. 1-600-621-4483. RECREATION MAJORS Holiday F.A.C. Dec. 9th, 4-7 p.m. Soupersaiadaliey (bottom level of the Atrium) Food, Drink. Funt Everyone Welcome! Kappa Sig Little Sisters. Donl format the Chrltfmas Party Sat urday night) Be at the House at 6:15 for lou off unlit ATTENTION STUDENTS Come see the 5th rated Husker Wres tlers against Augustane at Devaney Sports Center Sunday. Dec 1 1. 2.00 p.m. FREE ADMISSION with student I.D. WORSHIP AT WESLEY HOUSE (UtoHt) 9 SO a m. Srvee ?i word I Bretd 10 30 a n. Feitowehio Hour 11 00 a.m. Special Advent Service Drama performed and "The Cresriion" njrvjbythe choir. EVERYONE WELCOWtO Someone has a KHUCH on youttl The Daily Nebraskan is now taking appli cations for the following positions for the spring 1984 semester. Deadline for appli cations is 2 p.m. Tuesday, December 13. News Reporters Senior News Reporters Sport Reporters Arts & Entertainment Reporters Sports Columnists Arts & Entertainment Columnists Artists Photographers Copy Editors Circulation Carriers. Interviews will be Wednesday, December 14 through Tuesday, December 20. Sign-up sheets are posted at the Daily Nebraskan. Apply at the Daily Nebraskan office, Room 34, Nebraska Union. Applicants must be students at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regula tions pertaining to same., IGERRYjA 1- Lit, iK ATO LITTLE SISTERS Mandatory meeting Thursday at 6.30 concerning Uttie brothers and Christmas party, bring wv1 money, " The Publications Board will hold a pub- SET YOUR OWN SCHEDULE with UNL M meeting on Thursday, Dec. 6 at 4 p.m. moPfden! study Contact the Indepen- )n (na Nebraska Union to discuss Deity dent Study Oifice. 472-1 S26. Nebraskan policies. IIJ0X0M& n'"m A 'J V I , v .. 4 f B 41 t jjl ei at uaKxuauer (fomifir Husker Qtr. back) : e W. . S. ' r v fli a Ml .? f ft '' e e - e' i e) a in s 4 m ft 49n 'd: .. ' i r: LJU U (1 u , nor uvyu 0 V . .i ' nnno n i v i it If si ' i t nn I z n ii I '(III , ,. ,i u 11 . ! . ; . Date: Thursday December 8 . Timer&OO AM-6:00 PM Pla: UJIIr , ; Nebraska Union 2nd Floor ; Room-Renty A Ill . This is uir chance to see DiiaTs Persoial Ccfmputers in action. -; ;;:u;;''t5ee for yourself why experts have been . - givinj rave reviews for Digital's iiew personal computers Arid, M : you area student, feculty memter, or iempldyee at the Uriiverictyof NebraslmLincoln, you can purchase any ..;V".of -IJiMs -personal txmrutcr3iit:a;';32 discount ' r' ' " ' ' ' f 3 , . ' -. - s a I ) 1 ; V- CPOnT uGK!; r'""; -sr ' n : ' - - 11?5PTPEET ' r ' V"-V' '' W-Z . , -