V7edn::c:,y, December 7, 1C33 Dally Ncbrsskcn Leero No celebration in 'borrowed' victories GmMmme the fight Men 13 wrong (Daily Nebr&skan, Nov. 3). Tha Yum Christian School supporters should not stop their opposition of the state of Nebraska. Whether they are wrong or riht is unimportant. As long ts they believe they are ri-ht, they have a moral obliga tion to continue to oppose the law and its efforts to stop them. ,:,- '. . ' We admire Polish resisters and Soviet dissidents for their counts 2nd continued determination. We should show the same admiration to American citl xens who - oppose our government. We should , rccpect the courage of those who would rather o to jau man yicia in their bcUca. More than 3,000 Nebraskans clad In a variety of hideous red polyester Garments gathered in Persh ing Auditorium Friday nht to bloat themselves with beef and borrowed winning. They came to congratulate Nebraska football coaches Bob Devaney and Tom Osborne for their combined winning of more than 200 games, express their pride in the football team's accomplishments and listen to pseudo-comedian Bob Hope probe the depths of non-humor. 'Christopher Biirbaci Teaching a child to read, walking without a mis step on a railroad tie all the way from 21st to 17th street, learning everything an instructor can teach In a semester, these are things to be proud of, victo ries one can claim as one's own. Such victories will in time seem vastly more important than any football game or season, than any borrowed win. The people of Nebraska have much to be proud of, both as individuals and as Nebraskans. We would do well to cultivate those sources of pride which are rightfully ours, and claim victories of our own rather than continuing to waste energy borrowing the accomplishments of a football team. Allen p Arnold Grinvdds Junior rpstuates myth In response to Bill Allen's column, "Chauvinistic Talk Serves a Purpose" (Daily Nebraskan, Dec. 6), may I only respond to the obvious. Indeed, this is a country where a woman can only be president "if she is qualified and where a man can be president. The only purpose your column serves it to perpetu ate that myth. Linda Rabener Jawson Lincoln NU Foundation President Woody Varner, wearing the most gruesome red polyester blazer of all, said the banquet wa3 the largest of its kind in Nebraska history. That's appropriate " he averred. Doctor Tom told a little joke about aliens' percep tion of Nebraska football fans as dumb hayseeds, carefully pointing out the falseness of such a perception. A false perception it b; farmers aren't dumb, they just know different things than city folk. However, all the evidence at Friday's fiasco seemed to support a dim view of Nebraska and its t 1 n L; w n l. .414 Daily Nebraskaii EDITOR Lcrry S;:rks. 472-17C3 GENERAL MANAGER ztl EJSI PRODUCTION MANAGER Kitty Pcllcky ADVERTISING MANAGERTrisy L Esivsri ASSISTANT : ADVERTISING MANAGER Ke!!y Cr&Sir.a MANAGING EDITOR fta.1 NEWS EDITOR fcry 1.7.3 ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITORS Terry L Kyl:nd LAYOUT EDITOR ta C:trul:s!:z wire editor C:!:!3 Er.::r.;r NIGHT NEWS EDITOR ChrSl r.'i!:si -Tho Dallv Nebraskan (USPS 144-CCQV is - puDiisnaa oy ma unl KUDiicauons uoara ' Monday through Friday in tha fall and spring semesters and Tuesdays and Fridays in the summer sessions, except during vacations. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas end comments on the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-25C3 between 9 a.m. end 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. The public also has access to the Publications Board. For information, call Mary Conti, 472-6215. ; Postmaster: Send address chncs to the Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union $4, UC0 R , St.. Lincoln, Neb. CC5C3-04n. Second class postage paidat Lincoln, Neb. ALL L!ATCniAL CC?YK!C: IT 1 : Zi S'JLY t:zzrjrj.:i Three thousand ceorjla sat revelin in t.h rpd glow of robust football deities while less than a mile away a state university rots. Three-thousand teary-eyed, swell-chested Ne braskans emptying themselves at the feet of the gridiron gods while state legislators and a governor, unimpeded, home their axes and prepare to dis member Nebraska academia. The football team and its coaches deserve con gratulation. They've done well, and should be proud. However, pride in victory belongs to them not to their fans. Perhaps the sight of 76,000 screaming red people convinced a star recruit or two to volunteer for the Red Army, perhaps pecuniary donations purchased a new weight machine which made an offensive guard stronger or maybe the roar of the crowd inspired a running back to run just a little harder. Is wearing ugly red clothes and yelling loudly any thing to be proud of? a Because classes often conflict, work can intrude, and some times you just can't be where you'd like to be. For information, visit the .UNL Division of Continuing Studies Independent Study De partment, 269 Nebraska Center for Contin uing Education, 33rd and Holdrege. Take the shuttle bus from city campus. Or call 4724926. 500&iiic Lampus UNL does not discriminate in its academic, admissions or employment programs and abides by all federal regulations pertaining to same. 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