Wednesday, November 30, 1C33 : Dally Nebraskan Pago 5 oard games . . . w. Ccr.ilnutd frsm pja 4 The men feel ths.t young people msy be r ettln tcred with video g.iraes, anywsy. -iVe read come TONEGHT: at the (Coentry Kettle .; ,8.p.m.-2 a.m. , - "vv w 4,4 ... j t. j iu uuuru Enca. A tot of kids have prchdLiy never even plsycd t? 'Cke.1 They irsy think it's tzz to fit ground end ptey a game thtt tctusy lets then tdic Hew tit-1 D":r;;r;r Island' 13 ccrl.tzd, Lchri and lontc!eone ne dir,covcrbi3 th:.t Kfcttini a bocrd r--3 h even harder ibzn tnvcr.tfr. j ens. Ihey have formed a company called literary Gsmes Inc. to try to c:t their ese L.ta etoro. The Girs3 I3 tiow, bat tl'.f y ere cpti:r..l;t'c "After ?ciii! this !cr.3 dcir the rc, we re net about to ri'vs up just because :ttfo3 It oat to the public 0 dl-cult," Lc'-;:,3 ecid. Tva est a G-ycar-c!d dautrr nd a 2-ycx-cld eon," ha said. "When they net c;J er.sir'X Yd Hie for them to play nycame. I Ilea to thhk cf then having that option, Instead of standir la video arcade v-th a har.dTul cf quarters, tiarfr.3 taliy into 0 screen. I d His for them to cit around with their dad pi:: ir Danger Island' and t,!f hsn the two rrvsn dream cf what It would be like if their game somehow became a hit, their thoughts aren't entirely of the financial awards. "I know 111 never write the nrcat Ant-risen novel " Lek3 edd. "But if people actuary played ray board ' air.e, that would fed Just, as good. I've created a . special world and filled it. with characters. It's Mas an open-ended story. "I think cf what it would be like to have hundred! .. of thousands of families playing Tar:r Island.' I think of all those people, instead of talldnj about - Baltic Avenue or Colonel Mustard, saying "'THm Ant nr the' " . 1 '' v lCC3f TiEie Cozr-ry C;xi.e, tic. ' Editorial Policy Unsized cdltorkb represent ccid policy of the fill 1CC3 Dilv Nebrcslrsin. Thrv rr T7Titt"n hv th!i semester's editor in cYdc f. Lsxrv Essrfcs. cut the cr-.c;ter. They carry the cthor,3 rir the university, its cmplcij cr the ICU L:rd cf The Drily Hebrsshsn's pcthtrs ere the regents, " who cstd:il:hed the UKL Putllsctbss Dcrrd to sispervfce the dly production cf the r.c:ppcr. ! I 1 1 1 l 1 1 I I' 1 ' 0i3i ' I I J 1 j i 1 VjO 1 I " 1 ' r i i w -Iff1: HI I J : II 1 y " . t """W - Flsxlila stucfy hours ere " yoyrs- with independent study. Study st- your, psce, your.p!:.-e. Owcr to chcccu from. Fcr' informstien': v;;;t the - UL D;l;;.rs cf Csnfeinj Ctuds lnd' ps-d-t "Study D:.;rrrt:t"ent,. 133.. CCrdi crJ Hcfrc Ttke the chuttb bus frcsi city crr.pas. Or cdi 472-1 C23. - ! J r : J S t? :"::rt rr.'".T J, t:i t'. " J ty t-l fJ J in-- 4917 Holdrc u t 4 MEKONA STYLE PANTS . Rooiilar $14,03 - S17.S3 89.CD 012.C0 r 1 0c3 010.00 -MOW . . . - p;-.V. J.' ' . . ' I ,..'. -. j ' i- ; . - a, - - " 11,1 1 v vJvJv f If H .aiy'' ;M null, . , I, ' " ' mMJ' I v.. . -S r I fe)) Ouartcr lb. Bur O- - Ouarter lb. With Fries oI:e or Mr. Pi' c'S . Giant Seet Rolls vi)cj) mottled T&2sx',-0; Served 8 p.m.-2;a.m., . v ' . , " " HOURS ' U-TAV 6 aja.-2 a.m. w a a "" Th.F&t24hrS. IBYYISB and gCI Kand 0 q o a n Q o o o ri o o - CT 2 5l i f ) i1 FATIGUE PANTS Regular S15.S3 .. i u., M t(. i ! SWEDISH WOOL COATS Regular $21 .S3 y lrorr,r raj .ft ! i M 4 ti J f f 1 f J t f J t t.'MJiff A' V M W f a' .r HPT'-7 '!4 -