' r 1 ! 1 H r iv )(' 1 - i i M. Tuesday,' November 23, 1G33 cn..r:::. - r m r W , -" :. . -J V....- - : University of Kcbrccka-Lirtccin j 1 l-W W '- -TNT I "I a Fbommp! It arrived on our doorstep like an unwanted guest, a whits outcast filing from the west. Without en invitation, seven inches of snow and ice blanketed the Midlands and caused untold problem at UNL. . Monday was a snow day at UNL, a day to recover froia a bad early storm. The entire university was shut down, except for essential services, including the police, university operators, grounds 'crews and residence hall food services.' .Classes resumed today, due to improved travel conditions, John Yost, assistant to the chancellor, said. ' Yost said UNL Chancellor Martin Maassngsle decided Sunday at 9 am. to cancel Monday's day ' classss. The decision, Yost said, was made early to . ensure the safety of students who had not yet returned to campus because of the storm. Later, Massensale canceled all. other activities but the essential, Yost said. It was a rare cancellation, indeed. "I can remember very few closings' during my 17 years here "Yost said. White the snow put most of the university in neutral, it put Director of Grounds Wilbur Dasen brock and his gbbr evl&ted crew into hlh gear. But tryi-3 to budgs the white menace has not been easy. "We just cant move it," Dasenbrock said. "It's giving us terrible problems ... the worst ever. There is ice underneath it; it's wctand heavy. We're having poor progress against it"- 7 -'. He should knew. He and his crew of 60 started scooping sway at it at 3 am. Monday. Dasenbrock said Monday the crew was operating 20 to 40 people ' short because many of the student employees were snowbound. Te even have permanent people stranded," he The grounds crew's first priorities are the emer gency services, including the Health Center, the power plants, the food stores, the computer centers and residence hall docks where food i3 delivered, Dasenbrock said. "At this time (3:30 p.m. Monday), we have all the emergency needs done," he said. "If we're lucky, well have it all cleared out by the end of the week" The storm caused problems for the athletic depart ment also. The Monday UNL basketball game against Texas Tech was postponed until 7:35 tonight 77 ! -; , The weather didnt leave student housing un-' scathed either. Douglas Zatechka, director of the . QfSce of University Housing, said the residence halls opened up a day early, Saturday at 4 p.m.' "Our plan was to open Sunday about noon," he said, "but there were students who came back early saying 'Let me in. We had to open; we weren't just going to let them stand outside and freeze. "Everything's gone amazingly well," he added, "We fed 650 people for lunch on Monday." But, he said, "we usually feed 5,000." The reason only 550 people showed up for lunch was that state roads were impassable. Dispatcher Arnold Liska of the Nebraska State Patrol described the roads at 3 p.m. Monday as ice covered with blowing and drifting snow. . i J t- ..V " ( Sr.-- CzsTi cLavcb, af azr-r. L:.:l Cil trz:!; tzi czn2 ftiania r.o waro rrlz.i to p zz rcaro na tt :a!3 Vz" Zzj zztTJZZ irra"rv;L!:.!? v::.i ctziLs C.3 zt.zt? HIlz tth c::a ct t.Zi:.i arJ Czlvzitttzzzli. II;3 '.. -'. carb cT-tr, tzzo ISzz?, a UriTarrlty cIKczaaa cticnc-t LaljCrs Erzii Cirras,' Jaa Cj C iGzlza - ' ' v (.'.' to wcrk'aj cashiara.- Ths ctcrc daa. wO be;cpsa- Lead ret: :r3 are crsaLci a crcr.t u-r:;;na3 .... ,. ; terras cf sa!:s tZ'j saa:an' cr.d praparirg far Tc crraaad ccrumcr bujig with la:r hours and v. sdth "'4-'rdnanarf:r atlltlart, siha : gfea, pap4ar;r4.Cri:;2 in th3 paat, havo; . !:i.:;a, - r -?7 tc3 cf-fe fcrraved' ; At C:ara (Caianreir -alsj c?aba!ig br!r.i- j.---, v;-x he 1. J! ...t;r.:J :;I.:f r"i ths-ctcre cl:5h:Tca:t7n?: i t:a-ira"a3 trrrrs r.-a Lavj C?? : . ": C .. Di..,.,"-- - ar;.r.Tf t-- fi b tv2 r t-pa-rT itcras - n:"tadtoh:!ir:.::accr:t:i::it:h:!:.::7t::.::-, j 5c;;-r7 I tr: b.3 ta;-3 era .. 1.3 r-- cr.i t:.3 r!ar2h r.ar3 raar.:;' t3 r" t . Jf .3 C - 31-..J ' - .-.. i : a-.v n frJ-3 r-tacrcl.e :;ra : ,:--t;:tr-:':r:C-:-4 1.2 fr::; -3 rr2 l "t ::V;-obi3 blrad lr :t C 3 : t3 --c:::r b tl:2 - c;-a:"" en haaaa c:r b2 zziX - ' ' ... j " - -' j v. V , , fl - -.a ... r Vo!.C3Mo.C3 .t.. r::1.7 r :.rt:;3l;..: I t . V I . . . Etatf photo by Crilj Anireten UIJL ccrneiback Neil Harris signs aai auto- grap! for ajubilar.t fan at the Lir:ecln Llurdci- -palAirportSatciayrdght AboutCCOscppcrt eii greeted the Huskcra whea they returned to Lincoln aTter edging tho OMahoma Soon- .; era, in Norman, 23t2l Qsssz storjr oa P&3 4-V-. Alternatw3 heating units L-:J- 'fl -J- 'if;::z:J"-. - : It " Vlicn Winter temperatures dip way down and icy winds begin to blow, rooms in the university's residence: halls can sometimes get a bit chally,; prompting students to dig out their thermal under wear or look for other ways to stay warm. But alternative heating units, such as kercsine .space ; heaters or other floor units, are not allowed on 3 campus, a spokesman for the Office of University . Housing said. .:; ; : .V:-. '''. "" :"; : - : ; ' r-: ' -'. ': : " " -: Glenn Schumann, assistant director of housing for maintenance operations, said such heating units are potential fire hazards and are used in emer- ; gency situations only. Students found with such devices in a ncn-cmsrcancy situation will be tola to - ramovo them imr W(l r$j; -f' S.4-1 Ctudents having problems with university heating should O out a maintenance slip at their hall's main :. ' Cahumann advised that students using a space heater for emergency reasons 'fallow basic safety .: ' rules by keeping the unit away from loose drapery err ether flammable materials and never leave it unat- :' j ;::.; r L il: ) l Tha Spaco- ShuttSa Columbia tf::tad - off from ths Kennedy Cpaaa Center Monday for its sixth flight - tho ninth of the shutib series'' . ... , i i .vi . . . Pec 2' naticneJ champfer.:h!p Caturday with a 3-21 : . . .:. . , . . rai 4 :Th3 C.O.n.G. heva cerrb hbma to rbcat.ro'' n - - I " f "" ft "I .-" '' . r. ?.. - " ' .-- - - ... ....... . .. . .. ... .1. . . .". .' i ' ' v .. 1 .. "i.l. ..... .".7. .7. "77.". . i ' - - - ff - - f - . . - r ...... ... . ' . C'--;:::d ... . ........ ... .'; c;ifh3 v,;'o