Wednesday, November 23, 1933 Daily Ncbraskan Pago 9 Funk Television . . As usual, the networks are psych ing up for mother exciting holiday weekend of football, pexmie end Christ mas specich. Among those on the egenda are: Mscys Thanksgiving Day Parade, 8 a.xn., Thursday, channel 3. All American Thankr-iving Day Parades, 8 a.m.f Thursday, channels 6 end 10. St. Loub Cardinals vs. Dallas Cowboys, 2:00 p.m., Thursday, chan nels 6 and 10. Detroit Lions vs. Pittsburgh Steal ers, 11 am. Thursday, channels 6 and 10. - Army vs. Navy, 1:30 p.m., Friday, channel 7. Alabama vs. Boston College, 12:30 p.m., Friday, channels 6 and 10. Nebraska vs. Oklahoma, 1:30 p.m., channels 6 and 10. On Stco .... , - :, The hite House Murder Case," .' by Jules Feiiler, opens up the 1C33-84 Gallery Theatre season at the Lincoln Community Playhouse. The Playhouse describes the production 3 "a biting satire of political conspiracy and mil itary cover-ups." Cast members in clude Tom Dowd, Barbara Svoboda and UNL associate professor in eco nomics Jerry Petr. Performances run Friday through Monday at 8 p.m. There also will be a 2:30 p.m. matinee on Sunday. Tickets are $3 for students, $4.50 general admission. You can get reservations by calling 4S3-CCQ3. Aft? fll'f"! - " "Say Amen, Somebody," the mov ing documentary on gospel music in America is being held over four addi- Madmen and Englbhdogs tional days at the Film Theatre. The film will show Friday through Monday at 7 and 9 p.m. There aho will bemati neca cn Saturday and Sunday at 3 p.m. Tickets are $3. According to Dan Ladely, director of the Film Theatre, in "Say Amen's" first three days at the Sheldon, 600 tickets were sold. So, you misht want to get there early. Around Tovm In Tuesday's Cards and Letters column, senior Erin Jensen raised a. valid point: "Shouldn't we be doing our best to promote new talent in this area? Shouldn't we be fixing local bands prime coverage? . . . TeczArion, Crcccfire, Vicious Rumour, Tiht Fit, Justin Morgan and Tomboy are all excellent bands that deserve more coverage." We apologize for our over sight. In the rush to give visiting na tional acts coverage, we tend to forget about the many fine local outfits. We will try to remedy this problem in the com ing weeks. And so, speaking of local bands, two of the best will be making weekend appearances. The Star City Players will appear at Judges, -2630 Cornhusker Highway Friday and Saturday night. Cover charge is $2, and that includes the cost of admission for Peter Z next door at Little Bo's. . Meanwhile, Charlie Burton and the Cutouts will appear at the Zoo Bar thi3 weekend, 136 N. 14th St. Cover charge is $2. IRS recording artists Lords of the New Church will be at the Drumstick, , 547 N. 48th. Cover charge for this criti cally acclaimed new wave group is $5 in advance, $6 the night of the show. Tickets are available at the Drumstick and Pickles, 230 S. 10th St GET fteAtvi KlN3oy AM WMCS1 HOW AtocW ------ My. ... f ft .".I. I mi.... g&i in, Ccr.tined frcia Pca 8 Do yzu really want to kiss this person? Then be honest What is keeping you from kissing with con Worries? tk7?ie cf then can be put to rest if you just ask yourself a few simple questions be fore kissing. Is your breath fresh? Do you have spinach on your teeth? You may also find yourself worrying about what will happen once you are in the act of kiss . ing: Will your stomach growl? Will your braces lock? Will you be able to prolong the kiss and still breathe?; . Powers later offers his solutions, and the female singer thanks him for it. (I put an end to worrying learned the way from Will lie showed me kiss ing with confidence -was an acquired skill). That's how each song goes: a problem is presr ented, Will offers his solution, and the singers thank him, In fact, Will believes his own power so much that a whole song is called "Will Powers," with a chorus of "Will, Will Powers there's Will to show you the way." The monicker is no coincidence. While it's doubtful that this album will improve your kissing, confidence, self-image and save a fal tering relationship as , Will claims it can, it does serve as a great comedy By Dan Wondra 71 album. The background music is new wavish and jumpy enough to be a pretty good party album aswelL Although no credits are given per song, Sting cf the Police co-wrote "Suc cess," while Meat Loaf, Carty Simon, Robbie Shakes peare, Alannah Currie, Stephen Bishop, Ellen Fo ley, Andy Summers, Mar tin Fry, Steve Winwood, James Brown, Robert Pal mer, Nile Rodgers, Ian Hunter, David Sanborn and Warren Beatty and producer Rundgren are all given credit as Will Powers supporters. .4" ff f nh ft I tr 1 1. .-n i in . '' ,.,!.. 'y v ?- ,7,. v0 JV. i STARTS TODAY! 'i 1 1 1 1e ,TPG PARAMCWPJCTIIRFSPRFSFNT;AniMRV.IAMF;i RTYVTQ DEBRA WINGER SHIRLEY MacLAINE TERMS OF ENDEARMENT CO-STARRING JACK NICHOLSON -DANNY De VITO AND JOHN LITHGOW MUSIC BY MICHAEL GORE -SCREENPLAY BY JAMES L BROOKS mjuuctu ainu UlKtL I LD BY JAMES L BROOKS $2.00 for all seats at """ 1:30 and 4:00 $3.50 for adult at 7; 15 and 9:40 Children tickets are $2.00 at all times. 7U III 1 U L... .....3 i 1 v, - ' I t I I ' J If VDu'rs short of boih-becoms a phsma donor! YouJ earn $10 for juct sdcr 2 hours of ybz tLx3 when you donate. And you can donate twice a week (bil pleasg wait 72 hours between donations). You can earn up to $100 a month and study wh'J3 you're doing it! " New donors biing this ad for an additional $2 for your fjst : donation. It's a time savingmoney malcng idea! Ca3 now for an eppoLntment and in id out how you can win $100 in our monthly drawiji! ., . ,: ? UNIVERSITY PLASMA CENTER 1442 O Street 475-ES45 V,S C00 am to 6.0 pm ; ' ; ;' , stooges rasi . COUNTRY NiTE This Si Every Wednesday is .".....-.'CpUMiliVKITE.; - 2 Fers All Night on Drinks NO COVER-NO MINIMUM M TKI3 VEDNESDAY OVE?, 0200 IN PR1ZB TO" DE GSVEW AWAY DY UNKxl.3 hzensed by the FDA ELECTuCXS ve none LLMCOLN