Groups ofhunters carry era
trezlioim:vf pheasant hvjiiiig
. In IC:2,r--T.itc,-lC3,Ci3i::;i-
; s .This peet vscX fcro creu-s cf him- -
. utb carried cn the trcXeei cf this
. popular auiuir.21 'p.:;;- in the'fcra
- The first group ws3 jr.e.de up of UNL
- -: students LUke Basscher, Ilieh Lowery
. end Cr&!3 Andrcscn, end Loweryfe dad, -
Hunting on Rscscherfe uncle's fcm
: near Adams, they saw st least 1 5 roos-
- ter ; pheasants in a morning's hunt, .
fired st least a couple of dozen times
:- anddidntget a bird for the frying pan.
"We always bag ct least a coupie of
pheasants when re go out," Eich Low
ery said. "IVe hunted with my dad for
over 10 years end this b the Erst tfcne
IVe ever seen him get feSmsksd. "
The ccttontJLl rabbit was not as da
sive as the pheasants, o LcErery's dad
beed ens with a ,22-crIb;? p irtcl
Lcveery and his cer.trJcr.s :.r,7
their birds In htcsytsrsr bcrJrrfr-j
grain Cdda. .Ecsrda LsprcVwJ r!;ccf-
11 Lecry thirds a bird dej rc J
fcr.prora his hsstb ; , . ; ' . ; .
Td sure to tree? cf. ? (s dr -) but '
I dent have nyv;h;rs to Len eefe, Ht-
- n an aprtee::!, hs ceil -
. The second croup clxZ$r the
UlXjsrZdlife rr.er,eeer.:::t prcfraT'
the author, end two huntlrj
This trza ta fatcreetL-j raizturs cf '
i:t who studies the ccr:t':.:xM!:;j Cf '
- sa j!3 r-ira end a r,eei r-;o
evens leiriler.d, v.hers the r:"J::d:y cf
Cisrpecics ere ir.r:tdtii:E.
;A 10-year-eld fce:::t hcud r.-d
, s every reeerete cf ft sd a cr- -
. oTrzcIoiisli(Hurirhnpintr)
,r.eee:cd Ooup, ho hes redbed thst
; hsir.tir.3 is a tcsn tsrt.', t ' '." '
.: Ksstfca rrt thrci-'i CI' !: reruns'
Ocers trt cf T.zXzzil-fj;zzi.z?A
weeds, we didn't ccs-c przrent tee
KC.CCd a ItLCd fl "C.-CT.Sit tlbJS
and EncC-d that it ir,;.i be a good
pherxsnt hs;is,t to h'jnt next '
llidvrcy tlircuh the hrzt stubble,
Soup, with 1orc-j.3 tdl rcins and
intent :t-ZZ- e:jr.i!.r dthct this
fell hed rcirzr.ts in it. Czrs cr.ouh,
st the er.d cflhs :!4 a c: renter
pheasant flashed cr.d C. r.lTuns
dropped it v.lth a rZz? Czi Ir-:inc-tlvcly,
Coup picked up C.3 Llrd and,
frith ccrilzTzllz czz.zl::z retried
IIavsr.3 Cere clcrj r.rr.t th3 poup
tzd a fcsr;I;i -ibis zzrcz ct crjrsrcr
r--cct:crjs tlczt rr xr.rr.r -:r.snt
t2-brcns teci civ tr-- cf Ccr-e's
crp:-? cr.d r-'-.3 L;3 rr;:rc! ces
tbr.3 tbeut cur ;t cILzj iir.d
Trits h-3 a c?z Jl r.-i:;t"r- cf fcibltct
typt3 for pht 2r.t C: : : :! 1
Ar.d tf rrevrd to tnjzzt ttzt 7h
tetter de-; rr:i Crrs : r.-3 cc:ld
!:::.v?r-:;::7t- " 1 ::r.t3but
C:t3 d:L-;i cvzn c ' i a :lrt cr.i yet
a ::r.;:.t t:-:-:. J:" -.3 (L-"ters)
! never rrev j;:t cfr: : t:s I '.'1 cee-
. 1f:tacrr'td;:Ic:- ::-y3h.t-i.
i . . . - - --