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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1983)
Daily Ncbrcskan Tuesday, November 22, 1CC3 Pe g a 12 1 jnaaflvn uJ i i V - t tr m - . - - Attention Pre-Dent Club There will b vary Important meeting Thursday, Dc. 1 at 7 p.m. In the Union. Wa will be having tieciione. and a new program will ba ptsnted. Remambar to bring due. Nw members welcome. Attention Homa Ceonomice ttudents! It you'd lla to rrr".-.t your c.:n.;a to new etuitnts and their parents nt yaar, apply to ba a NSO Student Hcitt Want mora Information? Civa ua call at 47a-2454. Attention UNL Business Students: Thera will ba a ahort Information mwstlng on Friday, Coc. 2 In Koom 237, CSA tor students interested in working on Pi e be Madeline. If you have any c;;i?ione or aia Interested but cannot attend, contact Qaorga Davia at 475-tii3. f Old-Fethloned Christmas Dane Thursday. Dc. 1, 1S83 8:00 p.m. East Union . Old-Fashioned Chrlstmwi Dane Thursday, Ceo. 1, 1isi3 1:00 p.m. Cast Union CLASSES START ANYTIME with Inde pendent study. Contact tha Indapandant Study Office. 472-1628. Ski at Staamboat Jan. 2- and Jan. 9 14. Only 1159. Todd. 47WK522. Pi Lambda Thata lea Craam Social Tuasday, Nov. 22 9:00 in tha Union. . . . Bring a Spoon!! CAMPUS RED CROSS Important maating, 6:00 p.m. Tuasday, Novambar 22. Nabraaka Union. We will ba scheduling blood donors and holding alactiona. Room will ba pouted. ATTENTION STUDENTS Rapraaantation on tha: Publications Board Act as a liaison . between atudenta and tha Daily Na braskan. This Board hires tha editor and tha business manager. Union Board Voice student opinion on what services tha Nebraska Unions offer. Apply 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline, December 5th. DIAMONDS Best prices, large selection, compare and save) , ... ELDER JEWELRY " ,?).:. 31110 Street Teachers Cc8ee Cay Oaawfcsg lor tfta fun of MP Mvasber22 Student Forum m the Union at 3:00 (room will ba posted) , Ouast Speaker ' Regent Nancy Hoch Teachers College Day "Learning for the f un of it!" Nov. 22 PLArtT TALX ALE Celebrating our eighth anniversary. All plants, 15 S0off Baskets. 25 off Ends Wednesday. Novambar 23. CAP CFF rt'" C515CTCDI PICK UP YOUR COiMf OF TH5; CAMPUS CALENDAR For mora information, contact Campus Activities A Pregrama. 290 Nabraaka Union. 472-2454. BOOKS TERM PAPER? I COME IN AND CHECK OUR FINE SELECTION C? DOCI& 5SK Street"" aoo-ioo 1. f : 11-3 Club meeting TuJay, Nov. 22 In the City Union it 6.15. 2 mala students naad 2 roommatas U or F to move in Dc. 1. Large houta, 16th A Sumner araa. Own rooms. pent atmosphere. Call Eric or Mike, 4&-&,$7. Mt roommt ntijd. Move In Dec l.Caii Cieg.4a-c.fa1. Oulet mala roommefe naadad. Own room, bualine. (123. 40-2919. - tSO.OO Reward For Information leading to the arrest of parsons responsible for theft of clothing articM from Nethardt Hall. Items include: Navy Blue LaCosSe Swr. Yellow Oivin Kiain Shirt, and Gray Panls. 472-CS2S. FRESH COPENHAGEN FRESH KEY FRESH SKOAL FRESH SKOAL BANDITS CLIf FS OOWNTOW? 12th 10 CHulOFilACTIC Downtown, Monday Friday Or. John Wynhausen For Appointment, call 477-1027 i : ( t '. i TYPING C2RVICE Manpower, Inc. 122 N. 11th Term papera. thaaes, doctorala, rtiiiiTni, feiiof a, Outliuoi, tC. RauTwbie ratea. Near Downtown Campus. Call 477-8838. Single & Pregnant? Adoption is a caring alternative. For confidential counseling, contact Nabraaka Children's Homa 483-7879 . . LA0Tr.:i?:uTETYPi::G? We can handle it Our word processing ' profe"lon'' wilt make your assignment look .. I Al Vi da it youffttit on our aquipmartt. Ei titer way, you receive com puter spelling checking, storage and top quality final copies. For a limited time we're offering: , STUDENT BISCOUrJTC! CaH today: COPUTEZITYPZ 470-TYPE r.:scnoznv2.i::c 1630 QUE STREET Fast accun'a. hJt i..cWe. rsepest, 58 A Ptonaar. Kathy. 40-2948. Pregnant? BtRTHRlOHT ia a confiden tial helping hand. 483-2:09. - Terri'a Sacretarial tm&m IBMTypTttsr.D!CtPi!enaTranecr8 r. Raasonabi ratas. 4?4as4. TYPEWRITERS: RENTAL SALES - SERVICE . ' FLOOWS 853 N. 13!h 474-4138 The.-Dally Nebraskan is now izl:-j srrpli c2tiors for the following pesitbrj for the spring 1984 semester. Dcril'ne fcr rpp!i cstions is 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 23. :r . News'Editor , ' Assachte. News Editors : " Entertainment Editor ; ' . . : Sports Editor " . Hesd Copy Editor Wire Editor Night News Editor . Ass:s'tznt Niht News Editor Supplements Editor . ' , Art Director Photosrsphy Chief - .-' Ediicihl Cc-IarrjnLls Inteniews will be Monday, : r'oveniber 28 through Friday, 2. f nip sheets zts posted st the - Daily Nzbrzkzn. Apply st the D;:!y Nsbrctn cfHcs, , Hr.i. 34, rclrci-3 L men. Ap!cz...s ir.ut te fWbvilt) tt.i ill v J tu;;:?tc2o? (two blocks south of 20th A A) Look tor the Hunpy Call 435-6622 A Was Bit of l varythlngt LOST: Silver Latvian wadding rin wiih charms in women's bathroom. Ess; Linton. Great sentimental value. Fiesta call 47&-6312. S: CA FHI IPtSLC Actives, remember to turn in your pref erences for liitta brotliara aornetl ma .c-;sy1 ' t ; I Congratulations to NU Volleyball Team for winning Big- ChamplonaMp and to Kappa-Sig Surduster, Sharon Kramer, tor making all-conference. From tha men of Kappa Sgma A.M., Party at your cabin thia time. Q.D. P.S. You're buyln". Richard N. (Delta Sig). Congratulations on activation. Your Ptotfja Prettier. DatanC. Thank you all for caring so much about ma lat Thursday. You are ail very spe cial. Thanka also to Marcia and Bill for drinking coffee for three hours in tha waiting room. Thanka again, sweeties! Loveya. Annie Ron Smith, Dont get cold feet. How many people fall in love like this? You're neat Love, , ; Donna Chris N. Alright) Congratulation on your act)-' vation into Daita Sigma Phi. Looking forward to being your brother. Kevin S. Delta Sig Actives, Keep up the fine work man. We're on a roll now. ' : - - J KJ3 KlrkH. Congratulations on being activated. Looking forward toa great second aamaa tar Your Delta Sig Brother, . RichT. HJ, Pi 21 If you make a wish. Then m make H coma trua, , . Not because It'i your birthday. But just because you're you! . Love. .. Garrie Stndl, '. ' " Thanka a million tor ell your he?p dur ing my down-and-out times. I donl know what I would have dona without youl ' Kappy Baia&d Sirttsdcyl Mango Kevin S., Con"ftyfat5erst en being one of tfta - lMky t- to astivti'ts t9 new CV-.j Lort E. (isatu Tu -Welcome 6c' J! Hrt you're ready to . FArt'i'YII . . Leva, Jttnna Slit fc,it Jf sl lUvl Alpha XI Detis Gamma flu beta Lamtwjs Chi Aipna -(imit UfiSiion Gat psyched for the TNC. It I gonna be graatl Oave. Joan, Tad (Nihordt), It's grt (Jt!ng tnv'.Kad and partici pating as a e;our. Let s mssa ttils a posi tive step totmrd to retching our goala. Thanka for tfta Support D.H. Jim (HSS). I ei jcyd tpeiklng with you Wednes day. 1117 & Love while running off Ctsem. tats.Twish wa coitd have talked longer and atudied tojather. Maybe anoiner time. Tina (Ssndnj:) 4?2-73$ Karen, Ann (Pound): Hope to s s)l of your support today. Let's make tftta a positive s-.o, so eve- ?-one Involved giia tna bast rtauita. hanka. D.K Bob, Alan (Gather): Today la the day. Lat'a make this a posi tive action, so everyone Involved obtains tlve bait rasuisal Thanka for the support ..D.H. Jim C, Congratulations on your actrvction into tha "nw" Delta Sigma Phi. , Bob Carry, Conaratulsllona on your activation Into Oaita S.gma Ptii. Conf rstetaiiona LEAN C. on your initiation to ' Oalta Sigma Phi Nov.21.18S3. RIckN. Your Pledge Brother Jeff (Sig Ep). Had a great time Friday night at tha Depot Let's go again sometime. RSVP. Laura P.S.Happy Early 20thl Jon M. and Steve A. (De!ta Congratulations on your activation. No- we can haze tha pledgesi MikaM. Al, Bob. Jay, Kyle, RickKevin. Thanks tor a or-r-raat timet (Kept thinge off my mind.) Next time, we'll dance until da wn! Love L' Sis Vtoki MikeMcKamy Congratulaiiona on your activation in tha Delta Siga. Good Luck. Your pledge brother, Stove A. JK ejK ft 4 . 5 Pa's . tWM Mitvai 18Arriv:Jj.t 0 ; nr:;-.::,:::3 17 s, 11 E:;xpttcr . . nitcrriaDm' " - s u j .i nC;;:r llLltzttzi cf!f.A. 4ir.::':j:".yr.l 4. At 7.11z"'-'t 11 Hcsrsor ; Cirk 1 3"... nd rrc.v cn" ! a, Cl Ccric's reply H:;:.-r" Paul. You wre a terrific co-chairman and a great friend. Thanks! To: Daanna, Misiy. Mike, the Uptown G'fls. and that crtry Minnwtotsn, Tulsa wa CfttATI Thanhs ftjf rmry thing. hu.e a auper Thanksgiving. God Btol WtMy um s ' Good luck at UNL'a Gymnastics ret on Saturday. Wa ll be wuchma youl Your Lambda Chi Brothers Craig, Darin A Jaff (DsKa Slfjt), And everyone thought ttie twings cor rupted Dniias? Have a great time at the National Convention k Good Luck, y'alll Darin (Dana Sig). Bast of luck on becoming an active, J.W, Craig, Congratulaiiona on becoming one of the "new" Delta Siga. J.W. Zov Buddy, Congrats on your office. Batter hurry, only 18 days to win our bed Sawer Gary A Andrew, Thanka for the fun nl2h Saturday you looked great In my favortia ptr of boxers. Wendy P.S. Andrew, you should make an Anacin commarciat Chuck a (Delta Sig). Congrats on your activation. It'll ba great year. Yoorbro' MikaM.. Congratulftilona on your activation into Delta Sigma Phi Monday night JonM. Attention Talka t Topics Members, Important meeting tonight Let ma know ifyoucannoibe iiiere. George Steve H. (DU). You're gonna ba the best Grek Wak co-chair evert Congratulations! We're be hind you 100. . The Brothers Kappa Sig Stardustera, Have a happy Thanksgiving from tha men of Kappa Sigma. STEVE HENNING (OU). Congrstulafions on becoming a Greek Weak Co-Cimlr We're proud of you. Your Brothers CROSSWORD PUZZLE C3 Where to sea risers a v- 'crd": . Piovertj ata at-a J ft J a. -v.A.4 &3 ei'U'tAor cf Xab3 CtzziIIzV - SI Cc 3t:ut!cat8 ' 2i::::i STLiri - 4i:::.:.:;:.!v;;:3 city " ' . 11MI -lt: . fIJ Uuvj fccyl" "l J""T" p - -1 j j . - . ssbbbs j aaaaa. ,i!teav i " " LLj '-i(Z''""Tl " 'r ILl 'ILL5 C.L . .ILL-L DILL ILL H i i :.ri iTi :7rrr To tha 2 FIJI Porno Kings, How 'bout Debbie and those double XXX L.C.4J.D. J.D. and Sn pr omie on tha wiy to Okiihoma, Not to piay tha Stones or the Wfio, Fsitnful Lt'vut. fifss s ii aiwaya be. And we wiil do whet we have to iot Aai"ih (spitlj Love, P and J Ry (ATO) t Tom (Sig Chi), V htd Mit at tha 'Bash'. Remember. Yiih.8'fnyd4e?ei Lock for tha caplioil Gtsing tucnd In, A How'dyougstheraH Hope ya had fun Anga A Jodoa Kevle and Mad Dog (ATO), Tha tun wss B'tl We reiHy had a fantsaiic time. The 2 '.2 stirring rod rtally did the tftckl "We ware flln" gocd." "Love ya To tna Max" Ann and Colieen BobW.. Cofwratulatlona on your activation Into Delia b.gma Phi. Your pled;a fercthor, Jim C. Bob. Hapry Birthday. Hope yours is as special aa you nwJ mine. LovaAlwava, Cctrs.Na P.S. Thanks for tha p. t mons. They've bmn tha gresUttt Sscret Turkeys of Sandoz 6, We had a great time thia put week and hope to do it again soon. Hava a good Thankagiving. Secret Turkeys Of AbetU C.T. Wong, Happy birthday and cheer up. Just say to yourself Ho Ice hagol Love, Miss If :3!::::;l::.'rr.i C3 llitra cf 1 nctrt!3f3f crocksry 57- VAAAifea.4ivA C2 Turner crCc!s OVittynrtrH , 'f l---muip-' in i ! 'or i M f , B-..Ui , JiL