The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1983, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Dally Nebraskan
Monday, November 21, 1C33
Then get h on llie ground tor in our imdrgradsxte oSiccr
conditioning pxgnra Ycu cculd start planning ca a career Lis the
men inth&ad Ice. And also hii some great advantages like:. ir '
O Earning $100 a month during the school year ". ' . ;
As a freshman or sophomore, you could complex pur basic
traming during two six-v.itk summer ,
sessions and earn more than $1100 .
during each session
Juniors earn more than $1900 dur
ir.2 one ten-week summer session
You can fcke free civilian flying lessens " '
You're commissioned upon graduation
If ymi're looking to move up quickly, look into the Marine Corps
undergraduate officer commissioning program. You could start of '
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making more than $17,000 a year
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Sao your Officer S:!:sl!on Officer, Cnpi Kfrkuood, or crd! (02) 221-3-100 eo'lbet. '