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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1983)
Monday, November 21, 1C33 ' Daily Nebrsskan Pago 3'' ILiimeaDlbzii weiaaini ludDMOFedl Lincoln's Woman of the Year, Mar garet Joy, was honored Saturday ni.;ht at the sixth annual Nebraska Arthritis Foundation Woman of the Year Gala. Joy received the a;vard la recogni tion of her contribution to the pro gress of education, the arts and com munity services. Joy, 3443 L St, said she end her has- ' band, Oliver, "consider Lincoln a lovely ', city and are glad to have made a small ' contribution to the good Ufa he-re." ; Joy is a member of 14 community, service organizations, including the UM-' vcrsity of Nebraska Chancellor's Club, the American Association of Univcr-;' sity Women and the Nebraska State '. Historical Society, She Is a bene-, factor of the Lincoln Foundation. Joy, who has a doctorate in social-' cgy from Ohio State University, taught social science classes at Central Michi gan University, the University of Mich igan and Ohio State between 1028 and 1950. In 1050, Joy and her husband moved to Nebraska, where she served for a' time as treasurer and vice president of the Nctificr Co. She ' also has been active in volunteer work in the com munity. Joy is listed in Who's Who of American Women, World Who's Who in American Industry and the Dictionary of International Biography. Another woman honored Saturday was Meg Lauerman of KUON-TV. Lau erman, a UNL graduate, received the regional Russell L Cecil Award for m excellence In reporting about arthritis. " She wrote a four-part series for televi sion about the problems of arthritis. The national poster child for the Arthritis Foundation, Stacey Sheridan of Omaha, also appeared at the gala at the Hilton Hotel, 141 N, 8th St. Stacey was diagnosed as having Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis when she was 18' months old. For a long time, she : . needed braces to walk. But now the disease is in remission and Stacey, 5, no longer heeds them. . The audience cheered Saturday niht when Stacey bounded up the stairs onto the stajs wearing a red and white cheerleading outfit and carrying two pompons. Staces mother, Ste phanie Sheridan, said her daughter wants to be an KU cheerleader. Earlier this year, Stacey filmed a TV commercial with Victoria Principal to benefit the Arthritis Foundation. - The gala also featured a' musical revue and fashion show produced and .directed by Elain Jahenis, corporate fashion merchandise director of the Brandeis stores. rM . . C ' A r" n c rrrr-a TlieCoors S!ii Team 'Pcrty was a Success Thanks' for Ccminn I .: Fog: mme Ammc&mn Ctoifs 4l Team Call Kevin at 474-1191, Larry at.476-6496, John at 474-1787. . t1W3Ado)nhCO(HCollaftvriOliln Cofctrado nMOt Hi trwet nl fifw OiiAIh Hwf Sinr.e 1Ti t V -i 1 k O 0 00 0 O'GO OOOOO QUO DO 00 0 O'O 0 0000 O i ! C 8 C. o o o o o o o o o o - o o o o o O o - c o' r O A O N it St " Ull'l its i .: 1 ' ! f 1 M L3 Vn IUM 7c : 1 .jr V 1; Gil Filter Lube (with up to 5 quarts of : Quaker State 10w40) a 2. Fluid Check 3. Check on Sun Diagnostic Machine Flush and Fill Radiator (with up to 2 gallons of anti-freeze, and using a chemical flush) J V x J L J ' .y mi y v. - u Que Placs. Standard 17th & Que Streets jO Jo - o o - -O o o AO; " o O o o o o o o o o o Lincoln, Nehracka 68508 Lottery offers chances to use residence hall lounge chairs .- The Residence Hall Association Is Civb, all hall residents the chance to win the use of university lounge chairs for the rest of the 1933-84 school par free, of charge. - EI1A Vice President Dave Edwards said the annual "Lounge Chair Lot tery" will take plae Nov. 29. He encour eed all residents'to sin up and get involved. Hall presidents will meet Nov. 29. . with a Est of those interested hi receiv ing one of 0 lounge chairs available. Names will be drawn . at random by RIIA President Robert Wolz until all CO chairs have been given away. The win ners will be able to pick up the chairs at various h: v1- Edwards stressed that every hall resident has an equal chance to win in the lottery, but those interested must get in touch with their hall presidents. Hall presidents to contact are Dou glas Stoehr, Abel; Kimberly Mohr, Burr, Lori Ealke, CatherPound; Marshall Rethwisch, Fedde; Eric Harris, Harper, LaRee Mattley, Love; James Copen havcr, Neihardt; Jeri Langdon, Sando:; Kenneth BukowsW, Schramm; Joseph Hayman, Selleck; and Lisa Bredthauer, Smith. i 1 1 firvn in (( (niffflir !((!: ( ( 1 1 1 1 i ,lilli 1 1 i t 1 for a Free Cut, ; and Perm ; 4 ' i ---v;- a i- Team Up Style -.Men: bring a buddy to . the;. Hair Advznte for a 'cut, fityie' end body wave or curl for 39.95 and you'll get yours FREE. This 2 for 1 special lasts until December 15 so you can' look your best for ' the Holidays at the Hair Advantage. Fi:c from Redken MEN'S AND WOMEN'S STYLING Buy one, set one l1 res -tlirougli December' 15. A t f I i 7- h f I- . " I- '4 j - ... 1 W 1 V14JVI. o 4aA o OOCOO0O.D00O0OOQ.QO.0OOOOQQOCCO.O iS, "Jy. Srf 4372778 , 23th Si Baldwin IJ)