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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1983)
Mcnjfsy, November 21, KZZ Pea 3 is Ou"" AMTM portable cafr!! with . TV 1 1 X Ptotrv component w audio- rati jnafete l ' Bay thenklvlng taut from tha iloc fifrf't Club. quality, bona lists. Norm Cur HI htm art lor ( st i.74IS. Hong with h , y. To order, call 72-i7 7. ' ATTENTION STUDENTS PVreeentotiofi t! the: Publication f:-..rj Act ai Helton b;n nuotrsti and the Daily N ' braafcan. Thie Board hire t: a-asior and tr ti..i-ii manager. Union Board Voice student opinion C what tatvicaa the Natsraifca Uniona otfw. Apply 1 1$ Nebraska Union, Otadline, December tin. W can hand! it. Our .' prof. wr profewvt,e wtii man your imn loo t.- t ATI Or ! It your.,( en our qutpmant. tiifmr way, you tc,mt r.i puftr aptdirg ehacHIng, atcaja iiKJ lap ijytiti linal 1. .!)!. a. tot a limittd urn wa're ei-a'tpj' OTUSITCCCUliT:! Call today: ' ' CQVJ'UlZnTfrZ-4?3-TYPn . T83D QUe STREET NEf 0 A RlDC I'm going wait to Huptd City, SO, and esn drop you off al any point In tMSlwam L..-,ru Wdni.dy (!!t4.u,). 44-620, pia wv mt9a, St w w -. Ctl "1 " (ArrtncJ: $24.00). Now throuyi Nov, 23 L r .11 S2ni I R Stae! Nan .? bedroom apartment Call 433 7513 attar 4 p,m, 3325 Baldwin (5V4 Campus) 2 t-d-room, firpteea, balcony, r rising, eppsl ancea, low utilities. 4ud4Sl9, Nice 9 bdrwm, parting, feus. utttltlet paid $023 IStn $umnor Ctm t tc-J.wm, ISth i Euc!ld $250. 4?5-ti-3. - . $7-13 Houa studnts rd-J for part-time work to reo'ace 6 students that are too lazy. 43S Afternoon and evening help. Apply In par ion Mike' O Street Drive-In 22nd & 0 Brat price, large tf action, cow para and aavel ELDER JEWELRY 31110 Street Tha catholic ttudanta Invite you to C!bra? WAS3 ot THANRSuiViNa for Cod a gift ao graciously given, Cannad gsoda will ba coeud tor Friendship Noma. Tuesday, Nov. ZH at 10 p.m., St Thomaa Aqulr, S20 N. lath. ' Ski Fever Party , Free Budweisar Tonight. 8C0 p.m. at tha Brickyard. SHI $tambt, 115. Call Tc-H 4734022 0 AO Distributing : ' M , :. . Are you int araatad In becoming involved with UPC? Applications are now bina accepted for UPC Exec. Board Coordina tor through Cac. 7. Contact tha CAP City CiJica. 2nd floor, City Union tor mora detalle or call 472-2454. $7-$9 PER HOUR FULLPART TIME $7 per hr. to start, $3 attar 3 weaks. Ideal for neat aportamindad man and woman. Call 43S-1227 for In-tarvlewtima. ;ltt:e. Ttceftor CetHtg Bey . . '; "laawim tor rj-a km of III" taratrrfsair tl Studant Forum in tha Union at 3:00 (room will ba poatad) Guaat Speaker ,. Regent Nancy Hoch EiRTHRSGHT ofiara fraa projnanry teM eonfiilirittal, unc?-ya.aniiiia hep. 483-2309. ' ' Beginnara or ,.;! 4x3 2i'C - -s. 1 a Tlr-..-a L-niLU- , .!?, 1 c. .122 N. 11tr Term papara, th, doctorate, raaumaa, I;., outilna, mt. RaaaonaM rotaa. Near Downtuwn Campu. Call -e,i9. -" RESUMES - '' Serving UNL aniora for isn years. You needanexcltlng. irrvs 6- ;va rsjume to land that Kib. Costeilo & Afeociatea 475-677 - . :r-;.' & Pregnant? Adoption is a caring alternative. For confidential counseling, contact Nebraska Children's Home ; - 483-7879 . Buying cless rins, lewelry, aterling, diamond, eliver 4 gold coins. Millar's Antiques 2719Noth4tith 10:30-5-30 a 4-21 13 Teachers College Day "Learning for the fun of it!" Nov. 22 v' TYPfWRITE.-.S: RENTAL SALES - SERVICE .BLOOM'S . 323 N. 13ih 474-4123 !iin 'iii! PLANT TALK SALE Celebrating our eighth anniversary. Allpunta. 15 50 off Batketa, 25 off ' Enda Wadneaday. November 23.'' Club mea'iiig Tuesday, Nov. 2 In the City Union at5.15. GOSFATia-raS PIZZA : has ' Two-Fcna .on t :., ... 1Soz. MAnGAriiTAG ; with any movie stub. ATTENTION.-:: Applicetiona for entertainment groups forWipurg;iRcht 1434 are now atauiaoie in the CAr Office. Stop in & fill one out today! Applications due by 5 p.m. crs. ; Bring ticke'a & money to our meeting Tuesday night! 1 a 1 2 ma'a atunis need 2 roomT.aias M or F to move in dec. 1. Large roue, tC'fi & Sumner ara. Own rooms, pteadot atmosphere. Call Eric or Mme, 4i-S7., Male roommate reded. Move In Dec. 1. Call Greg. 474-6781. . 2-3 roommafas nested anytime from now till Jan. Non-a making, nearcampua, nice duplex; 474-5415.' Female for large house. $95 plus utili ties. Near bus. 470-2317. ; , . $50.00 Reward for information teaomg to the arrest of peraona responsible for theft of claming articles from Naihardt Hall. It.-na In; luoa: Navy blue LaCo! Sdter, YeMow Otvin Klein Shirt, and Grey Panta. 472-S326.' ' Fresh Cigara . Fresh Tob'.-;oa . : Nice Ptpes . Cliff a Downtown 12th AO - - ' CH:riOPnACTic Do-v .ic"1!!. fannd.-' Friday ! Or. John Wynh"n For Af-psiutmant, caif 47-1027 1- . . 1 L. Terri's Secrtar!a) Service. ISM Tyoe wrKer, Cictcnhone Transcriber. Reaso nable rates. 474-C&J4, s LOST: Set of 3 fcsv a on "Chris" keyring. Call 472-32:9. ' : LCST: SiiVer La'ian wedding ring with charma in women's bathroom, East Union. Great r-ftninnent&l value. Please call 478-S312. ;5 ECtti fey ZVGZtZZ T. f.fALESILS AC 1 Susksa fence 5 Ancrst 0 Sharp Mow : ISAttfesapsx -:.; 14 Est . sumptuously 13 Citro fruits 17 Frolic 13-eicscr AtrS Kic .5fm J. -?-''l s'S.(ir i.'ye . MSMwe--4X 41 f tf-"! ' ' ......... .. 1. ..- . J- 4 -i i , 3r-v.- ' - DOwN ., lAsvmbclof Ireland 2Sf2xwith . crista " " ' 3 Oris cf the 'lR.?6)fS&3i - - . . W . "j: , 4 Ri-ht 5 Saw -. a' Afa'Wfte . - - . - tiitt Afeal'ar Specialized ; -Greta article Sa W llttz.zzitt - f::.rt:;i-irl , ,12 Flower part! ' IS Stitches 21 Canadian prov. 21 Serf .. 23ArftUy. . 23 r.aniiiiC2U- . ticil amcimt SDrsiy' 2rl C CI m 11 . (tr;;:rly) . . aJiiCAH-3l. ' & ' ai jwa r 43 27 Source . 42 Flavoring from "orchids 43 Partcf "tofcs" 43 Puts down turf -: 47Gc-.isssof v Even 43 Frequently 52Exeisrof estiactisa lay niEtricstecr v ' . . c:,s tiCdt plots - . CI r.:; Ctlirufa f::i::s ' CI -:.! V ... i ft . . hTS. f TV-' Hr1--! C?U;::r;i PTjjL 1 TI h " l7TTTi TMJ iTTTT :tTT NTTr L' fMTT , - : ' 1 ' - mtmmt jtmmK&mmtmm -T ; "fif ! jjl ' I f - ..J .. 1 iQTTr iiii"! . JHajaHfeafasres9 . jWaWBefiufaiaBai bll" 1 1 Ml Ki r it i" iiiii i ilu siti ILLJIL. iCP 1 TI1.-" riTi 1JL "i LL . JXL Z-LLj liZLG . r D M 8. IP THCM ELSE youra-s'ty.-Mc tfimuchas y-j t l.p.ayou dni kmm -- -. . Sind tr- V my rlrj; bnw n C:.' forasjr, two you fill In tha blank. BEAR Op:n 7 days a week. Si f::;.1.:;';:? CC:?3 n.t Chi r!.j-.s. S .rry an out ; a m'a-up. V;'a will have lo f; ;: t ' gu' as.tia c:r jf time for a study Bisak. A!p.aChlFii.',.ra cir:3T3rrr.:::srn :??! X'AJJiJ it ij II r : . ; t f . - OLD BOOKS TERM PAPER? CGM.E LN AND CHECK OUR FINE SELECTION OF BOOKS. s22r7si7e2t 8.oaioo Records & Tcpcs FuLE u:cd LP. with Any Purchase ' Album Spccbh Lionel Ritchie: CANT SLOW DOWN $5.99 Pointer Sisters: CREAK OUT $5.99 Hours: MTlQ-6 W-S10-9 SUN 2:30-6:00 475-2132 27th & Star (1 Clock South of Holdrega) k 0 CZZ PAToVa ': ii.i n nrl rJ . I.. Iffleto-JI 'Sit i iif,f: . m; . ; O.p atib Cia3.iycrd.- ; 7 (fJ. of camp'js poises) : : . 4, . 4. J :- -. Jan. 2-7 or Jsn. 9-14 sat today's insert.. -or ci'.l Tfc.j-j f",-?ij-..--'i? Til VM . iudson automotive factory trained foreign car specialists 27th c T Lincoln, Nebraska 475-9022 Ft - " - -rv -r,''sTi (much-foved) Fedoras & Repro Hats . HOURS: Mon thru Fri 11-6 Sat 10-5 Thurs ev2 'til 8.00 I- TEMP ACROaSS'fROJf IE THEATRE AT 335 N lh L- ; I ' 1 donating plasma. lnJ fine yea care v flsrfy white yzm mfe, ifg liA fetlwj PAID TO STUDY. 1 - l ' Hm 18,5 Siadtnt itwfyirj and not j , cjt.' 7 fnK.; (Zzi economic fztnizs). ' . W i ..I mums V.';'h t fasti 10 iis. - LV.h' jrcm fa to $152 per month c-w&mtktisrfM"4wlihymr ' . . ' academic. ' . $s&fjc.7.t ofkmwkg ym erepmtkl' - : '. btg Carq?&JX's drug to treat p'iwigisi smet ' . , . ; CiBf cf"sred Monday tfamugh Ssturdsy, Ju&ashmimZkGffminpMS. To :imll Call . m7!fT2SITI PLASZLi 1 ') 1 1 1 L ' ; i