The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1983, Image 1

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Monday, November 21, 1C33
University of N:brc::ka-LincQ!n
Vol. 83 No. GO
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' Hires UNL students were among 13 Lincoln rcsi- ,
dents arrested Thursday end charged with delivery
of controlled substances to cLlcers of the Lancaster
County Narcotics Unit Charges included delivery of
maryuana, cocaine and LED. . . .
, One eale to an officer of the UNL Police Depart
ment occurred in February in Schramm Kali, ac
cording, to affidavits filed in Lancaster County
Court . ' ' ... '
The arrests began about 1 p.m. Thursday alter a
10-month investigation. All 13 suspects were ar
ra! in county court Friday.
; The UNL students charged were: ' ;
Brian J. Wallman, 21, of 1335 Claremont Ct,
charged with delivery of marijuana and released on
a 3,000 regular (10 percent) bond.
Anthony W. HufTer, 20, of 203 1 William St,
charged with delivery of tZO worth of cocaine and
released on a $3,000 regular bond.
David J. Eherwln, 21, of 1335 Clarcmcat St.,
charged with delivery of hashish and released on a
$3,000 regular bond. .V -.. ;-vvl
" ..Also arretted. were: ; : .1 . lr; ,-. .': ''; ; .
Gina II. Templa, 20, cf 53 S. 25th St., charged
with delivery of cocaine. Temple was released on a
$3,000 regular bond. According to aCJaviis, Temple
was tne TL2:snd cf ItA. Ilozer.:;; who had been
arrci cJ ci. ;r i.jiz year zt ccv
, cf . 1
cny ar.d re::;r:;en cf cocaine and rclrrscd cn a
in drug bust . ' - .
Earl Smith, 27, of 323 B St, charged with two
counts of delivery of marijuana and released on a
3,000 personal recognizance bond.
Scott Faris, 24, of 3123 Q St, charged with two
counts of marijuana delivery and released on a
' $5,000 personal recognizance bond. -
Tom Marsh, 20, cf 3123 Q St, charged with tvo
" counts of delivery of marijuana and released cn a
$2,000 personal recognizance bond.
Alexander G. Hughes," 21, cf 3001 Apple: St,
charged with two counts cf delivery cf marijuana
.-.and released cn a $3,000 personal -recognizance .
Charles GriHln, 18, of 5100 Newton St, charged
. with delivery of LSD and released on a $2,00 per-' ; ,
. sonal recognizance bond. : -
Arthur A. Vaesem, 20, of 1724 L St, charged with
three counts of delivery of a controlled substance
and released on a $3,000 regular bond. The delivery
was made in Schramm Hall, according to the affi
davit, i ' . - : "
: Jeffrey '11 'llyde, 20, of 4000. Undsey Circle,
charged with delivery cf LSD and released on a
$1,500 personal recognizance bond.
Stan Pozehl, 22 cf 4S30 Garland, oharged with
. delivery of psilocin and released on a $2,000 per-
ecnal recognizance bond.
Marsh, Huffer, Earl Smith and Hyde will appear in
court Nov. 23.
Temple, Hughes, Paris, Shsnvin, Pozehl and Grif
, --Hn are scheduled to rrpnrJn ceurt Dee. 5. Chris- .
0. v-.
: .. Police said the narcotics unit has warrants for the .
: rrrtstcf four.mcre people. ' ''. -.
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Dcmin i v. Ill wci k in the itc te I ; :ili.r: g depcrt
nent cfHccs and will be accour.tcl!: cniy to
epeciei prericutor. The. county attorney or -.
other appropriate autl.ritLs ttO wiU handle
any matters requLg r "-1e ledi prc::eu-
. ..PJV .-4 .p-,4 - t-- f&S?4' .
a::rtar.t hej!i.i? r?:ntc.l to c:rve the
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. same dry to ITvin CoppI;3 t:er;tr.ry fer a
profit cf CI 4,Cw).
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DyBcbti Ilcgoty
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Four years ago, Carla Jchnson
Kimbrcugh entered and lost the first
Hies Elack UlL pegeant In 1C31 and
1CC2, Johnson-Kimbrough worked
behind the stags , to coordinate, the,"
pageant Saturday right, perseverance
' paid off for tha 21 -year-old senior as
- she won the title cf libs Elack UNL
lliti! i m UFiAaf
troii four ctcr ccnct-jis
intenlew competition between- con
' .. Th3 cr.!y thing that can describe it
v UAlfyAl4ktA W! 4
mrjer from Denver. "I was just eo
' happy to bis crc-.Tnei"
As Hiss Elack UIL, Johnson-Kimbrough'
said Ehe plar.3 to become in-
of black female UNL students to the
rest cf the campus, emphasized a
sense of black pride throughout the
event' ' ' . v" '
"I think that's something in general
that black people hold," Johnson
Kimbrough said. I think we're a very
.proud people." r--- ':-
'.Rosalind iloore, last year's winner,
appeared at the pageant to readall:t
h r Awe - . -
' Te must xtay together and pray
Another cfl;:t year's winners, llzrj
VfCiams, attended the pageant as a
spectator. She complained cf dis
organization In the pageantTfTHar:.?-,
who tied for Libs Personality in ICC 2,
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,J i f:cn Cr. tha, r : 1 1 the hap :i to be a
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Tlct'cf mud-slinging was
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Cc:'.:;'jrn Fridy and it was all in
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Cry A'ftjrs, t and Jim w r
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