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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1983)
lurff) ilVtvlllV.I I V, 1 s, .-J 1 VI " i tit I fciil.f Mi iii fU'S & 'P" ST. t.f.-.asr m - "v . rc.2a QEiy iteiB. ca ch WiZivi 05 raiianniiii!!!u -)?.sa. ::.-J C! ; i 13 I: :'x ,t: 3V.:.zx . EOELO OUMSELF.z l n i ))( j I Ai ' J) j (i jr-, .u ! " . " over CO t !" i . -m - . ! '.. V ft wis v.trrs srrtr J SL AT 0:4 J ft mm mm M"Wr e . . . TVTCITT: 7:23 fc S"?,3 SUNDAY L SATURDAY & SUNOA I AT: l:SM:2:2&T:2a I STURDAY h SUNDAY V SEATS $2.00 UNTIL 2 PM TONIGHT: 7:M h Q:Z$i WEEKEND MATINEES! f 9:-r-"' T 1 Student loan defaults fall to UNL record low Ths percent? :s rtto ct which UIL students hnvo debited cn their dirfct etudent Ir:ir.3 U cn ths tt.iu:l;c3 rc!c" in If C-3 indicated ths.t 4Z0 students o,vc Vllh ncr.ry cn t:.::r lUect stu C ont lc:.n:i, vh!ch ccnvcrU lr.lo a d .dt rr.t i cf 3.C3 . per Cf r;t,ri:ch els" ! :i Thli co:r:p:;r;-:! to 512tiudint3 in dcruli In U:C2, tt a rite cf 4.C3 j-. rccr.t Vt:.hd U th3 dr.ultcJ b:.r..i tt UIJL are th2 tctd nur,;b::rcf d fdnco U d ircct student Io2.n prcrtn lecin in H C3. 1 Ad- rdied !o n, - Id, ii a ;n r. ut rr:i vrithin Eiaca tl.3 l-t3 IOTCj, ths UTX d::It rct3 has plu::;.-.v;t:!. I'fc.;;h-:1 In 1CTD, t:. default rate cn eiudcr.t fezii t,t.3 5.0 piiccnt, irc;:!; to 4.75 percent in lc:aT2;s 1C33 default rita b the lowest "I believe we're in the top five in the nation Nc.t5..r"7t the default rtte is tv.ico r3 hlh zs the rate a UNL It i? rcfl-?ctr,nt upon the type cfludsnt3 we have ia the Ididsvcct," he said. "Also, it shows cur oiTice's diligence in pursuing people who didnt pay cfif their lor;.7.5." Findlr.j students and making them pay their loan money can prove to be a difficult, time-consuraing process, the EccLiiint director sdd. If the loan to not collected within 120 days eitcr the deadline, the prcldern is transferred from UNL to a d collection eency. . The c;ncy3 job is to track down borrowers and get loan payments. If the agency is unsuccessful in collecting money after ICO days, the problem is zzla p!r.eed in the hands of UNL'cfllcials, Pizehel d UlZh then elves the loan prcllcrn to a dZTcrent cc"cctbn rr,, a pc!2cy that ma!;cs the UiiL sy3- If bath tzzT.t:.23 tzll in cc"actiag loan money, the fad cral C3vcn;rr.;nt wO tal:e over but the urdvereity iiuct prcv2 1 v v Grimed ca! in Cvtsinin r - rrrr zrrr.:":-3 I , .'.1 ' ,' , You're Invited to lunch in tli2 Ckilonid'Olninn Ooozi. Esijot; biilld-it-ycinccll 2zlz59 2tj . DlE2 in tlia'.CsIcrJd- DIhieo Qoom cnd:prcc3nt Uib ' cGCTon U J D D ,D D D n 2 c:j2 m r.:i m r.r.i rr2 :m r.i r- 1 . J i-nntii in L:2 ' . u D n r Li L II - Tc K HEY. HE'STKS OFFICE VH ' ll THAT KCLPS VETERAMS GETTH2IR GI BILL 1 OFFICE ( . . 4, 1 ( r. , ) f " f A : . in , J t ' - li . J 4. . . .if you have at least , two ysn cf a;z left, .&cy ccn ! o'er 5,CX) ' die Army Ecsave and - Anrr,0I'Cadse sametTi-e.youismtwo incomes ever $ 100 a r;ot :di i s a LeserviGt. and$lXamcndi as anRCTC Cadet You graduate from ROTC a second tm:enantand crr;-ut: in ihe Reserve as aa Army officer. Its csdbd the Simulta neous Membership Picgrss. Cy Joinii the Army Reserve now, you can Like your paid . initial entry training over the summer. YouU then qucLy for Ad vanced ROTC pro- . - grams at over 00 . ' :;J crr;i'f::;:".-;iCi-.t Sv!...xL-, 1' y- j'd tic tD leam rr.c.-?, s!r-p by ores!! r ' ; - -1 ' LL'.;