Pago 2
Daily Ncbraskari
Thursday, November 17, 1C33
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In a page-cne story in
Tuesday's Daily Ncbras
kan about Saturday's
march in Washington,
D.C., to protest US. in
volvement In Central
America, listens Holder
was misquoted as saying
that more than 20,000
people participated in
the march. Holder, a
member of the local
Latin America Solidarity '
Committee, that was in
Washington, said that
more than 40,000 people
marched. Washington
police estimates pat the -crowd
at 20,000.
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National and international news
from ths Renter News Report
Quake rocks Hawaii;
few injuries reported
KILO, Ilaweli An earthquake measuring
6.7 on the Elchter Scale shook Hawaii Mand
Wednesday, causing landslides, bringing down
power and telephone lines and smashing win-
; dews, police said. But despite the intensity of
the earthquake strong enough to cause
severe damr-n? in a heavily populated area
police srJd the only injuries reported were a
few people cut by flying glass. Parts of Ililo, the
main town "on the island the bluest in the
Hawaiian rol:p were left without electric-
:: ity.-v-r' - " '
.t ; Chock waves from the 45-seccnd quake were
felt a3 far away as Honolulu, 250 miles north
west of Kilo, Seismologists on the island placed
the epicenter cf the quake 21 milc3 below
. ground cn the southeastern slope of Mauna
Lea Volcano. .'. r
JNicaraguans dig trenches
IIANAGUA Tens of thousands of Kicara
guans Wednesday bean dfelng air raid trenches
as the country's parliament was told the Uni
ted States planned an invasion "within the
next few days." Civil defense officials supervis
ing the dicing in all major towns ahd cities
said the trenches were designed against bomb
attacks and strafing raids.
The chief of the army's political department,
Hugo Torres, told Nicaragua's Council of State
in an emergency session that "all the signs
point to a direct invasion of Nicaragua by the
United States in the next few days."
Fears of an invasion, heightened by last
month's U.S. intervention in Grenada, were
spurred by the arrival of 1,800 U.S. Marines in
. neighboring Honduras to take part in the big--.
gest joint military exercies ever staged in Cen
tral America. The latest arrivals brought to
more than 5,000 the number of U.S. ground
-troops in IJonduras.
Anti-missile protests
v. "" " '- - '- "
LONDON More than 60 anti-nuclear pro
testers were arrested Wednesday in demon
strations here against the arrival cf VS. cruise
missiles in Britain police said. More than 300
people were arrested for blocking access to the
House cf Commons Tuesday night and scores
of police were cn duty Wednesday night to
prevent a repetition of the incident.
Earlier, 24 women protesters were arrested
when they tried to blockade the main gates at
! the Greenham Common air base, where medium
range cruise .missiles are being placed. The .
missiles, first cf 572 nuclear missiles NATO
plans to deploy in Western Europe, began
arriving Monday at the base, 50 miles west cf
London. .
Arafat's stronghold falls
TRIPOLI, Lebanon Syrian-backed Pales
tinian rebels Wednesday captured FLO leader
Yasser Arafat's last stronghold in Lebanon,
forcing his fighters to take refe-e In the port
city of Tripoli In central Tripoli, Arafat's Pales
tine Liberation Organbatlon press cSee insisted
that all rebel advances had been repubed and
said heavy fighting continued "cn the door
steps" of the Baddawi refugee camp.
Ginny Foat acquitted
NSW ORLEANS Former California femi
nist leader Ginny Foat Wednesday was acquit
. ted of the 1CG5 murder cf an Argentine busi
nessman that her ex-husband claimed the
couple committed. Hie jury deliberated for
more than two hours before returning a ver
dict .
Feat testified Monday and Tussdr that her
"life with ex-husband John :dste was cne cf
. torment and near-constant bcatlix O.s tsar
fuSy denied being part of any fcir. Cidste, the
third cf her four ex-husbands, had rrii he and
Foat beat Moises Chayo to death 10 years O-