The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1983, Page Page 15, Image 15
Thursday, November 17, 1033 Dsily Nebraskan Pago 15 PRE-PHARMACY CLUB Important Oi;aniitional M!lng To night T huroy, Nowember 17m. e 00, Unton. Room will be jsotied. Initiates and Members of Phi Upsiion Omntcron Initiation. 7.00 p m. Tonight " Cast Union Initiates, dont forget ywjr dues. Sandl. What are you doing for the next yeai? NSO ia looking for Student Hosts. It would b a grot y to meet people and develop a variety of skins. All the way round, lt d be a grat way to ipwnd on yearl -Mark Attention UNL. E:a aura to catch tha Awesome Kappa 0. "Mud Stingers" this Friday. Good time lor all) Godfather's Piusa haa "Tarma" you can't refus Rentier for free tickats. Check out our "Tarma" at Godfather's Pizza. Godfather'a Pkzi hea to-fen on 18 oz. Margaritas with any movie atub. DID YOU KNOW YOUR STUDENT PEES SUPPORT THE FOU-OWiNO. MYO GRAMS? Nebraska Uniona Health Center Recreation Canter UPC Daily Nebraskan NSSA ASUN Voice your questions or concerns at the Committee for Fees Allocations open meeting. November 17th at 7:00 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Room to be posted. CFA IS WORKING FOR YOU. Teachers CtXf Cay "teaming tot rtte t, et lip Htiremauw 12 Student Forum in tr Union at 300 (room will be postad). Quest Speaker V Regent Nartcy Moch I M 2 mala atudenta need 2 roommates M or F to move m Deo. i. Large houte, Witt a Sumner area. Own reeme, pint atmosphere. Cell Erie or Mine, 4U5-&s7. Male roommate rwwdsd. Move In Dec 1. Call Drag, 474-67(11. Male to move In Dec 1st 22nd. 474-031S. Reeponslbla roommate to share 2 bed room apt. with 29-year-old female. $ie2.50month. Heat paid. BaautiM o(dar home, 2oth & A area. Can Katriy. 475-431 5. CHinOFilACTIC , Downtown, Monday Friday Or. John Wynhauaon For appointment, call 477-1027. Fresh Cigars Fresh Tobaccos Nice Pipes Cliffs Downtown 12th a O PLAXT TALK SALE Celebrating our eighth anniversary. All planta, 15 50 off; Baskets. 25 off; Clay Pots, 25 off. On oniyl - I CONFLICT ISNT SO BAOlll Learn why today at 2:30 p.m. in tha City Union as tha CAP Leadership Institute concludes its two week edu cational program for UNL's student organizations. TYPEWRITERS: RENTAL - SALES SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4138 LAD! 23 NIGHT OUT!! Pun Feed Fttneee Drake's Salad Bar Restaurant and Mademoiselle are combining together for one great night Register for free membership, dinner certificates, bags, T-shirts, plus much more . . . &alad special and free Diet Coke all nightlong. BRING YOUR FRIENDSI r . This Thursday. November 17th '-. 4:30. TJX)p.r.i. 131 South 13th (By Miller & Paine) A!! Unlifcixlty f.!ud;!!n3. Come and watch the dirtiest event of the year) Friday Nov. 18th 8:00 p.m. $3 in advance - S4 at the door . Sponsored by Coor'a A CR'a DIAMONDS Best prices, large selection, compare andaavel ELDER JEWELRY , .... . 31110 Street UPC American Films presents Casablanca Starring Humphry Bogart Thursday and Friday, October 1 7 a 1 8, 7 and 9 p.m. in tha rostrum in tha Union. A.t.O.Lffila Staters ' The Auction and Movie Night ia Thure day at 7:30. Get Psychedl Terri's Sec rati rial Service. IBM Type writer, Dictaphone Transcriber. Reaso nable ratM. 474-0024. . GAHFI2LD THHlrT SHOP 2319 GAHFIZLD (two blocks south of 20th i A) Look for the Happy Cat 435-5922 A Wee Bit of Everything! Single It Pregnant? Adoption is a caring alternative. For confidential counaeling contact Nebraska Children's Home 483-7870 BIRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy test confidential, understanding help. 483-2809. LAST L'Si UTE TYPI?G? Wa can handle it. Our word processing professionals will make your assignment look GREATI Or do it yourself on our equipment. Either way, you receive com puter spelling checking, atorage and top quality final copies. For a limited time we're offering: STUDZsTDISCCUrsTC! CaH today: cc:.:?uraiTYFZ 473-TYP2 r:icroczrvs.(::c 475-c::3 1630 QUE STREET ORANGE BOWL BOUND??? Check with GOOD LIFE COACHES For group transportation, we can make all arrangements. 423-2500. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Beginners or Advanced Zagar Studio 423-2789 r- . . UiiwJ Uwl Id J t a (Arreted: $24X3) tlzvj thrcj!i fov. 23 ' r Open 7 crs a v EIIE used LP. with Any Purchase m. are) Im T .MSihak H ana. M A 1 Lionel PJtchio: CMll ClOYJ EZVJll ' Pointer Sisters: OUT tOST: Set of keys between $iieck and the MMtm Center, 1114. Pteasa call 472-0605. Lot: Silver Latvian wedding ring with charms in women s bathroom, f ast Union. Great santlmental value. Please csil 478-0311 Found: Calculator on 1st floor Lov North. Call and gve description. 48A6Sa. Found: Key ring with 8 keys (GM). Call 464-0S14. CROSSWORD PUZZLE i Edited by EUGENE T. MALESXA ft i Turn on Tune m to WOODSTOCK "83 ATOs: The Little Sisters are nm&f to share a fun evening with you wild and crazy guys. Be ready at 7:30 tonight Love, Your Utile Sisters ft; To the Prri Celt Hoop-It Player Thanks for trying so hard. You guys am great! Good Job! Heidi A Stacey (AOP1) P S. Larch Who taught you how to dress? Frank H. (SAM), Good luck this weekend in Chicago. Jeri I, Linda it MURPH 111583: - "I believe you can turn a dog Into another type of dog but not a cat." And you want "to graduate?" ilM ll I nktvti mil I IV!? 'A IL 01NIAIO 1 .lelt I T m i - iW in ! A h .i ,hmtA !8jo 'TjtToto J 1 piTTR' 1 t I t yL- sTSiiTlt ill T 3 Y eT5 ACROSS 1 Happen 8 Molecule component 19 California 14" ,ma prima . . .": Verdi aria IS Machete's kin IS Certain stadium 17 As compared with 13 Chemical compound 23 Fresh 21 Sky mysteries 23 Sojourns 24 Strange 23 Potter's must 27 What a prof proffers 23 Hanky decor 23Rara 34 Intensify SSTV'sVigoda 37 Rice dish 23 Noshed 43 Eyewitness. 42 Large photo: Abbr. 43 Word of serendipity 43 Slavic ruler 47 Felt indignation 43 Wobble 51 On the rocks 52 Role for Valerie Harper 53 Worsted 53 Prospect 57 Marbles game CD Utter engrossment 2 Fine violin C I Nary a soul C5 Author Murdoch' 3 Beard eraser 7 Enter C3 Take on cargo C3 Cocperstown's Vance DOV.N 1 Arabian sultanate 2 "I to bury Caesar . . ." 3 Artists' pens 4 Samovar 5 Reprobates 6 Execrate 7 Trifles 8 Timeworn 9 Glacial deposit 10 Day, post- Christmas holiday in ' England 11 Grasping 12 Nephrite, e.g. 13 City NW of Nlmes 13 Elliptical 22 Browse 23 Sky Bear 23 Ivan's coin 27 Frolic 23 Sheeplike 23 Allotted 33 Hoopla 31 Nautical term 32 Blithe y SSLiketheotary 33 Epeeist 41 Biting 44 Dicer or ricer 43 Wimbledon great 43 "My Sister " 53 Henry VIII's fifth 2 Washer cycle 3 Ell 54 Melville novel S3 Atlanta arena 3 Invalid 3 Gamut cf a sort 3 Lean, tough and strong 61 Retirement plan, for short 3 Lea sound i 14 17 .24 27 3a 37 42 47 3 25 22 i34 13 35 4a s0 t4 t7 54 51 43 ,35 4 29 61 ,52 5 23 45 49 11 40 10 10 11 12 13 41 4 31 32 63 54 69 Gable Carnival Day at Pershing Auditorium Saturday, November 19 starting at 12:30 p.m, j , l r- . ' , t Cablevision of Lincoln has put together. a day of non-stop Fun Excitement Music. Laughter to highlight the kind of variety and entertainment available only through able TV. Come join the festivities. .zj-u Ji J-Ji vDW2nts to invite you to this exciting event . To learn more about this 24 hour news service, visit our booth at Pershing Auditorium, which covers all fast breaking news storeis. 1 Most of our competitors run about 4 newscasts every day. IVe run 43. While they're off tha air preparing to deliver the news by their schedule, we're on the air delivering the news by your - ' schedule. We cover it all all the time. . ; Before, during and after everybody else. So when you're ready for the news, turn to CNN Headline News, It's another great reason to sign up for cable. j ' y I tr; Si ' K j : . 1 t; ; .'..:JW:V. v ,. ' -" - iJ U N -v-':;':. ; -, i i . ' ' - i -M j . ' Vr 4. -? Come to Pershing Auditorium for our FREE In:td!riion offer. Available. only dufmg ' Cable Carnival Day at Pershlnj Auditorium. G-' - - s . -w w - W w J af " f1 o.V r" . : " m" ii t "-. v- 475-21 2 27th & Stsr M-Tt3 3. ITS 13-9 " cesj for new or aid 3i:s only. ' Sonal