The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1983, Page Page 11, Image 11

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    Thursday, November 17, 1C33
Daihy Ncbrcskan
Pago 11
11 1
Make Tracks
. SUtf photo by Dm Trouba '
Korecn Cluistca (left) sad sea of the video eq elpaent esesl Tcesdsy
cibt: "A cysap&csy of chsss." . ., - '
Video . . .
Continsed from Faa 3
A couple of assistants
roamed the area with syn
cronized clipboards, giving
the performers pre-wrifcten
instructions on tabs of pa
per. The tabs suggested
which book or activity to
take up, how loud and long,
etc. In this respect, Chris
ton becomes a composer,
as well as conducting from
the control booth.
If one calb Christen
the "composer" of "Trans
missionPersistence of
Vision," the piece is a sym
phony of chaos. Trying to
make sense of the whole
thing is like trying to make
sense of a New York street
scene. Or maybe trying to
make sense of the entire
current art scene. It also
suggests the hub-bub of
activity of a diversified,
bustling art department.
A busy art school or
street scene taken as a
whole is usually chaotic,
spontaneous and unpre
dictable. Recreating the
chaotic nature of mas3
population in a normally
serene, and contemplative
atmosphere such as Shel
don's is not an easy feat,
and is one that alienates
more than a few gallery
goers. In fact, the most
prevalent crowd attitude
seemed to be befuddle "
mentor at most; detached
amassment. "" V-
This is understsndsbte .
because confusion often ;
occurs when one tries to
make sense of a mulli-
tude of stimuli In feet,
that is the sense of the
piece to me; "everything',
happens at once," there "t
is no real cohesiveness in'
today's society or art
world. The best a person "
can do it is accept the
challenges, and pick and
choose as to personal
In a work such as this,
the viewer sort of goes,
"art window-, shopping."
You cant see everything"
that's going on, you miht 1
see "something you dont
go for, but eventuafyyoull
see something you like. ;
Frankly, I wish I could
have seen more cf it, but '
a person cant be in two ' ,
rooms at once. It's fun to
window shop.
Thja vf",,,!!tjf iwMh -'
next to Sheldon Film
Theatre will continue
through Dec. 18. Video
artifacts cf performance ,
art are zzlzoia o inter
esting as the crlnal act, .
butwhenycu add up scrr.e
vibes cfLuiJ Wdtcs, and :
merit tZ.:ct it: 3 cr. s ce ! 1
become ec:r.cthir.3 cf a
star.dird f:r art in th3
1 Til
Come See Bogie in . . . m f J
Thursday and Friday
November 16 & 17
7:00 6? 9:00 pm
Union Rostrum
American Films
SL. - - - Try y: 1- . -
ZufsZ?' toggles
Tf , Optional. )-
Cell for infcrmctisn.
Larry at 476-6488, John at 474-1787, Kevin at 474-1191.
c coot cowcw Cow twondo 040ffrowOwwB w8c wrs
J c A V U
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f! - j I filii.