The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1983, Page Page 3, Image 3
Tuesday, November 15, 1933 Dally Nebraskan Mortimer Adler, author, philosopher and teacher, will lecture tonight at 7:30 in the Ne braska Union to celebrate the 100th birthday of Jose Ortega y G asset. Adler'a lecture, "Ortega y Gasset: The Educator of the Twentieth Century," will be followed by a panel discussion. The lecture is free and open to the public. Adlcr currently b director of the Institute for Philosophical Research; chairman of the Board of Editors of Encyclopedia Dritannica; associate editor of the Encyclopedia Britannica's "Great Books of the Western World and editor in chief of "Annals of America." Ortega y Gasset is recognized as one of the greatest humanists and philosophers of all time. Born in Madrid, Spain in 1633, he was a distin guished critic of art and literature, philosopher, historian, essayist and sociologist Some of his most important works in English translation are "Meditations on QuJjote" (1014), "The Spectator," (eight volumes between 1916 and 1034), "Spain Invertebrate," (1921), and "The Subject of Our Times," (1923). Adlei to lecture on noted Iiemaniot Foreign student savers face Issue of survival' By Steele Thomo : The situation concern ing foreign students who had money in the closed Commonwealth Savings Company is uncertain this week while the UNL Inter national Educational Studies Office assesses the problem. The bank was declared insolvent Nov. 1 and was taken over by the state Department of Banking. Dolores Dege, an in ternational student ad viser for IES said no ac tion has been taken but there is a committee studying the problem. Dege would not disclose any other information about the committee. Dege said the IES office has compiled a list of the names of the students who were depositors at the bank and the amount of money each student had on deposit at Commonwealth. x ctCi ucvituv, uucciur of the IES office, said the situation may be "an is sue of survival, especially, for students with fam ilies." He said foreign stu dents are not eligible to receive any public assist ance because the stu dents must support themselves to preserve their visa status. Mary Boschult, assist ant administrator for the Lancaster County Social Services office, said that although foreign stu dents are not eligible for public assistance, the Social Services office is sometimes able to match foreign students with someone in the commun ity who is willing to help the student Levitov said he advises foreign students to ask special permission of the Immigration Depart ment to work off-campus. Foreign students are only allowed to work off campus in emergency si tuations caused by un forseen circumstances, he said. Many of the students may not be affected until second semester when tuition payments are due and they don't have the money, Levitov said. For eign students are in vio lation of their visa status if they are not registered for school and one con sequence of that viola tion could be deporta tion. Deportation would only occur after a depor tation hearing and Lev itov said that hopefully an alternate remedy for the situation could be found before the hearing. Soala Ariweriokuma, president of the UNL In ternational Students Or ganization, said he doesn't think deporta tion is likely in this situation. . Wfeed to raise big bucks? Do1!! pay eaclipisoa in pnp group up to V mm 1 Harris Laboratories needs volunteers to , help evaluate pharmaceuticals. We'll pay each of you up to $700 for a couple of rssksnds rcork. To qualify each volunteer must be a healthy male at least 19 years old. For more information, give us a call. 624 Peach Street Lincoln, NS 68502 Providing medical research since 1933 VAV I TUESDAY CI" - 5 t v. A ) 7- -v : ; ,-ONLYj$i50;-.-.-.:1' For $250 you can drink FREE 7 to 12 PM; Only From SI We Rock Lincoln 9th &"P" r o 8 i o O S o 9 9 O 9 0 9 fz LITTLE BO'S Rock-N-Roll WEEECLY DRINlt SPECIALS MONl ''Quarter Night" ANY Drink Only 25 8-9:30 MM Appreciation Night (gr") $4.00 Cover "Drink FREE" AN Night IWEDl Ladies Night 8-10 2 "BIG" Hours of Free Drinks THURI Everybody's Night 8-9:30 Everyone Drinks FREE 0 Mon-Thur Fri-Sat Mon-Sat 2 BANDS 1 COVER BO'S JUDGES WAKEFIELD" TOMBOY (AJaS') BO'S CENTER a" MEN ROCION c - 4 r?r.K-?9. nckt -J L J 33rd & Holdredge Drive-thru 465-9105 1235 "Q" Street Gunny s Mall : 477-2630 Open 11:09 a.m.-2:C9 a.m. 7 Days a Week! o l o 9 9 9 o o o II 9 9 9 O M 9 9 9 9 9 9