The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 09, 1983, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Wednesday, November 1083
Dally Ncbrcskan
Pago 5
Ads appeal to both sexes
We at Coors thought it appropriate to respond to
a letter (Daily Nebraskan, Oct. 14) in which the
authors said that one of our acb currently running
in the Daily Nebraskan represented women in a
negative fashion.
We also thought it appropriate that it be ans
wered, in part, by the Executive Creative Director
who supervised the development of these ads, and
who also happens to be a woman, Nina Fineberg, of
Foote, Cone & Beiding, Chicago:
"The Coors series of ads has three main commun
ication intents. First, these ads are meant to be
dramatic and visually appealing to both men and
women. This is why we have incorporated two male
versions as well as two female ads into the series.
"Secondly, these ads are intended to capture the
essence of today's young adult: being active, in
shape and looking good.
"Lastly, we seek to present Coors beer as uniquely
refreshing and in a contemporary setting. Hence,
the "high-tech" graphics and surrealistic nature of
each ad.
"You may have noticed similar attempts to com
bine the young and active consciousness with con
temporary graphics by such advertisers as Diet
Pepsi, Tab, Max Factor and Chanel "
We at Coors do not intend our advertising to be
perceived as demeaning in any way to men or
women. We are pleased with the results of this crea
tive direction and have received many complimen
tary letters and requests for posters. .
We hope that your readers share this view with us,
if not, at least understand our intentions.
Peter K. Dang
Adolph Coors Co. :
' s Brand Managsr-Coors
Golden, Colo.
The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the
editor from all readers and interested others.
Letters are selected for publication on the basis of
clarity, originality, timeliness and space availa
ble. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit all
material. -
Submit material to the Daily Nebraskan, Ne
braska Union 34, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb.
,.6858&0448; :;iV,,.
Tha Daily Nebraskan (USPS 144-080) Is
published by the UNL Publications Board
Monday through Friday In tho fall and spring
semesters and Tuesdays and Fridays in the
cummer sessions, except during vacations.
Readers are encouraged to submit story
ideas and comments on the Daily Nebraskan
by phoning 472-2588 between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m. Monday through Friday. The public also
has access to the Publications Board. For
Information, call Mary Conti, 472-6215.
Postmaster: Send address changes to the
Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 1400 R
St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448.
Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb.
Ii our government suppressing UFO information?
At the "Expiring Unexplained Phenomena Confer
ence," Nov. 11-13 at the Nebraska Center at 33rd and
Holdrege, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, NASA's John Schues
sler, author Larry Fawcett, and others will present
research findings on this and other topics relating
to unexplained phenomena. And reveal inform
ation never before released to the public.
For more information call 472-2344.
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