Monday, November 7, 1S33 Daily Nebrcskan Pcgo7 As a Marine QScer, you could be in charge of a Modi 2 FA-1&V a tillail tal:e-off ILmier or one of our ether jets or helicopters. And you could do it by the time you're 23. Cut it takes a special commiiment on jour part We demand leaders ri all lads. We teach you to be one. If jou're a fohman or sophomore, ask about our ' "V' ( ifJji r imdcrgniduaie o3iccr commissioning programs. If you're a junior, check out our gradual programs. Starting salaries are from $17,000 to $23,000. Arid you can count on going liither... foster. AIsj bsy vj am be cm cfvs. ThsMsrinss. jJsJ ffti Hi i vj if (: n ; ? ' Bzd your Officer Scicsibn OJitecr, Ccpi KirlavccJ, cr cell (02) 221-34C3 eel!:-!. -'tMMMM1it!ll!ilM11l'tMH 1