The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 07, 1983, Page Page 10, Image 10

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    Pqp 10
Monday, November 7, 1C33
Daily Ncbrasksn
Mike 'Heismsn' .routine needless syntactic
Well, It worked. A season-lonf campaign cfscmsn
tic hammering has turned Llika Ec-xler Into Hike
Kebman Rosier, then into simply, llike Ikisman, and
f utr, I--" TrVV
Rorier. Even Brent Musberger conceded that Rosier
Is the obvious pick while chatting with Ara Persegh
ian at CBS Sports Central Saturday, during the
Georgia-Florida game.
Pat Clark
Hsismai. candidate from the onset of the season,
oid has made himself the obvious choice by virtus of
his on-fidd performance during the course of the
A. i Vitlwi l lAtlwVb lt v ivttJ 4--J v. J Mvfc
been content to let llciizr win the Iteibmsn on his
own merits. So, we get the UZiz Ilclsmsn routine.
- With the -success of the Hike Heisman ncn
campaign, we are MV.dy to see mere of this kind of
syntactic brinks in the future. This very season,
there ciy yet be time to get the Dean "Outlaid
Steinhihkr and Tom "Coach of the Year" Osborne
13 underway.
Sure, it would be easy to contend that the Mike
Heisman routine was not psrt of a concerted cam
paign, but rather a phenomenon that occurred of its
own accord. That might even be true. Nevertheless,
it smacks of the same mentality that splices pictures
of popcorn and soft drinks onto movie reels to sug
gest trips to the snack bar to unsuspecting movie
There's no denying that Hazier has been a leading
rt. 0 3 W&L W5
Promotion being the highly imitative business it to,
there's no reason to bdieve Mike Ik-manlike hypes
wO be limited to Husker football. The!s3 '
are Umltltss: Matt "AEON" Wcibee, Meryl rO.:ccr"
Etretp, John "President of the United Cities Glenn,
The larger issue here is not whether-some die-'
hard Husker fans should be allowed to do their bit to
help attract attention to Mike Roller; but rather the
tendency, not limited to sports events, net to let
something of value or execption'stand on its own
merit The Mike Heismsn non-campaign is a very
modest example.- - ' , ..
The aforementioned Brent Musbcrger has made a
whole career out cf ooomg and ashing about the tth
. ktcs who appear on events televised by CC3. If you
h ave watched CC3' coverage of pro basketball, you
know the problem.
It is never enough, for example, for Julius Ervir.3
' to drive down the lane, Eying past another bewil
dered dupe in the opponent's urdfom,jcpia In
midair and slam home another dunk. X3 must
quickly Cash to Brent Musberger at the studio, who
will inform us that Ervfcg Just made a great play.
They do it Just in case everybody in the United States
' was out getting a sandwich, I guess.
What eventually happens is that we come to look
' for the hype instead of the substance, and the peo
ple who promote sports events are all too willing to
deliver. Every play becomes great, every athlete is
one of the best at his position in the conference,
every game is a showdown that could decide (circle
one: the conference championship, the national
championship, who goes to a bowl game). Just for
once, it might be nice to let athletic excellence stand
; as self-evidence.'"
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ating protest may iorce
second look at system
Dy Wsrd T7. Tdpktt III
Sportsmanship ratings for UNL
intramursls hsve been used for tivo
yesrs, but their purpose End intent
h&s helped the sports involved, the
director of campus recreation seid.
- Stan C&stpbdl sdd he hopes some
purpose to the rules will emerge
during the current protests about
S.!ra Chi's ejection from the flag
football tournament plzyofS because
of a low sportsmanship rating.
. "The gosis are to keep people
conducting themselves in a mature
manner and to make the game more
enjoyable for officials, the team's
players and the opposing players "
Campbell said. , .
In the ratings, which are com
piled at the conclusion of each gme,
a 5 rating fa given, for ercc"ent
sportsmanship, a 4 rating for above
average, a 3 rating for average, a 2
rating for below average, which
would include arguing with a rcfe
; ree, and a 1 rating for extremely
poorspoitsmanshlp, which indid?3
actions that cause a player to be
thrown out of a gams. The odciab,
the opposing team captain and a
department oScid rate the team. ,
A team must maintain a 2.5 ratLig
throughout the season to be eligible
for the playoffs. Once into the play
offs, a team must meet the 2.5 each
game in order to continue. -
Questions about the ratings cries
because of this rule. Tom Ch
Sigma Chis got," Cummings said. "I
was told that someone gave them a
one or a zero, but nothing happened
in that game that would get them a
rating that low. It was totally incon
sistent to what (intramural direc
tor) Kcnda (Scheele) told us about
giving those ratings at the start of
the year" ; m
An increase in poor sportsman
ship has made the ratings neces
sary, 'Campbell said. .
"I dont know why he said, "but in
the p&st few years we've seen in
creasingly poor sportsmanship. I'm
not sure what the rational fa, but I
have to believe it's tied to role modeb.
m CrVoV a C IvVAte 4mtt hfA WiLrABjl
think, 'Hey, they're doing it, why
Ehoinx IT rm net tctsr convinced
its r:
jfwfce.-44.--A fF-flfc-W frHjffc irtv' m m 3
3wB.a. 4naa.-v4v XAJ -ir. J, t,
player for Tau Kappa Epcllcn, ssii a
team has no way. of kno.vir.g v;h.;t
its rating is throughout the sescn,
and could find themselves thrown
out of a pIsycST Can: 3 r.hUe C-zir.l
the same things they had done l'A
season. That, he thought, was part
of the Sigma Cl"ii esse. -
Campbell said the sportsmanship
ratings are posted in the recreation-'.
office after each g:;::;e. j '
Te try to get these out the day .
after the game is plsyed," Campbell "
said. "In a few esea,- weVe been a "
weekbehind,butvrercre ail caught '
pp (before the plrycCs)."- ."- . :
The purpose cf the current ej's--tern
is to balance an ct:fril score,'
but is has wcrhed the other wzy,
some participants sy. ; . . .
It's become a weapon to get back
at the other team, said Bob Cum-'
mings,team manager of Girth
Vaders, the independent champions
and one of three rated teams re-
It almost happened to a basket-
ball team I played on In: year. We
came real close to not getting a" 2.5
average because the opposing team '
csptain was mad at us for beating '
them and gnve us a zero." ' ' a
Cummings, whose team beit the
Eigma Chi team in a tournament
before the official Hag footbsil sea
son began, said the decision was not
"I saw that game, and I didn't
agree at all with the rating the
absolutely convinced it's not appro
priate for intramural athletes to do
if - ...
The ' problem is ; magnltlsd now
since the cOcia!.3 crent strangers'
the players went see again, as in
ties. In intramural
sports, with the referees being peers
with the players, Csmpbea said it is '
creeid for that referee to have the
respect cf the athletes. - ; -.
, . Campbell sdd he has heard about
. ."We've had a lot of players com-
. ment that, it's nice to play a game
without having to worry about' the
ether team griping with the c-3-cisis
" he said. " H ';:
CuminingSi a fifth-year senior who
played four years with Sigma Alpha .
Epsilen, said he also had noticed an
improvement. .
. ou dont see outbursts anymore,"
he said. "When I started, you even
.had a couple of fisticuff and real
dlwt'6 ll&3a&0$S
"D't there should have to be a big
fight to throw a team out cf a tour
nament The purpose of iutramu-'
rsls is to see who the best rthlctes
are, and you cant do that when you
Have to worry tbsut pleasing the
referee and pleading the other team
while crying, to beat them at the
same time, .
StO, '. Campbell said the sports
manship rule has worked, rid O
cials are not playing fcvoriics with
their ratings. ' "
1 acnx mink any cf our cZzlzh
' csre who vins or loses," Ccntpbcl
- saidL..lf they did, I would be dl2
pointed since we would have failed
in getting across to them that we're "
' not here for pecpie to win or lose,
but for people to participle."
. CampbcUsiidtheSigmaChiprcb-
1cm will encourage another lock at
me system, wRieh is meddled frcr.i
sportsmanship systems from ether
But we're not ever gsing to back
cSr it," he said. "This doss g-j sit'
that some moderations raight be