'X , - 1 f v j ., ll -t- "SB" V V t Dzlly ffcbrc:kan Frfdiy, November 4, 1C33 V v.. ) v. . . V t I Aerob&tic pilots spin, swoop durin gtopsy-tu rvv man "Daring young men in their flying machines ..." the old tune rings true today when describing acrobatic pilots. Spinning, looping, rolling acro batic planes look like gulls wheeling their way across the sky. Pilots insist anyone can learn to per form acrobatic maneuvers - vv, n; Tve taken people up who have never flown before and had them per forming simple rolb end loops," said Marvin Helman, a part-time aerobatic flight instructor. "But that only hap pens after careful ground instruction first." . ,.- .. ' : : . ' Ground instruction to r.ttzzzziy to prepare prospective pf!cts and pas esr.srs fer psychdccal and physical ' Wf fV V Pfl J"! it has never experienced before " he gtga Tf-- Uifl CV4Cfe VThtr. you start to bcnlt, yotsr eyes are fccci'- thb G-fcrce (graty) ht!j ycu secure ti your giat, your body tzlh Helman said people who "do a lot of roller coasters, and trampolines" have an easier time getting acclimated to some of the sensations. But unlike a roller coaster, the ride is smooth and quiet . v Despite the smoothness, there are 'physical stressors. ij-.-jv;!i .ii' "Pulling anywhere from three to five G's is stressful on the body " said Hod Oliverius, Helman's former student. "Af; ter 10 minutes of maneuvers, you're fine. After 20, you're tired. After 40, you can get pretty sick." Acrobatic pilots do normal maneuv ers and inverted maneuvers. Normal maneuvers, performed rihtside-up, cause you to be'puiisd into your seat with a certain force; thb phenomena is . . known as "pulling pecltiva G's." This means that if you weih ICO pounds ' and a maneuver causes you to pull two : G's, you are pulled fcto your seat as if " you weighed 200 pounds.' ; ' V . , Inverted maneuvers, performed upside-down, puHyou a'ayfrcm your . seat into the restralr ctrrps. That . force b known cj pr.J t.zzzHys G's. I v ' cl Ci r!:.-.3 era taa TLrts ClTcf Cralj And reeen a. rlie to reriemter. I .j - - -. (seen lice) b r:r.3 t:3l;rr3 f;rt!:2 Cl L: : r.3 fitter Ler? f . ' Ll3Litl3tr.