Thursday, November 3, KZ3 a (' 17 ' v- T7 y Nebraska Diamond. -. The Ultimate Jewelry Store. ' .-.".v. , 7. V Wctlways have the largest selection.;-' -xx x- .'.-, We always have the best prices. . ;' We a!ways"have the most in persona! service. ' -" p " 'P ' . By now, everyone knows that - V:V; Being the Ultimate Jcwlery Store doesn't stop there. -' At Nebraska Diamond we give our customers something extra. Value. Incomparable and obvious. ':'xv.; Vc!,:: means delivering the finest quality jewelry at the lowest price. Value means maldng certain your purchase meets your highest ' . V--... Value means providing a lasting asset as well as an aesthetic pleasure. Value. It's just one reason why more than 9 cut of 10 people who shop at Nebraska Claxcr.d buy at Nebrarka Diamond. We dominate Ijt,STaOO'i S C3 J jT? IT. t&vt x. When your mind's set on fine jewelry and second best just won't do, come see us at Nebraska Diamond. For the largest selection, the best prices, the most in'personal service... ' ' : And Value.;-' ;. . :xr-. ';V. " ":' . r -::x ...X'.V: 7. i - vx XX CS5 KIC Center 13lh a O . .' 474-6:63 , , ' t .t,. rs fin 'f!n?