The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1983, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Tuc:cby, November 1, 1C33
Dd!y ricbrccksn
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, t!f photo ty David
CLrrlca Centvrccd cfLLiccIn facdj crrcts to a pair efberrcs tX Pioneers Tzili Zco ca Friday, Oct.
Zoo. . .
A2T Llemorbl Zoo closed LIcndcy fslling under
the Lincoln City Council's budget axe and becoming
yet another victim of finsnckl hard times.
Exotic animsls at Ager wiH move to new homes in
various places around the country, according to
Kim ileyer, zoo supervisor. The king vultures are
going to Detroit, the loons to San Dieo, the hyraxes
to Evansville, Ind., and North Carolina and the two
toed sloth to Syracuse, N.Y.The destinations of less-than-exctic
animals, such as coyotes and rabbits, i3
undetermined, said David Cuhter, Lincoln Parks
and Recreation Department assistant superintend
ent in charge of zoos and outdoor education.
As sad as the passing of Acr Memorial is, it may,
like any death, allow the birth of something
The way Hunter sees it, the zoo closing will be
worthwhile if plans for a nature preserve at Pio
neers Park materialize.
These plans include a natural setting for animals
native to Nebraska 150 years, ao, Ruhtersaid.
ileyer said those animals include beavers, otters,
and white-tailed deer. Hie animals would live in the
three 'difTsrent environmental settings present in
Nebraska then wooded river, short grass, prairie
and tall grass prairie, Meyer said.
Hunter said he hopes the plans for Pioneers Park
will be implemented.
"The resources are there," he said. "Other com
munities are finding a number of ways of financing. I
dont know why Lincoln is any deferent"
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