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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1983)
4 Pc:3 2 ill 0 0 0 Ccndaued itCU Pags X '' ..... Proposed prognm revisions not covsrsd In tha trticli In clude: , Alia trd Sc!:nets ( Eliminsta Division of Archeologieal Research. ; Consolldata Intarnstional education programs, Including ; IruiituU (or International Studies. Cut 25 percent of stale support for research function of the -State Museum, or redirect research by museum staff to free ' personnel for teaching assignment In life sciences, anthropol ogy and geology. Consolidate departments of classics and modsrn langu ages. Ajr!cu"urt end Nstursl Hssourcis . Consolidate Water Resources Center and Conservation, and Survey Division. . . Eliminate reporting and evaluation staff positions and .. clerical support In Cooperative Extension Service. . - ' Biminate part-time assistant dsan position in College of '. Agriculture. , FJtmlnata undergraduate courat In bioMatistlcs. . . : . Reduce research and extension appointments in agricultu- ral engineering and economics. Eliminate plant disiase programs In the Department of Agriculture. . Eliminate waste management research and extension pro- -gram In department of agronomy. Eliminate youth program in department of agricultural ' engineering. Eliminate analystical services laboratory In department of agricultural biochemistry. Eliminate two undergraduate majors in entomology end plant pathology. Eliminate soil and water management program at School of . Technical Agriculture at Curtis. Transfer poultry products program from department of animal science to department of food science and technology. Eliminate food flavors and evaluation program in the , Department of Food Science and Technology. Relocate dairy extension, arboretum, Nebraska Forest Ser vice and AGNET reporting programs. Eliminate research programs of Southeast Research and Extension Center, redirect to departments. Reallocate extension agent positions according to a new formula. Architecture Eliminate Community Resources and Research Center, or reduce state support by 25 percent. Engineering Transfer department of construction management to Col- ls" of Architecture. ' . "' ' - ' T v:;.- C;.:; - '"- ' : "- : . : ' Reduce Instructions! fieulty. ; Ellmlnats some programs now bring teueM by C'3uxi assistants In the School cf H:J,.:, f hyaicil Educs.i.en and Rscre-uon, end rasdigr) some permanent UI to of greater r? r i. Msrgs Teachers Placement Office with Cffic cf Caresr Planning and Placement. Msr;9 D::rtment of Speech Pathology end Audiology with Department of Special Education end' Communication Disorders. Iter. Ccener.!c Reduce Instructional faculty. ' Eliminate duplication of home economics course offerings In Omaha by use of closed-circuit tsiavlsion. Auxlery Cervices ; Dsvslcp decentralized media centsr coordinated under Jsan cf libraries, thereby eliminating !?G film tnd consolidat ing film co'iactlon with tiia S&t Library Commission"! film library. Eliminate Sheldon Art Shop or transfer Its msnsemsnt to tha Nsbrtska Art Association. - . Restructure ctmpus police department," reeeslgn ploy greph functions and eliminate one position eiirUien, Oimlnsta one full-time counseling position In counseling center. . Eliminate position of program assistant in office cf Greek affairs and reduce stats support of the office. " Reduce st-te support for Office of International Educa tional Services, or consolidate with other programs. Ad.t.-.iitiien Consolidate and restructure graduate end undergraduate admissions programs, including transfer of graduate admis sions to Office cf Admissions and Advising. Combine positions of vice chancellor for research and graduate studies and dean of graduate college; eliminate one full-time position. Transfer operation of Nebraska Center for Continuing Education to supervision of vice chancellor for business and finance or to vice chancellor of student affairs; eliminate cur rent vacant position of associate dean. Reassign budget from third-class postage and catalogs. Eliminate position of dean of academic services. Reduce state support for travel in registration and records. Transfer three full-time positions from Office of Admis sions and Advising to intercollegiate programs. Transfer one graduate assistant position from the univer sity information office to the Office of Pre-Admissions Activities. Efffiffi nnrnl W J . -b. p j : . ." . -v , ;; - 3 . . ca - fe-v x-- -T2. -""" - . '" i '-v. :- t -lizj v.fcn you birciny ArtCcrvcJ ccJ- . . . ; : ' r 13 ling, you net crJy cct cno tina folded . ' J end q'jcir, you ct tefA(cct;-': . i:; ! f r r t ; :?lyrr? :j:-fT3B:Z t:rjtr-1c;C cc'J-v.TJra-'-'- : " 1 !nV1irr . "c:F2Fc:r.trfvJ3--. -: XCLASSR;GS.iX. ccnrccr.3. teCztloczopty t', V.,; 3 ' . - .Zr.-r'izzi JtCcrvcd Rprccc. ...,vd for a LT.,.cd--? - .'- . - - t. . '."H.,' , ; t . Z , . '2 S "V.. .'; .2 v ; t : . - . . , ' " v,- . ' i , . " ; 5 .1?..!. ".ZZI 2 -m j -. ' " T ' v " iT"""' - i i rr - r . v ? v-. '.;c.;-. 3 i-.-- r- r1 " i ? n r " " " n " a i t ... ,- G:zir:z t:i.i::z2z'i Xrjvv ;."v f;. Ancbcd can.-;3. t. ........ H M Nctionnl and intcmationc! nsvs from the Rcutcr News Report Judge in Craft ccos: Media svaysd juiy ' KANSAS CITY, I'o. AjuO llcndy o; r- - turned a Jury's rcccntntsnditbn th-t ttl ' CCO,C0 by a fcrncr employer cn ths croands that slit va3 di3crKiins.ted cct cn the besb of her sax. Jisdl2 Joseph tcvcR3 Jr., who presided over tha tv.o-v. cck trid in Aujst, s:d ths cvrd vc3 "excessive sr.d the result 0f psssisa, pre-' judlce und rai:tc.!:o on ths port cf ths jury." Stevens said he thought the jury w3 swayed by the large mount of publicity the trial received. lie ordered a new trial for Craft, who b suing Metromedia, the former owners cf a television station in Kansas City that demoted her from the position of television news anchor. Craft had claimed at the trial that she was demoted because audience surveys said she was too old and too unattractive and not defTerential enough to men. Hospitalbombing reported The Pentagon said Monday that aUJS. plane bombed a mental hospital near a fort in Grenada last week, killing at least 12 patients. The Pentagon said VS. forces were not aware that the Richmond Hill Mental Hospital was . located in the Fort Fredericks area when the raid on the Grenadian stronghold occurred last .Tuesday, the first day of the UiL-led invasion. ; - The Defense Department issued revised cas ualty figures showing 18 US. servicemen died in Grenada, 85 were wounded and one is VS. Marines began to pull out from Grenada Monday, returning to warships that will take . them to their original destination, Lebanon, a military spokesman said. '' EnZinUII,-Turkey Rescuers have re covered 1,223 bodies from buildings shattered in Sunday's earthquake in northeast Turkey, military authorities said Monday. More bodies ,; are expected to be found, they said. But heavy snow and rain are hindering rescue work in ' . the -remote, mountainous . area, inhabited mainly by poor farmers. Most of the mud and rough-stone buildings typical of the region ' . were flattened. : v-: , The league of Red Cross Societies In Geneva, Switzerland,, said it estimated 23,CC0 were ' injured or homeless and It warned that many might perish in the freezing temperatures. ; .. Marine security inadequate WASHINGTON Security-at VS.- Marina 7 headquarters in Beirut was insufeier.t to ctcp the "Ilyir.g truck lereb that hurtled thrcu"- , normal defeases' Oct. 24, tiling 20 D .scr-. Dut Mariaa Ccmrr.aadsat P.X KcZey a!eo teld . the Cenete Cerviees Ccr.r..;tt3 there ' ' v:z3 r.o rci:en Lr VS.!:r3 to !:.-ve ' crpected a Cvs-tcn Merceies truck rrlth 5,CCD : . pounds cf c::.:e:;Tej to cliti tI;e'Ccrr;.'e'e.r.:L they- took 'proper precast: r..i l-ten the -j LC3 AIXZLnX- Ilcadry cred V v-w 1 L - i.i L 5 CJ X...3 ce:rer:g:J wre, Jeer..;--lz J t3! Lex crcetcereb crchergeeecee: t.:;.-: ' meat cf their tllverce czzz. Les --;!:,3 cre!:red .Ceraen to z:zj t-i tzzi rereO Lb v.O cetlT.ieei t j Cen to ce;: ' C71,C:D a y:er. - :' -r:t ;T r"'"r 'if-fT,'-i -- - " " 1 " "--' - t --, " J ;: GII37A, C7r:He:fir.3 ;T::ri ' r f L' " te-eiTrerrt: :ieet::r.e ! !er.i - : 1 1: "3 : : cee:r:J ty lree;e!:i-'Ar C;-.-;-!' r la'- - - j k. . . re:ree:-:etiv:3 cf Lcler.rra it'-t - " ar j.rcl'eus crcer i .1 ";-T -;i : . cr er.:r g celea that leet; J leej C: : :"r c:..:j r:ri;:-t". J ft INI ern:L::-ii.;7-:;-;JLu.: Hi 'ferrsiiLc- - - " W is. V f - .