m i f.tcnday, October 31, 1CC3 .m i - ( ' Jf I. J j p Unlvcrcity of f braka-Linccln Vol. 83 No. 45 ! V Jeo Ilee-'ey, & ce.e,ee3 E'j ,-lejt jr. 3 cc:!7m:Je?, arelAIeei Ccr, cmlartz:rr3 UU. lurualaa clCrcri durleej a rally near ! ; Crc .nl Fc .ei fr , y v Rally baclos Reagan Grenada operation A deaen pro-Reagan supporters, most cf them UIL students, stewed a ral'y Friday at : Broyhill Fountain cr.d cr. th2 c:7 i eft!: 2 etrte Crr-cl f" trrt? their jrp-rt fer lrt . wcs3 fcr. . .; Lea cX.Grr :" V ;;,..."..'.,' V: - &ndi US Lntcrvnticrt in t.. Ocrw!bc-jn .UAtJ i-.- ilU WA WwwmW &1 WwF .. "showed there era pec pis whs do support ths , , lit W tt'fc'fc 4v.ii 4fc4Jf ' ' AW 4w-u4U VWMwIW ktitftU y' 4t- Wfto-. A- -Jr4 V W ? gu'l Va-sJibel .Kt JE- 'w-J JU-.4 tf.4w - A nJ - f f"' s -'-. i I- ' -' rr'cty cf U.O. ctr.:!:.".t3 in Grcr.'di sr.d to i.:.It W'-w-i . ' jw ful CCikwaiwi v-i !Tttr t3 t'3 1 A. fivil cf fun ... Tft 3 ti o c .cry ct tni3 year's Ec;tf;:t Friday cf tha Cc:t Ur.'en . . . - - Th3 Ccrnhcrkcrs' hcpt their vir,!r tlU Ccech Tern OrbcrnD cxprc::rci ccr.c-rrs C.BwLt ls3 4 -e r f W r 1 111)5 Cfte3 CwJwa. 0 ................ , ' -J HO.- ifliiilUliiG mrMteeiflio)S' Mitary and Chilian authorities Cundsyturned their attention to Grenada's future with no military action reported on the island five days after the U.S.-led invasion. The United States zz Sundsy.that it will begin dhcuseions with Eastern Caribbean allies and Bri tain on Grenada's future and will remove the remaining C,CC0 U.S. ssndcemen as soon as the last pockets cfresictsnceer.8 overcome. The Person abo crf.i Sunday that 16 American servicerasn had been litlsd in Grenada, with' 77 , "wounded and three reported missing. The Orcardzation cfEaet Caribbean States, which asked for U.S. help to invade the Marxist-ruled bland, v.iH ImmedlLttly O; sanctions imposed on .. Grenad a ccr Last v. eek's military coup, Dominican Prims I Governcr.-General Sir Paul Scocn, the queen's representative on the farmer Dritbh colony, said in a radio address Saturday that he would appoint an interim admini:tration within a few days as a tezt leaders caid may occur within Eva months. -l While about C,CCO Ui3. eeldicrs remain on the island, U.S. military spolieamen have said a multina tional Caribbean tack force will take over in St. . George's, the Grenadan capital, to restore order. - A still undetermined number of Cuban dead and wounded were expected to be Cown under Interna tional Had Crcas supenieion to Havana Sunday, the .J.,l 4 u. :.Jl J -Gn, -i::v.:an Ar-M-,Lrr:,:r cl.-'rn-n cf rice Bishop, was captured on the bland Sunday, a Barbadian government source said. Earlier reports had indicated that Austin, 45, was holed up somewhere in the island holding at least two hostages. . Former Deputy Prime Minister Bernard Coard, believed to be the architect of the coup that led to Bishop's execution, was being questioned Sunday by U.S: intelligence officers, probably aboard one of the U.S. warships anchored off St. George's, U.S. sources said. Coard was captured Saturday by U.S. Marines. Foreign journalists waiting on nearby Barbados for permission to enter Grenada were told Saturday nlht that as many of them as possible would be flown in Sunday and would be free to go wherever they liked. - Previously, the U.S. military had allowed only small groups cf journalists, no more than 20 a day, under careful supervision. '- ... - as ideal iilni site ccrd frs cni is tclwion prcd! to cttQ3 L!;:e':!.'i's r.ewly formed Tc!.:t:ien and Film Com-. talliLMj c:i the succc3 of Terms cf Endearment," a mo-.i;' ctrnir. Debra rr.d Jack ICiehcljon thit wc3 Cr.ed fci Lbcehi b:t cpr&s.' . ''. ; -,. The l0-mcmberccir.r.;tte2 b composed of people and trips to I';v York and ne"yr.cod to encourage pro duct::.! companies and location managers to Cm in L$ " . . . . . Tc:--vl:ien and-Cm 'production in Lbecln rrH r wife--c . V-, -w Vhu1 "bi wvy $1.0 r.,-I".::n i? linecb v,:.:: Czifrj Terms cf and B0U3 . ' Spidery SiUioiistta : ;. EmiwiLg 1 flwM f,qit f-f A -B.lin Jk '.(i(u!-f if" p..-pc. 8 I'feiKjp l1?'-"" a1 " fi'ir6 Li, Drcl-hi e:il r 3 r.;r: rrc-?::t!?r..i shot in Iir.ccLn wiH he!d Li :mt ; :e;iv3 Industry end'buai- r,cr:::3 to leeete :;i t. tryr.;;.!i : r;: -FalsHaUowsm test tl:2 rrrt cf the ccun- p ,. . 1 r- .4. , .''- . , k. . . to. . . V to I:-veL!:2r;IJl. .-. 7; . v- 11.2 ccr.rMltcs b set up' for a cr,e-year trial th2 rcee Caret Studio tl-eatcr:', t!:s tlblicfths T,- f ..f ---.-v v..-Y.i. . ,A T'-" -. llelrre we : t!:ere Ls 1 1 .. 2 1 : 1 Llrei r J Cen !,.,t.f -J - . - . T Ghoets end houl3 triek-cr-trcated all oer Lin berhoodj te.r;-"ht. But a rpeeirJ group cf epoc!3 ...-4.i ?'.. j'.M f... J, , ...... -.. . . f , - Tsi t"'-- 1 f - '. f - 1 ' Trr. w 4T A.Ttrv - - 1 - " -' ' ..T.". ; 'It's fun rr.rceir tho Idds end they rcay enjey it, " v. tt.4,i 4 WvA. Got. Eeb Kerrey prcelitzaed Thuredey as Y-Pab E:j EretlMr-E'j CMcr Cej to cr.ee urr:2 ztzlt ar.d - - V-'rN ' 1 r- - I J i-n k i ! i - Cm:.""; J CM " M.'J k j C 0 C' . .( It.Jk.oJ ....... i ''. ceM3t!.r: fc. . - A I - o-- - V- .. - ... 1 , 4 . 1 u