Friday, October 20, 1033 Daily Ncbrcskan JL 11 Pago 17 tfcss Ms neighborJwod, guys Aibee plays . . . frcn b cure a cood thins to be in,"eaid Harley D-.:J:sa as he sat on hb front porcli i.iu.iCmrtj kn apple and sipping schnr; ;..i.:,.::ihot chocolate. Celeste led in easy chdrs WIU VkJ livlb kMikViil on each iCiecf him. This bctts cob 3 to class said Cekste, taldnj a Ions pull from a pitcher cf r.;:.r4; :iitL3. "And Just think we're dcin our city a great service. Harley, have you ever seen such dis gusting people in your life?" She pointed to a nearby house. - " MaryLouise it, L "They look like drug dealers to me," said Otis. 'Maybe we ouht to call the cops on 'em. You know, suspicious activities and all that And will you look at the hair on that guy? He's prob ably been csleep since 1037." . "Otis, that la unworthy of you " flar ley chided. "I thought you were a good Christian souL" Tn just watching them to make sure they dont fall into evil ways" Otis said. "I think cf myself as a sort cf earthly guardian aneL" Celeste snickered. Harley put down his hot chocolate and bean taking notes on a steno pad. Good stuff for the National In truder, fcIhC he taid, locking across the alley. "Father comes out cf the house, mad. Kids are running all over the place. Dc3 completely out cf con-4 tTCL" - -....y.. ....... neb ; like a buddies 'domestic violence report" Celeste said. Taii, here's the best part," Harley said. "Father starts bellowins z the As if on cue, an anry voice eman ated frenrthe house. ; "Harry! Harry Gre You est in the house this minute! This fa the last time Ira warning your time threats are often a prelude to homicide," he said. ' - ' "Do you think we should cell in the FBI?" asked Celeste. "I dont know, maybe an extermina tor would be more effective" Harley -said. - .i . A loutish-looking youth cf about fif teen emerged from the house across the alley, and gazed malevolently around the yard. "Heidi!" he cried. "Heidi, dad's going to beat your head in if you don't pick ' up your stuff!" Heidi, a small, thin girl, appeared. "Harry Greg, mom's really gonna be mad at you," she whined. "Wait till I tell her what you did!" Harley whistled. "Wow, this is really hot stuffl" he exclaimed. "The cops are going to be proud of us when they find out all that's going on in this neighborhood." , The father of Heidi and Harry Greg stepped outside aain. "Boomerf he yelled. "Harry Greg and Heidi, where did you put that damned dog? Boomer! Boomer!" "As soon as I finish this report, I'm taking it to the Lincoln Police Depart ment," said Harley. "If we waste any more time, Harry Greg, Heidi, Boomer and everybody else in that house will be lying in pools of blood. I know these thiip. I've seen them in the movies." "Well, here's somebody else you can keep your beady eyes on," said Celeste, passing her binoculars to Harley. "I thiak you'd better videotape this one." A police car, covered with shaving cream and crepe streamers, pulled up to the house next door. Several bois terous, intoxicated cSeers emerged, carrying bottles cf champagne. "Come on over to the Policeman's Brawl!" shouted one. "ItU be a real good time!" V" Harley groaned and proceeded to tear up his notes. : ' - " ; "Sometimes it just doesnt pay to be a flood citizen." hS said. "Celeste, can vmi bring me another hot chocolate? Make Continued jfrcn Page 10 Action is also directed toward and addressing the audience, so that spec tators become like a chir&cter in the play, from what He and She say it seems appropriate to think of the audience as the Public which can help ' to deaden any relationship. In some lovely metaphors about love in "Counting the Ways," Collins sadly pulls off rose petals, and eats it before he gets to the center, like the owl and his Tootsie Roll pop. She is r.ho r? intrigued by Love as a game than as an undertaking between two persons. Marcy wears the same playful, malicious smile when she has found out something about present and past love3 as she might if she found the last word of a crossword puizle. . Lincoln's exclusive hot tub rental OPENING OCT. 29! Stop by and relax in one of our private redwood-decked tubs. Each with its own stereo and shower facilities. Bring in this ad for 20 off your 1st visit (offer good through November 14) 818 "P" Street in Haymarkct Square 475-8989 Reservations preferred Persons under 18 must be accompanied by a parent. . . h-V M . .... i Otb raised iuj eyes to hcavch.Lr.sf-t: fi ! riant hfcschnsTCi ti?.i trn music houso, Inc. 1203 "On Stfcot Phons: 476-6644 Featuring Professional Lino Instruments fit CompellUvo Prices, Why Go Out cf Tovn? UNL musical Rcceseory i Headquarters - -?-. , . -' r- ... Ce'vi-e d f & si 10 was much more con scientious. Anchor Tom Brokaw did a fine job cf recapsulin' the, day's e- wnt.s with frph i-?5 a There were no commer- Ultimately, we must an cials, so Erokaw had the opportunity to talk to his guests without interrup tion. Commercials usu- of varying reliability! This is frustrating but as tele vision viewers we must ben to ask ourselves this Question: Is our need to know riht away worth a reporter losing his life? swer no. The question that we now must answer is how long will we have to wait before we learn the whole story. In his age of instant information, the answer doesnt come easy. v lZ ZZ7 n ally tal:e up six minutes of an averate C3-minute broadcast. Ironically, th NEC broadest was ,24 minutej Iss. . AECTs'IlIr.e'crered another cenebe assess ment cf the day's events.' speci-wl cX!wi!b4 cover anethefc was on the s during a cemmentsry by JeiTGrcerJ. vision's ralrion durtea this crisis fccea The result cf the nev,s blackout was this: Xcr two whale dc;-3 we had to rely t , '.J .: ( IP i "p i TONIGHT: l:4Ht u m-y V 1 ' ' ' .1 i j jt a a jv n m ii ? ana 11 u a a m m m w H , . . v 1 w 9 i nn r z i I TONIGHT: 7:S3 ft J P K' :Jm 'I f ' e- B ft-sn ! J I r r t . , i -nnm)nM n i J I f i I 4 I ) f wm . i a . . . 1 :-'... -j I I i 9 1 NATIONAL, kj 7 P : If 1 i V ' J - ' - - '-.IPCS'" . , i i . , -II, T.-33. 9;C3, 10:30 p.m. I 7:JD and 5:CD p.m. : fl, TZ. . ' I ' ' t - 7:33, ?:C0, 10:33 p.m. J! rll. r2ZT l , 12.C3 MIDNIGHT "-11 ; .. nr , ., , ! ! . . . " A"'. Z7" - it'. ' OV n - r-xJ j ; n r? - y ' "7 V --f 4&"klt WW 1 ""Jj:-r..:4--r7;V C.-rcrj..- end,. E; c.1 r n L.3 EwiiJ Cc;'4r.c;s.- The wd3 rara' of 'subjects includes:' -Accounting and Finance Actuarial Science Ancpcbgy Cusinsss Studies Economics , Econorr.ctncs , Economic History ' Eurcsn Stupes Gcecraphy Government Indusliaf H; : . ens Ir..emational History InismsSonal l.v lIzTiz'zznt Science Cpcctbnol n;ccrcfi Personnel lnc-cr :t pl:'-v s . ' - - ru.i.cs ic-'onsi anl Urban OctcSer 29 October 33 CctcSir 31 A D 'vat U m , .1 .usu.. ' w,j r'i 4 - 1 : m ' x L'jr.!-4 tan: . Social --: 1 Tj1 -i w I I )