The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 28, 1983, Image 1

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Jflday, October 28, 1S33
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C6 1
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Vol. 83, No. 44
JiUC'j'i' . Lin
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WASHINGTON President Rec." -a said Thursday
niht in a televised speech thsi US. troops who.
invr.ded Grenada Tuesday, found clear evidence
.that Cuba planned to occupy the tiny Caribbean
Defend; hl3 decision to set gainst Grenada's
ls2.wir.3 revolutionary council, which came to power
in a cj: en Oct. 12, Kesn accused the Soviet
Union cf encouraging violence on the island end in
EccH-n t poke a few hours after the White House
said the 2,000 UJ3. Marines and Army Rangers in
Grenada found, a ratjor Cuban military buildup
- patterned after the Cuban presence in Angola and
Ethiopia. - ..
". Reetin said GOO Cubans described by the Havana
government as construction workers had been taken
' prisoner, "end we have discovered a complete base
with weapons end communications equipment which
makes it clear a Cuban occupation of the bland had
. been planned. -
: Te not there just m time," he said.
The White House said earlier that more than 1,000
Cubans were on Grenada and were heavily armed
' and commanded by a colonel. "
Keshan said Tuesday he ordered the invasion of
Grenada to meet a request for intervention made by
Caribbean country 3, to restore democracy and to
protect 1,000 Americans there.
- "I believe our government has a responsibility to
aid of its citizens if their right to life and liberty fa
threatened," he said. "The nightmare of our hostages
in Iran must never be repeated."
Reagan said the events in Grenada and Lebanon,
where at least 225 American with the
multinational peacekeeping force were killed by a
terrorist bomb Sunday, were closely related even
though they were oceans apart ' - '
"Not only has Moscow assisted and encouraged
the violence in both countries, it provides direct
support through a network of surrogates and ter
rorists," he said. ''.''::
Reagan said the United States had "strong circum
stantial evidence" the attack on the Marines was
directed by the same terrorists who bombed the U.S.
Embassy in Beirut last summer.
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'. - - , ' , Staff phsta fey CrsSg Mmmii asd drsilter lltilt, cfliiola, protect U.O. Isi-'sslcn cf Grenada at Federal
U.S. officials said evidence points to Iranian
terrorists. ' ' . ..
He said Moscow has placed 7,000 advisers and
echnician3 and massive weaponry in Syria, which
he again blamed for the stalemate in Lebanon. Syria
"makes no secret of its claim that Lebanon should be
part of Greater Syria," he said.
Reagan said the time had passed when America's
national security was based on a standing army in
the United States and artillery batteries along its
COSStS. .'
"The world has changed," he said. "Today, our
national security can be theatened in far away
places. It is up to all of us to be aware of the strategic
importance of such places and to be able to identify
Reagan pledged to get tro0p3 out of Grenada as
soon a3 possible. "
' He also promised to take new steps to assure the
security of American forces in Lebanon but rejected
browing calls to bring them home.
"We must not strip every ounce of meaning and
purpose from their courageous sacrifice," he said.
First strilce philosophy
obsolete, Morland says
By Kema Soderberg
"You can't shoot the gun out of the bad guy's
hand," said Howard Morland in his address, "The
Danger of Nuclear War b Increasing."
Morland, the disarmament program coordinator
for the Coalition for a New Foreign and Military
Policy, explained Thursday night why a first strike
military policy is obsolete and he described some
alternatives. Morland wrote "The H-Bomb Secret,"
describing how to build a nuclear weapon in the late
70s. The article was once banned.
Morland said the original purpose of nuclear
weapons wasn't to prevent a nuclear war and that
our first plan was to attack all our enemy's cities
leaving no survivors. Since the Soviet Union started
developing it's own nuclear arsenals after the Cuban
Missile Crisis, this plan has become obsolete. Morland
said the only way to destroy the enemy's weapons
and "win" a nuclear war is to hit them while they are
in the ground. In order to do this, the country must
have a first strike system. ' - '
.U.S. invasion . of - Grenada
" . . ...
-, Th3 VS. invasion of Grenada h an act of coward-:
.. - ice-- and ' frustration, said protestors in - Lincoln
Thursday. - ,;". "
- " About 25 psopla gathered infront of the Federal
. Building I5th and O streets, to protest the invasion
One cf the prcicstera, Sen. Ernie Chambers of
- Crr?.:hnt, compared the invasion to a 20-pound
boscr who "beats the daylights" out cf a little irL
"That b cowardice," Chambers si. "The disparity
bctrrcca the Uil' military czpztZLiy and Grenada's
cabil;ty is fjezter than in that esarr.ple " he said,
that the U.S. took Htti3 ii whsn it invaded a
country that "has' no air force, no amy, no navy."
. Lceerdir.l to c;i rcclitrd Frees article -pub-V-h-:d
In the Or;i,ha '.7crU-Esra!d:
;Arr,cr;ri-i trocpa numbered . 1,CS0. They were re-
.mm m . . t
ccrt-a7Upportca cyirwJ creopa irem cir.or
ftsk .t rf r4V K 4"
' u; TL r.;:: ociats prcf -;or cf Er.:;"' :i cd r.zitm
Crjee Ereh crii th't e.e-f" cf the
ir:v. B:::n3 to fce an ret cf fruitra:in.Il3 d.
th:.t c'-ce the !.r.r.r ir.:i ii Lctrr.ri rr3 in a "ccra
i .... , "zz-;i2ri22o cr.d Co :: :: cirs
trrt";: r'. r.o h K!:::: -tr- C;'r.- r:'"
Ice-.., J f:r a r;l c--"- t:-' C--J
protesters say; -:
"Ronald Reagan lives in a strange fantasy land
.where there are only two things; evil communism
and all-good America," Erlich said.-"In reality, ;
" Marines are "dying In Lebanon.' In reality, Marines-,
.-.are dying in Grenada." ' r .
- Chambers: said that by . invading Grenada, the
Reagan administration is trying to show small Cen-;
tral American and Caribbean countries that if they
" do not comply with U.S. wishes, "they may be in a
world of trouble."
Teresa Holder, a Latin American Solidarity Conv
mittee member at the demonstration, said that the
Grenada invasion is part of ths ''administraticn's
general plan for the Central American and Ccrib-
'. ' .Holder said.. that the; Reagan administration's
. . concern' about the efTects of the Marxist coup and
for the safety cf .'American - rae'diesl students' at
Grenada h "only an escuse for a military Invasion."
. "I think he's thlnfeg of doing something lika this
. in Nicaragua," she said. "He's testing the waters in a
pJace where he can have success.", ' -.-; :
Clir.ribers said he expects the media to cive the
- look" because cf the ban pliocd cn reporters in
bj a distorted vir.v cf the favasian by banning the
Morland said we must lock at nuclear strategy
When trying to understand "First Strike" nuclear
warfare.;-Be .explained the rationale behind many,
missile systems including the MX and Pershing' II.
The Ger.o BedSsnt Orgsn Co. is featured
in this vissk's Kalsidoscopa Pzz? 0
a Kansas Stats wlSi bsiiSa injuries as well as
Ncbrcska when the Cornhuskers travel to
Manhattan Saturday :. Pzz'i 12
Tho Grsnada invasion' underscores
th importance of television news
C0VCfC3... ' P.: 2 13
Arts end EnteiUInmont.. 13
Classified , . . 13
Crossword , tl
Ed.tcris! 4
OrfThaWirs :.. 2
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