The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 26, 1983, Page Page 9, Image 9

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    Wegawe reaction dominates world opinion
Frcn t!;2 Hc-icr Expert
. r.cret!-. to the UH hvr:bri cf Grenada Tuceday
rand frcr.1 condemnations to etrer c"- rt, t"t
racct netiens reacted negatively to'theritary
The kv:.':.i drew stream attacks from Cuba ar.d
frcr.i t!::?r.r-.::.t Union, which branded the attack as
an actcfbrr.diiryrr.J terrorism and demanded the
lr-:z::::-l2 cf the invading forces.
The Coviet News Agency, Tass, said the attack by
Uix end Carrb ca n troops en the bland had exposed
US. I- -;rs : .i e;-;: users before the whole world.
.Soviet cff.eiali indicated US. Charge d'Affaires
Warren Z:r::::zri.zzi had been summoned to the
Fcrc : ";i Ilinietiy over the events in Grenada, but no
details cf the meeting where revealed.
The Taos commentary said Tuesday's events in
Grenada showed that W ashinjton "relics entirely on
armed mi&ht to impose its diktat (unilateral decree)
on other countries and nations."
This (invasion) is an act of open international
banditry, of international terrorism, by those in
Washington who aspire to sit in judgment on the
world and use armed force as their main political
weapon," it added.
.The British government distanced itself from the
US.-!:dkrn; .:s:i as IYLt.3 Lliabter I !ararct Thatcher
told Parliament Tuesday she warned President
Ecaan cf her Very considerable doubts" about the
Thatcher said die te!d Herman Ilenday niht of
Britain's douhts and asked him to weih several
points very carefal'y before making a final decision.
Thatcher said no British troops were involved in
EV3H3 "HEl .&E3ElGlila ;
Brief history of Grenada:
1650 French settlements begin.
Feb. 10, 1763 French rulers cede island to Bri
tain. ' -.
1 705-6 Rebellion Against British rule; governor
and 47 other British subjects massacred.
Feb. 7, 1074 Grenada becomes independent
March 13, 1979 "People's Revolutionary Army"
led by lawyer Maurice Bishop takes over power
while Prime Minister Eric Gairy is abroad.
Mar ch 22, 1 979 Britain and United States rec
ognize new government. ."'-'"v.". "
April 9, 1 979 Bishop says he will seek arms from
Cuba. , '
May 2, 1 GCO - Three people arrested and 1 5 sold
iers suspended as Bishop says group of extreme
leftists plan dto e army barracks. ' ' y ; ' - -
March 23, 1C33 Bishop-puts armed forces on
alert, csy3 he discovered US.-t-ncl:cd attack plan by
frcra an i:Iand a few miles cwsgr. ' ' '..z..
OzL 13 Bishop i-.I-.ecd under house 'arrest.
CzL 14 CZei:J radia reports that Deputy Prime
rumors that he platted to Izll Ei:hep. Cut in ether ;
. Oat; 16 Government Minister Ilenriek Radix.-
Oct. 15 . Grenada's embassador to Cuba says
Bishop had failed' to implement decisions cf the
ruling i"e.7 Jerel Mo',ement and the covernment.
- Oct. 17 - Amy chief, Gen. Hudson Austin, says
Bishcp has been crr:!!:d from party for refasir to ,
share perer with Caord and for having dirraced
the revelation. lie 4-ajes there has been a military
Oct. 10 Thousands cf Bishop supporters free
in L'cat cl
lihn from house arrest, demo:
easy headquarters. Cat Lhcp sr.d three tasszzzn,
as well o two union leaders, are hZed as
Oct. 20 'Army imposes round-the-clock curfew,
says it will govern through military council, guaran
tees foremen1 safety. .
Oct 20 Cuba condems idling cf Bishop, eeys it
had no part in upheaval but leaves door open for
- Oct. 21 Military rulers say island in danger of
attack. UH task farce cf 2,000 Marines led by carrier
Independence heads for region for possible evacua
tion cf 1,CC3 Americans. Whereabouts of Coard
Get 22 Clieili from United States, Britain and
Canada visit island. Military rulers say they want
better relations wth staves.
Oct 23 . Le-dsrs cf 10-nation Cant-bean Com
mur.::y CzzMz on easpsnsion cf Grenada from
merr.i;crr.I;ii, lit decisien said net to bo fcindL-3.
lit ci:vi: :A cn military ir.tcrv
Get. 21 niers relax curfew, tied -3 'to ferm
civi::-n i:;v;:rr.:.-.:r-t, Ui3. arrive in Bsxta-
Oct. 23 Ct:-::.z t",theriti:j cay island nr..I:r
by troops cf ci3 Cariean L-vadsd to
the invasion cf Grenada a f :rr::r Brithh ccieay,
and Fcrcs"V Cecrctrry Cir C::lVey Hewe said the
6CC0-tcn Lrhis!i de:trc;-er Ar.tri-a, v. hieh wa3 stand-.
L.J G7Gi"rii.da, iii.J btrcn ouered to stey clear ci the
area cf operations.
Well-placed government sources said Britain had
turned devin a request from the Organisation of '
East Caribbean States to join the Lnvasion force of
U.S. and Caribbean troops attacking the island
where miiitary leftists seized power last week.
Kieareua, apprarer.tly fearful it could be a future
target of U.S. military action, condemned the inva- ,
sion as a demonstration of "imperial arrogance" and
called for the immediate withdrawal of the invading
The Foreign Ministry issued a sharply worded
communique after Nicaragua formally requested an
urgent meeting of the U.N. Security Council to dis
cuss the operation on Grenada.
"W e call on the international community to request
the immediate withdrawal of United States invasion
troops from the soverign territory of Grenada and
on the Non-aligned Movement to mobilize all its
political and moral means to defend the sovereignty
of a brother nation," the communique said.
Unbacked right-wing guerrillas fighting the Nica
ragua government, praised the invasion.
"We think the United States has finally abandoned
its policy of drift and indecision in Central America
and is ready to take decisive action to put an end to
Soviet expansionism in the area," Adolfo Calero Por- I
tocarrero, president of the Honduran-based Nica- '
raguan Democratic Force, tcld Reuters. 4
The French government expressed surprise at the I
U.S.-led invasion, implying the attack was a violation
cf international law.
A strongly worded government statement added
that no state had the ri"ht to intervene mniterity in
another country without be in; asked to come by the
legal authorities or the United Nations Security
"The French government was not informed about
the latest event3 in Grenada," the statement said.
"It therefore cannot pass judgment on the rea
sons which provoked such a surprising action with
regard to international law, but it wishes to recall
the constant position of France in affirming the
principle of nonintervention."
Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau refused
to justify or condemn the invasion.
President Reagan, announcing the invasion this
morning, said one VS. objective was to protect
about 1,100 Americans on the island.
Trudeau told Parliament "That i3 not enough for
me to justify or condemn the action. Were there
other ways of ensuring the safety of the Americans
there than by proceeding by invasion? In the case of
Canada we had authority from Grenada to take our
citizens out"
United Nations Secretary General Javier Perez de
Cuellar in a statement expressed "grave concern"
over the landing on the island.
He said he was "n&rtipularlv rifet.nrhjd nvr thf
possibility that the escalation of tensions could
further complicate an already complex situation in
the region."
A U.N. snokesman Raid the Rfrrftnrv fnsrsj wai
seeking more information on the landing. "In the
meantime, he appeals to all parties involved to
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