The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 26, 1983, Page Page 6, Image 6
Wednesday, October 23, 1C33 Lincoln's exclusive hot tub rental p Dally Ncbrc:!cr.n It ' OPENING SOON! Stop by end relax, in cne of our private redwood-decked tubs. Each with its own stereo end shower facilities. Bring in this ad for 20 off your 1st visit (offer good through November 14) 818 "P" Street 475-8989 Persons under IS must b accompanied by a parent. M 11 i5 i. j L C L r r t. s. r'J It's lock to first base for the reloca tion cfthe Culture Center, now located at 1012N.lCth St Ennlo Quevedo, the center's direc tor, said members cfthe Culture Cen ter Task force decided the leading option, a buiidin at 1GC0 Q. St, was not appropriate. This decision feliowed an Oct 17 meeting with the MJ Eeard of Regents' sub-committee cn student Without the Q Street option, the task to r-re pare the building for use. he sail force is now considering the Terrace This includes, preparing it for rain Hall property at 425 University Ter- imum llTe s if : t y, a d din g a re ;n p for the race, Quevedo said. The members had handicapped and mabing such other considered a now into the Whittler improvements nbathroom repair, pain building at 22nd and Vine streets, but ting and carpeting. . decided it was too far away, he said. sdd h2 hcpC3 the task With the task force members' sights force can come up with another option. once again aimed at the Terrace Hall "It does not appear Terrace Hall is a property, the situation is at a stale- mate, said I..e'.ard A r ma t re a g, vice the terrace had been ctror.gly ccr.eiJercd as a site for the Culture Center, tut max by fraternities and soroiitcj opposed ti.e idex Fra tcrrdty and ecrcrity members wanted Arxnstrcng said, however, that neney, not fraternity and sorority epp a: '.lion, is the main pre I!: 11 concerning the Terrace Hall property. It would take an estimated Si 0,030 possibility," he said. College plans clean list. Plans currently are under way to establish a dean's list in the College of Arts and Sciences, possibly as soon as the end of this semester. Dean G.G. Meiscls said background work, involving study of class lists and lege will issue a dean's list this semes ter. Dean James OUanlon said, stu dents must have at least a 3.6 semester GPA and carry at least 1 2 credit hours to be eligible. OUanlon said the list resulted in '"hat - J. "working out the mechanics," is now part from petitions from the Teachers being conducted. College Advisory Board and ASUN Approximately 30 percent of all Teachers College senators. Arts and Sciences seniors haw a grade All but three of UNL's schools and point average of 3.5 or better, lleioels colleges have some form of dean's list said. The difficulty in establishing The Graduate Studies program has r See your Jostensf remenktlwi for a ccxp!:! rcbcilcn cf rings and details cf IzzrJ Czcz!l2 liri J I Tues.WedOet.25a28 IQajru-2p.m. fe DATE: Tlf IS: NEBRASKA EQOICSTOUE PLACE: THESE DELUXE FEATURES AT NO EXTRA CHARGE: 1CX I!cw or white gali ST,thctic birthsnes or sunbunt sloncs Personalized engraving Stone Engraving Creative Financing Ptns avsiblle A j.. ICT Offer noodthroliErLOet 23 criteria for a dean's list lies in m along it an honor for those who have a given GPA. The list should be limited to no more than a few hundred (students) " Ideisels said. The Arts and Sciences dean's list resulted from suggestions by the col lege's Student Advisory Board and As sociation of Students of the University of Nebraska Arts and Sciences senators. - - For the first time, the Teachers Col- no list since all students are expected to maintain a B average. In the College cf Home Economics, the top 10 students in each class are recognised annually in place of a dean's list, said Dean Ilea el Anthony. Associate Dean Alan Frank cf the Cc"ege cf Law, said mstead cf a dean's liat, the law college cfTers "ether incen- ll f J AW f U Ivi UVttUWAiUW WmvVV V a4iil include recognising students who COr4GRAToLATn To So AAr4Y yoo on ACH.NiHb Tc? 6WSl si v n f U i f) ft y . : ' X V . . Iff x.... -r - on o -n V -.WW s r) 70 a c:-l c:i Priority deadliiiea nsar for early registration . Priority dates for early rc '";;tratien far spring semester classes began Ilonday vrlth the nd dead line set for November 18. . .; Priority dates for graduate stud :r.,ts and ethers with 3 or more hours cf credit began I !a.adry and ends today. Students with 53 or mare hears must get their forms in by Friday to gat priority, and students with 52 or fewer hours must turn their forms in by Nov. 4. HoweTr,turningmyourfcn3i3crJyer.efaetorin Lv4 cioases you want, according to Anthony ocMcade, assistant director cf rp"- rrtn r.i re- &cnKaae saia it is equally important that stu dents 11 the worksheet and forms cut ccrraet!y and include the $25 prercgistratian depaeit Take extreme care and doutls cb: -1: v. ban CHr.g cm ine course request form," he ; b T!:at fern is irans reaa. ilitsmarl;edi".Ter :;;"er.raiv.Tcr Schkade said the reiatrat en c.,,..e "c i pro- rlt xccc:a titer the izov. 13 d zzzl'- 2, even if tne arms were mailed h t1-- , '-' ?;cr :uw.cjr prcceas larms which L-a - ' - c'- --!: root- ' I i E:ar.Ul.e,' Ccai;tai!.sand ' r.e;:!.:tratienpe.::.:t3 area- c -a, ana Li v; wv.3 r"