Wednesday, October 23, 1C33 Daily Ncbrhsksn' Pcgo 15 Jl ' 1 ' iu I ( y II ... ' N.U. MED3 MIETINCJ Wed, Oct. 29, 6 $0. Union Dr. Erie Thomson wiil be spesklng on Family Practice e.;:,-.-j-:tu.. :.. t u::i c::i clud Donl mi the meeting Wednesday, October Zzn. as e ,",:) m if- Union (room will be poste"1. Ev-yone li wolcome. Inform?ion w.l be piovicfd end psy monts (S1QQ) will fc :-an for JACKSON HOLE. Theft ritilli limited number of spaces available, so Hur.ay to reserve your apace. Se you there!! , -" TOTAL WORKOUT1 Not utt an car obics eiassl Monthly mem bens, ..p only I19.S0. 2 wk mT!f,rani, f to. Mabel Lee Hail. flm. 119, : Mood-y Thuriv. . Ceil 474-1443 or 47253. . upc major cowcrsTS PRESENTATIONS Ml - l.!;3: Our Jackson Browne r--t ini will be this Weiww.Cryp 0-25-e 0 it 7:00 p.m. In the Union, it you f m d out an application and miaaed our first orientation meeting. piwse coma at 6:30 p.m. See you ttieref EillAGsll 4 . EASTFtST, Friday. Ott-er 7 Waatarn Swing, Air Guitar, Pm Eat ing, Jall-O Ealing. Simrwt Saya, and Pumpkin Carving C&M-tz'm. Coma Join in that tun!! Whara atu can you enjoy pf-ht of fraa antwutirimwit, but at EAT FEST. Friday, OetoNr 2J In th Em Campua Union. Wa ll all fet iTera and ho pa you will, toot! Sa Tom Sullivan frm tha mavlt, "If You Could Sn v hat I Haar." Thursday. Nov. 3 at ?:Z3 in the Union Ballroom. r , pi! 1 Great quantity 5 Render ;.. he!pSess';. ' : IS Bucket 11 Isra C if5 15 Any tul's ."121!; ':--" h o iFn TJE'LIF M sTCi'ml i rJTrajTTTf: ' NO i IS Ur.l'schr-d . ccIzt 17 Tl.CiS - ISGer.erocs . Z2Zzn:rl:"y , 23 Cut . 11 cfclay 13 D; :r.'Jy -'27ZerJth 21 Unit S3 SvrCtf in 21 11:-.?.? .ztnzzis , 23:r-r i:.r..:'.-rd . : 7 Exrt . -23 T.:-3 r--2tiH3 mat-if-41 D::-::::v".c:cs3 nt:c?I , , . river cf Texas 4ia:ri::..3cr Kzrcr.'r.a .-' 43Icypt::cts .- 43 Cult ivated ' zr.i 2 Generous Kriirjs " fT' ' r- C ; v w vc:;j ZZtlznz-y ; Hay Carolina, Did you rar that TUNESMITH will be paving at EASTFEST on Frt y. Get iusn. I'm exeltedsi Oeanna ATTEND EASTFE ST ANOTMCfl HhS. UPC iviNT ' For mora Intormstlon, contact &mpusAettvitHaerKi Programs 0 '..vrn, ;?? t 9 ' EXPECTING SOWS ' ' ACTION SOMETHING THRILLING TO DO TH!3 FRIDAY? OCT. 28 EAST CAMPUS EAST FEST SEE YOU THEREI - Coma c4aorate Htfiowean at EAST FEST. Friday. October 3. A pump kin carving contest will ba rwid and winners will racaiva fraa EAST FEST T-aMrt Pra-Phys!cal Tharapy Club meal ing, tonljjiit, 8 CO haiih Cantar. Speakers scheduled. Hay Tri Dattaa! Rnd!Jvoua featuring Tom Munch A John Frtcka wiil fea parlormina at EASTFEST, Oct ih. Also our vy own Tri-Dfiit Waahtard fMnd wifl fca playing. Sea you Uvsre! Ceanne Are you wondering what you will do Fridy artlrfi7 how tSwut going to EASTFEST? Wall have dancing, corstaata, tinging, magic food end fun! Sae Harrison Ford. John Wayne end Dhre Winger in the film et EASTFEST, Friday. October 9. ' Seethe bS2st apeaker of the semester: to;.i CUUIVATI-' Wilt be tinging end lecturing on overcoming life's handicaps on Thursday. Kov. 3 at 7:U in the Union Esiifoom. AacjcrrxsoAv Wedrtasy, Nov. 2 9:03 -3:30 Nbrika Est Union Craat f-iains Room CROSSWORD PUZZLE O Travail CI Gambling : game l Mild expletive - 2 Yearn . ' -3 Generous ; . . process ' ' 5 Contrived l.larked with W'.tS , 7En':-:t S l.zi3 . 9 Discretion DSpcrJshccln ' 11 1'sw --. Testaisent 12 Ehowy Rower. Stcr.e 13Dannecr . Castle 21 1.:pired with 'admiration 21Ccr.'j::r.3 Risk 23 Vi!ificstlsn -;: 21 Pusrfo Cican ai.w 4 9 ViT, 27 Inverts ". stitches in' 7 '. ' 23 Generous v 23 Waterproof " fabric .-:'' ' 23 Literary work 22 23 Important 1 ' , item on a ' ' ' '.. ' schooner princess.;, ;. TyTPT' y. i' f r i "infill1" itLLi TP M iTTT bbjbjbk iMBJtaSH BBBBWaP" ''31'', 'J-',,",B'' " ' emaSt:- '-WK- . -,W3eB - flSHap - - t "jw'fi I" lanri jhrk' '.in J'"nnr- '" 1 " ""' 1 - -BWaAwiiew .msm T j , t4-,' ' -'r q j" ,;rr ""i iT r F l4 j . j . I aaaaanhHaaMBB iafllp: HMt" eaajawMi :.aieam (aaeasew a iluli saMSMr mwi waa I I i iri'i T tLLL j" TTCT ij TTr Ti M 'I I ll ' r.iomit.-ta iwt4ai. U.h A Ft. $145 month, Includea util. 475-13JS. Female, non-emo,g. C!oe 1o cam pus; vary nlca. 11 17.M plus 12 utilities month. Cail 47yiU!, 2Ind A J Own b4.o!"'i $53 Utilities Paid. Jack, 474-3134. Homeless 19 year old malt r-s-onable tranquil living Quartura -ina walking distance of City campus. riasw ' eftae-rent ar rangement In an apartment, house, or family situation. Dow not smte or drink obno.ous amounts. Pnora4.;s 7284. Mornlngi and Evenings. Famala for second bedroom. Oua II Vol lay araa. $!;amonsh. Own transportation. Laava name A numbar with buirtwa anevrering service. 474-&X3. To mova In No. 1.13 rant and utilities. Call 4 74-03 15. Munoowar kic. 122 N. 11th Term papers, thesea. doctorals, resumes, IfUars, outlines, etc. Raeaona b)a rataa. Near downtown campus. Call 477-6SS3. TYPIfsQAVORO PROCESSING Proofs. Spelling Checker, Storage. cc:.:?UTcnTY?z i::3GU2 473-TYF2 PROFESSIONAL TYPIN3 SERVICE f?y MJ. Term Papers T hes DissertaSone Phyllis Schlsfly says Women have M . pood. If you donX content ttte Women's Fxwource Center Counaallng Service at 472-2587. EJRTHRIGHT offers free pregnancy test confidential, understanding help. 43-2SSa. . . Single A Pregnant? Adoption la a caring alternative. For cmHderrtial counseling, contact Nebraska Children's Home. 433-7879. TYPEWRSTERS: fwNTAL SALES SERVICE BLOOM'S 323 N. 13th 474-4163 Explore ISfe-gMng options. We'd Uk to fxep. Csiiicite Social Servicsa. 423-S5. 23 Highlander ' ' 43 Four-sided . pillar . 42 Ecat ; 43 Tricky baseball pitch ' 43 "Nine to Five" f;"jre 43 Ancient Jewish month ' 47 Honeysuckle, . '' e.g.' ' : 43 Taj Mahal sate f 3Thi'3 1 Last word of -' fcr short- '. Zi Chrck , ,. , . Fai2 TYHJiCI, ' That's H9MI We'll oive you a fcea hour on our word proctttino equipment to type whawvar you (ike e for yourit how ohaoiaie it makas tv'pewritsrs. No SKpariaDca nacattary training pwuied. Oiftr enpifs 111XSJ. Cuit todyt '?:-::; 3 Compear Compls 16-23 QUE L: j Cs Sr" m-OTIC Downtown, Monday Friday Dr. John Wynhiun For apjiointffSiifit, cail 4 7-1027 . HALLOWEEN CQSTUKX3 Shop Goodwill for wi"t, cteihes. etc. Goodwill locaitd at 1717 "O" St.. Have lock, Wettgat.a, University Place, and Coiice Vkiw. Imported Ciora5tee Clove C'.-io!t CiiK'a Downtown . 12th AO THESIS WRITING ANXIETY? . A research program ia baing ci.'arsd through the Education Psychology clinic that could help you comre your thesis. Call Mark at 476-3377 for details. i 1 1 CAE Lira c:;!:ra SAEHotne . Thursday, i:C0 p.m. -It will be spook in' good ttmcin f-:-' ' ;iailti LOST: One red and one white clothes pin. If found, contact any UNL Marching pand Member. LOST: Women's gold ring In 1st floor women's bathroom in Oldfather 1019. Great sentimental value. Substantial re ward. Cell 472-ESoQ. J(!t, Carrie, and Oiane I love you guys! Thanka for the fun semesterf ' Amy Alpha Phis, Your voicee are the best. Thanks for singing Monday night. Maybe we should put a doorbell by our balcony, so myste rious voices erenl so mysterioua. Men of TKE r 'IV nil .7 ' -" f A .! - i V -: ' Cccduc2.iyc czi2, BmtHicy'G has a Toll Frc3f j nutter" to our-centre! of&cs.' i7e0 help' you locals y .,herdtoj:d Izivclrj products or cncivcr rvclry. ':' rAZAY": rAT ) U L . :JL- J l Brsndofl J. Hppy 20ih Birthday to our its IPC Ottaitat ' . tour Brothers of Sigma Aipht Msj Jsft N. H,-;-y 120 you davill But take it asiyf Kuie Tom S, (Schramm 8) BoMa ra rad, I v era grn; , My window from yours Cannot ba tsn. Your Secret Spook SB. Slap-fpj3y 24th. I love you. Stan (S B.) Kent T. (AGS) Thanka so much for taking time out to fix my turn signal. I really appreciate HI Bath Theresa S. (AOPi) Happy 2 1 at 8-day to the wildest woman on campua. Lor! A the Whale Loser Carolyn. I'm sorry you're lonely. So I'd like to help. RSVR. L.I.S. Brandon J.. Hppy, Happy. Hoggy Birthday to my f avoir. a pig farmer! Love, Kendra Haldl H. Is looking for a boyfriend before Friday so she won t owe LiuSiCO. Cell 472-6324 if interested. Bets Spook 10. ' Thanks you for the dosen red roeesl I know you're the purrrfect guy for met ' Your The ts Spook Poppas (aka, Tracy J.), You're the atarof our ahow. Break a leg thia weekend! We are very proud of you. Love and Luck, Your Towne Club sisters AOPI Fens. Thanks for all your support. Yea, we will have to celebrate. ' ..; "; E.E. ' Steve B.. UNL couldnl have picked a better king. Congratulations! We're proudt Your Lambda Chi Brothers . iFrauMn. tk.t my, e'Xlif tial fer! f -wine some iyl . "- " '-.; LoveYcut . 209 "Lonely and Waiting" glrta, here ia the ; company. RVP. 47fW!ls Guys Alpha Xis, .' . ' " ' i Our f ioat was second but you're stiU : tops with ua. The Lambda Chia rir . ;, 9 n TT'.T . 'i - r' 2D-lciJL J t J f '. ear . mm - x i I it . .. - ti ' LA7 ' To the blonde girl at the biology review Monaty nigiit: Would like to talk with youl You live In Pound Hall and I think your name Is Candy. RSVP or call Mike M914 Neihardt Emsmonlfe: I 0m?s4 wtin you. my trismd with yours. Care to c: gin7 RVP. Soutn of North Platte Poolie A Nnc (Schramm), Happy 10th Birthday a day early and a day late. Lea Girl in S0 State. 12:00 M.W.F. How long before you can aay Hi? M.S. 13 of one year ago we Aral made acquaintance. Renewal of such would be welcomed at the next opportune momant Penguin food to be provided. u 0 To all the special people who worked on the H33 Homecoming banner end ftoet There's none . To the Women of Aiphe Chi Omega: Thank you ail for the icts and unsel fish help on the 1S33 Homecoming float, we're proud to fee 1 wish youl The Men of Phi Gamma Delta Congrats Kirk W. A Richard R. on being auper co-chairs of the HSS Home coming Committee. Excellent work on the prize-winning banner and float. - To the friends of E.T.: Thenks for ell your love and support You're ell the best and you're building the super reputation of HSS. Tom R. Thanka for the flower. Cute mateage. I can smell Itl (And I donl mean the flower!) Amy ATTENTION I would like to the nk everyone who made my birthday (10-24) so speciall Mike G. P S. I'm still accepting gifts! Jack A Julio. . My sincere apologies to you both for Saturday! L riarrsa Crend snrrrfjrr le::s i , ... Replacements end Spares From $14.5 ea. Savo on lens care needs too! iOr3TdFr:3 Eye Contact Box 7770 Shanes Mission KS FUM 'N Z V -etO ,r r yni J , 14 ""'1 T '-""t v4"Wvm 1111 "O" St.