The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 26, 1983, Page Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesday, October 23, 1C33
Pcno 14
Daily Ncbra:kan
Museum preserves Nebraska's riclni history
The Nebraska Etcte Ilbtoricd Society's new State
ilusctra cflllitory epened a few vvccl-i co end it's a
doczy. The extensive remodeling of the former
Ece's Club ho been expertly carried out end the
buiidin the 3 few, if ar.y, pewits pc!ns frcn the
A tour through the four-story structure begins
v4th brief introductory disphp on lis rround Hcor.
Included are pieces ranir.3 from Plains Indian erti-
gtztt by Cra?j itaretsn
An exLliit ct the rw Ctstc Ostoricsl Gockty Ucsesn.
WED.-8 p.m. To Gloss
FRI.-4 p.mTo 6 p.m.
35 Draws $1.65 Pitchers
65 Cans 65 Well "Drinks
at . ' i r
r v fcY jC,W
. e. ft .,. at a-ft feJti aw
" 4
W x2
I bockgrouods ore needed in developing notions. Ask fhem how
I n?ir iviwwieroge o crops, uvesrocN pooyenon. rarm mecnonta a
i beekeeping methods help oileviore hunger, increcse personal
income ond develop fechnicol skills. Ihey'll fell you of the
rewords of seeing direct results of their efforts, Ihey'll fell you
r eoce taps is me rougnesr po you u ever love.
Sign up for interview and
pick up an application now:
Thurs. , Nov. 3
The Daily Nebraskan is now accepting applications
until 4 p.m. October 23 for Editor-in-Chief for spring
semester, 1S34.
The Editor-in-Chief formulates editorial policy, over
sees newsroom operations, determines editorial page
corstents'and reports to the Publication Board.
Applicants must have one year newspaper experience
and be a student at the University of Nebraska
Lincoln. A'iwtler.s can fcs obtained from Dan Shattil,
r.-- :a Z thbrir'crUr.'.cn. 7 ...
UNL does not discriminate in Its academic, admisions or I
employment programs and abides by all federal restil&tioiu f
pertaining to same. I
o yf o
11 iTT!
facts (from various Nebraska di3) to a beautifully
scruff buckskin fur trader's jacket, worn about
The second floor b called the Nebraska History
Gallery. Displays dating back to ancient cave
dwellers and reaching up to the 1971 Cornhusker
football team are arranged chronologically (lexi
cally enough) in a meandering labyrinth throughout
the floor. The subdued lighting is pleasant, but the
area's arrangement can be somewhat confusing, as I
overheard another viewer comment Perhaps a few
larger "landmark" displays would help to keep one's
bearings and break up any monotony.
The second floor also contains speciHc displays on
each of Nebraska's native Indian tribes as well as a
display for nearly every epoch and era of this state's
history. In the corner areas are "period" rooms, dec
orated with actual furnishings of respective time
periods. These are always fun to experience, even if
the glass walls boxing, them in give each an eerie
"Twilight Zone" quality.
The third floor of the museum contains a replica
of a general store and special collections of such
things as picture frames, dolls, art glass, beadwork,
and the Walter J. Charney collection of firearms.
Featured in the museum's gallery area on this
floor on the paintings of John P. Falter. Falter was
born in Plattsmouth in 1910, and is known primarily
for the 185 cover illustrations he created between
1943 and 1969 for the Saturday Evening Post. Dur- -ing
the 'COs and 70s, he painted more than 300
western art works. His technique ranged from a
tight, precise approach similar to Andrew Vyeth's,
to a more painterly application, such rs in the beau
tiful and unfinished portrait of James Cagneyi"
' Falter died in Philadelphia in 1C32. With the aid of
his widow, his studio has been re-created in the
gallery. It's a good show, but a bit spotty in the
overall quality of the works.
- The museum is located at 131 Centennial Mall
North, and is open 0 an. to 5 p.m. Monday through
Saturday, and 1:30 to 5 p.m. Sundays. The old state
museum at 1 Eth and R streets will continue to house
the administrative calces, archives, library and
photo lab.
t J ea. J J (g) j .
$2.50 minimum charge per dty on com
mercial ad. Ten words Included.
$2.00 minimum charee per day on mdi
vidua! student anrf student organiza
tion ads.
Students must pay for the ad at the
time it is placed.
SERTION. FOUND ads may be submitted frs of
"81 Suzuki CSSSOi. very low mites.
Great) Cnep 47&-1707. Mike.
Harvard (grey). Ye!e (white). Princeton
(navy), Dartmouth (keliy). North Carol
Ins (light Mue). USC (white), others. $14
each postpaid. Send erck to iMQ, Ro
SI 7. BrTOkhvn. M33id1. COO orders.
Minolta X3-7 S3 mm camera with SS
mm and 13S mm tooeee 1 csrrylng
esse. Eei:-ent csntfiiwn Sa CASH.
43S-2U2, tecvt trmui.
Fresh feferhe grown e4-fetifif tur
kays wi?h tem&r time, i Mt. Gror by
Nov. S. Pick up on Nov. &2 snd 23 from 1 0
a.m. to 7 p.m. m M-l Hpit, UNL f
Ofvtis. Csii 4T2-.-. l. ?2-e..S min
I ...i. Sponsored fey UwL Animal $eine
Grsdune Atiostt'iion.
. Symmeryeer round. Eurcre.S. Amor.,
AyitrnJii. tea. M ISiss. $500-1,as0
ffffittily. S'nhtseeing. ftm Info. Write
I : tot Si-Ms-t. Curor.s C-! Mar. CA
s m have ones. 7t-utS, local.
COLt'?1A Crd f-vrt O 'C '
Kitchen teie with chsirsf 25; double
bdS?0; twin tfSd$2a;ctit$40; match
ing nice gren chsirsS70; small wood
dwkiJS; excel lent color console T.V.
$1S3; M Hex end teWs$25; gold hWe-a-bed$3S;
I8mp$10; book mmtfiZ
simple sofa k matching chsir$3.
SAE otro components. dismal
tunw, 2.820 pre-amp equeiiiar and a
2 ..9 amp with 100 ws:tt per channel.
Comeitte wrth wood ewtr esfn and
w,em.!'-$. f : .:. all. Csii i.kc at God
lather's Pizza 44-4,3.
.. (On SALE: Odd 1977 MG3
ri top, twm
XIX ftidiStS, '
Wire Wtom. &a, 42,000 mliea. '
fr; '9t CondUion Inside A out.
$4,t3. ?5-4t63.
Mopad Vpa OramSa. C montha old.
$450. 40-7tfe5.
Fumttiried 1 bedroom apt $185 includes
heat 17th aL.477-U78.
Unfurnished, nice 1 bedroom remo
deted, 1740 Harwood. $187.0 plus utili
ties. No children or sets. 474-423.
Nice A Clean
. 2 bedroom duplex
parking, bus. air.
1S h a Euclid Avenue
$275.03. 475-eS39.
Impset State t.''r PsSicy. We&rsstea
'Wafer Conservation CouncM hi'ing peo
ple to do Cimp-m work. Full-t..TM, part
time avsiisfcte. Travel snd cir-? - --sr-tuniti.
Parsoral lotwvtew, 4 -1. .X
be availatia iMwiy rt-K. -i';-'y m
parnvn at Johnny's Cmjf, 1 p.m.
p.m. ZZ-JS larfe Cuiavard.
Interested in frnifi7 aco-ep fjrbrd
Irsg, etting farm V. : "ck. twsJing
iv:N. Ciil Roy, V..i . I.
Scholar shfes J 3 and 2yr are swall
bla tor tnarj sttfta. A CPA of S.2 Is
co!r-?si.:ie. Call i 2- 2 :.; x
L!"'e Ba's
Is now taking "--.-.ti;;.?ns fr full & v ' . 'y In partan,
i.- ias, i. a Cj-v..u. .r.
Wanted: 2 Q.A. Kckr ts Iowa Ststa
Came. CaB 4?M?7S. . ,
Med 9 O.A. to Iowa Sttte. CaSI 43
S417 cr 475-7939. Ask for Gonzo.
Wanted: 4 O.A. tickets (?'?''
totiWf) to low tlsi 475-4 i.X
Meeting Thuradny, Oct. 27 4:39,
C3A 105. Dr. k?cci! wiH speak on 5 year
program and CPA Exam.
- ; . - -
ft mm
- : IKMnaatfey. Nov. 2
AH who pian to s .nd, plaast turn In
12.S3 in t!ie mn.r.:Ui3 mailbox by Friday.
RUGSERS Hey! Two more practi
ces two imre games. Let's not ok vp
the ship no m. e tmm tontsM and Thwa
Fun shfh!?s worth S3JC9 avsBa
l" to K rfiiti yon adutts 1 0-S yar
lor fln-jyi axsaiteftc living and wark-'-3
w'ah family In one of 34 ctrW.
.;:-elktnsdeDnfeef 1,1.3. Ctll
Ann. 4?2-i;8 Jor more inf jwmaitor).
Trip i., -.itafc- Tvai'tl-'ifrwn
Fi::--y Hell Thurciy. trinj IJ.7S M you
orfd a shirt.
?.'t pric, laroa s5ction;
Cesnre tnd t!Sl
LLt...4 JEWELRY " '
31110 Street
Pr-Dm Club Social Function
C-"t. I,';h. I p.m.
at Janet's pioce
I ' '3 Hi.-.i.ipx-n, Art. 4 '
("" of 37ih and HunSiag!n)
Ars ' " ' ,
I' :'JngWed., October 23. 8:33 .
GutpUr . .
ABb ; xs and new anw'ra woieome,'
Cr? NtX" l? 'Y T3
Coma to the Union
"" ' Wednesday Trtw " Friday. '
Sponsored by It . . ?A ft X ,
, .
r-?l-m a k7 for E-WTEK "64. TOs
. year's thama i: 'Ensinearini: meUm
cl Tdmorrew." First prirs ts 3. Turn ft
fltrtee In s jp fft vtr" " i
tlueprint u. ;j. L.l..;na Mv.ix
The final tf-y i-i f ..k y9ur rw'
'i1.'ormo---vif v j.lsi
t :. - Ut in. A ' - toc:-i
k; ;-.y c A . 4.