Wednesday, October 3, KZ3 Daily Ncbrcskcn Peg o 13 Cards and Letters Rock 'n' roll or racism? Redb: your thres-psrt series on MTV, a close and Intellectual scrutiny cant help but to reveal the pervasive presence of an evil that lies at the core of MTV end rock radio, end threatens to strike at the very heart end soul of rockrV roll racism. There is little doubt that, 111:3 her next-of-kin album-oriented, or more appropriately, apartheid-oriented" radio, MTV is nothing mora than the music industry advo cate of cultural white supremacy and racial separa tion. MTVs racist bent first was widely publicized when singer Eick James video was refused air-time by the station's program directors. James protestations made news (including NEC nightly news) when he brought up the race issue. MTV denied that James' race was a factor in refusal of the video, and simply stated that, its format was limited to "rock and roll," and James' music was not included in its definition of rock music. However, it hardly was ironic that no other black performers' videos had been accepted, either. A "breakthrough" of sorts occurred when Walter Yetnikoff, president of CBS Records, threatened to pull MTVs video clips of Eddie Money, Pink Floyd, and Journey if MTV maintained its refusal to play Michael Jackson's videos. The little headway made by this, however, was evidenced in the July Billboard review of the MTV Adds and Rotation: Number of black artists with new videos added: zero; black artists in Heavy Rotation: two; Medium Rotation: one; Lfeht Rotation: one (that old category-stomper, Donna Summer); number of black performers with MTV concerts or specials in the history of the sta tion: zero. Further evidence of antipathy toward blacks was seen at a recent anniversary party for Musician magazine in New York, attended by MTV. The Police, whose tour was being sponsored by MTV, were to attend and party-goers were treated to a perfor mance by bassist Jamaaladeen Tacuma and his band, Cosmetic. The MTV camera crew spent its time shuttling members of the B-52's, the Psyche delic Furs, Musician, and other white celebrities before its cameras. Despite the fact that Tacuma's group was appearing at the request of Police guita rist' Andy Summers; MTY spsci-saTy refuasd an interview with Tacuma, who is black. It would be very interesting to hear whether there is any justifi cation other than race for that situation. . The issue of race has been raised by some promi nent people in music itsell During a January inter view David Bowie tongue-tied VJ Mark Goodman when he asked him on the air why they cMnt play more black music Abo, in the September issue of Record, the director of a Michael Jackson video labelled the MTV people as outright "racist bastards." Throughout this period, MTV maintained and continues to that its decisions are based solely on one criteria: is it rock and roll? They noted that when blacks make videos with heavy rock and roll guitar, such o Jackr sn's Test It," they get played on MTV. But where h the "heavy guitar" in the muds of. Duran Dursn, Bevy's Midnight Runners or Thomas Dolby? iF " Fly From OrnsJia? - L - Jj- 11 v j r " 2 """"v "" L U . r 1 r- r-P. ) 24 hours : : ' ) ADsy 473-CS73!nv x " ' " 4 7 S 1 3 7 3 t,n. ... :C3 3 p.m. 15 p.m. 15, C3 p.ia. vr.zi r. C'S 4:45 7:15 5:i3 2:C5 S:3 crir rT t"t , t.Jf 3J 5:59 5:55 S:D 10:30 11:45 11:C3 12:25 1:25 3:15 4:C3 5:23 4:53 6:C3 7:15 :.:: 8:45 10:C0 10:15 15:13 11:45 -h are KCN-Crrsiivt on ' v fjrt. 15. JS..:- .ft. 11 i ESTHER DlKSCTICH . f ft 7:C3 12:C3 1:45 5:45 7:13 10:15 12:C3 c: : j t..LY ACcarraD Long day . . V At the end, there b a twiit Harold thinks he hf i d!?covrrfd r.ho is after him and why, and he believes he has solved the problem. Even though the deal of hb life has fallen through be cause of what an Ameri can calls a "mess Harold feels proud and confi dent, in the Dunkirk tradition, when, he's pushed into a car and onto the roulette wheel once more. He seems almost to smile. - Eat, DAls i e Scairy! ncubcns Halloween Celebration Join us for a ho-ow-ling cood tirns Saturday, October 29! Halloween festivities include: U Anyone in costume Qtts their first drink free. t Entertainment by Tony Brehm both Fri. i Sat. ni-.hts C) FCEE drawing, with prizes from Electronics Center r Best of all, receive a Reuben's gift certificate if you have the best costume! For thrills, chi'.!s, znd who-oo knows what else! 1 J H7 E X P E R I. E r N C E C ' - - v . t ir TvW -A I 4't ' November 4 Friday 8 p.m. & November 6, Sunday 2 p.m. In English at AkSarBen 20 Student Discount FORAN EXPERIENCE YOU'LL NEVER FORGET! a Individual tickets for the following events on sale only to UNL Students beginning October 17. On sale to others beginning October 24. Mm Eorly 'tfuclc Group With tha support of the Nebraska Arts Council " Four instrumentalists, a soprano and tenor will give audience members a taste of music from the Italian Renaissance and the Early Baroque with lutes, guitars, flutss, and viols. Ruth K. Ssacrest Memorial Concert icia cD'Lcrrocno,. picno With the support of the Nebraska Arts Council : The quesn of pianists, daLarrochaisv - .' : especially accslimsd for her performance " of music by Spanish composers. Hr program will include the music of Ossthoven and Granados, one cf Spain's great composers. 4 m m -f , w4 ; ...... ' ' ' A f:;d-Arr;oric3 Arts K'.lznoa Prosrem A cress t:.:zn tha Jeffrey and Fe!d Cz"zl , companies. 3 compeny has a uniquely refined ' styta cf its own. Led by Csrman chorecgrsprir Heinz Pc',1 r,'.::f, t:;v 11 cl Crn , . f:;rJr', Lei 12 tt C :-.'7,:::t3f.t:;ni (C"-rrn v.;;i ts r J-.:r.;d ta tht Cuniry' o U.-X Lt-:r,t d:eeour.:;J price) -i"... : ; - ; -; - - S "ry " ' i A ' w f . V i. r .-. I I r ' .... .;'.'.. II CLAUD.D r'GrrrEvEnDis Thursday, October 27 at 8 pm SGturttey, October 29 st 8 pm ' . . C'jnday, October 2D 2t 3 pm Roman Ernpsrior Nero's lova for the beautiful yet trceehcrous Poppca erupts . in web of jealousy and intrigue. f !er.inecnt bercq3 cpera- rrfipif n U a U h k .... p f inn iti f r f " i if ' x 1--.;'- ... 11 1. i -.