o 0)TiTl .11 U a,-, if ' UJ3. snd Crilben fcrcca ccr.trcl Crcnada'j two airf.cIJj end are pushing toward their remaining military objectives in the second day of their inva sion of the i:!and. . The Per.?:? "on eaid Tue:. dry two American ser vicemen were killed and 23 wounded. In the first 12 hours of lighting the invading forces captured more than 00 armed Cubans and took most of their objectives but still were encountering resistance, Pentagon ckials sold. - . -, ': Jamaican Premier Edward Seaga, an invasion supporter, s:d 12 Cuban soldiers were lolled in felting and that a vast amount of Soviet weapons wo3 discovered at one of the blond's airports. President Reegan said Tuesday the invasion's air.3 were to protect about 1.0CX) Americans in Grenada and to restore order. ' Some 1,Q0 U.S. troops stormed into Grenada in pre-d:;wn darkness by parachute and helicopter to join 300 invading troops from six Caribbean island nations. They quickly secured the airfields at opposite . ends of the island as well as a medical school with 550 American students. The operation will continue," the Defense Depart ment said. ' ' ". . . Reagan plans to report to the nation on television Thursday night at 8 p.m. EDT on both the invasion and the terrorist bombing in Lebanon which killed more than 200 UJ5. ecrviecmen. There was no immediate word of Gen. Hudson Austin who seized power last week in a bloody coup 'Ccnlctc ccvcra'2 cf the Grenada iirrcIea en Pa;;c3 0 and 9. during which Prime Minister Maurice Bishop was executed and 14 others killed. Reagan said he had ordered the invasion to pro tect U.S. citizens in Grenada from the new govern ment of "brutal leftist thugs." Continued on Page 8 Wednesday, October 23, 1C33 i A W - M .! f( I L )! i J X: : j University of Nebraska-Lincoln ) J Vol. 83 No. 42 'Neb fas "7 f : (BO .j a ... Jc: sscl CkGmbers: DyJcdiNypa According to Sen. Ernie Chambers the "demog css" and repellicons" (his labels for. the two major political parties) are corrupt, greedy and racist "Political parties as awhole are of no earthly good to the people at large, but they are a God send to the high ranking members and the functionaries," Cham bers said Tuesday night. Chambers is registered as an independent.. .'y--: Party politicians present themselves as being concerned about public welfare, Chamb ers said, but " eLC'ir. : "'" :.-'3.in poithe people who are . tiungry- are stU Jiungry, the people who. are.pocr era; still poor--;V:- ;'; -.7 y ";;;'jV' :; ' Party membership does not matter as long as people see the need for changes in society, he said. The Republican party is racist because they sup port Reagan who practices racism, he said. "Reagan-'Says, he is against affirmative action " Chambers said, "meaning he is against black people having jobs and keeping up to our ability." Chambers said top party officials are the racists. Party "peons" simply carry out instructions. - , The Democratic and Republican parties take the same stand on race issues, Chambers said. Republicans favor the rich, despise the poor and support the system "because if you go broke then the government will bail you out like it did the (Lee) Iacocca," Chambers said. : Throughout his speech he referred to the two parties as the "demagogs" and the "repeilicans." In general top black party members play token roles, he said. The black members do not represent the majority of blacks. "It's like I were a slave on a plantation and I'm the kind who has an in with the master so they give me their hand-me-down clothes . . . and coll me a semi strong boss. Then I can go out and tell ether slaves, This system works. You just do like I do and you can get up there and you be my ol boss.' " : X ; A student - asked' Chambers how he 'felt '-.about declaring; a' national holiday in honor cf llortin Luther King Jr. : . ; ; ' ; 1 -: '-': .. ! i Tn ihi firm v&v? W79 "v. Nebraska high school and elementary students -could be in for improved curricula, longer schools' years and better-paid teachers if recommendations, put forth by the Governor's Task Force in Excel- Tlie task force made their recommendations in a According to that report, the took force's recom elementary 'and sscendary education are to pre- force." -. ; .. ' . ' .' fm - 0.-. r,-- " system corrup Chambers said King should be made a god because King behaved in a more Christian manner than any white Christian and saved our country from vio lence.' - V.V". . '." y ' Chambers spoke to the UNL College Republicans at the Nebraska Union. v . Ztzit ptst9 fey Crs'j An..xxsa. "Sen. Ernie Cambera.::.-..:-.---..-:-:' 7" State Sen. John OeCamp says trsa Sun Newspapers of Lincoln, Inc., printed an edi torial with four falsehoods which injured his reputation Pca 7 Although not included in Tuesday's softcJI finals, defending leagua champions Alpha Tcu Omega and Abel 1 1 are hopeful for a repeat all-university crown .... Pca 13 If everything goes as expected, Lincoln will D3 ths sits of the world premier cf "Terms of Endearment" Fca12 ; Arts end Entertainment. 12 ClCt4ivd ............................. 1 Crcc-crd 13 orfwl O.'fThoV.'iro ,2 p. - " T 2 c: w - 4. ' fc 1. . , .