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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1983)
..v-Tubicby; 'October 26,-1 C :3 University of Nebraska-Lincoln "-.-" -" Vol. 83 No. 41 II V n TV - ' T P?T --ir 1 - - Pre. 1-icnt Rcrrn said Monday that U.S. Murines must stsyin Lebanon because their presence is vital .' to American interests grid to world peace, Eeen spoke to a pop of newspaper and broadcast executives at the White House 3 the Pen tagon announced that the confirmed death tell from Cunday's suicide, bombing at the Marine mil-..' itary headquarters near Beirut airport ho risen to' if? , . 1 ' - - ;:.In a eiaitiaent rparent!y designed :to" answer ' ccnrcasital cr a$ ao .say.,.fce.. haa -failed ta aaarain&ecaaaetf o s , jr that "ihe United States rriU not be intimidated by tcrrorhtu. - II 2 referred to the yet-unidcntifled bombers who Etrock both U.S. and French military headquarters buildings in Beirut Sunday ts "internationdi crimi .'nslsandthus." "v. Reagan gdd the bcrnbiri .were a "horrifying reminder of the type cf enemy, we face in many critical zxczs of the world today vicious, cowardly and rcthlsss. - ' ' ' '.. E-at the president laid the tisrino must stay In Lsbancn ,urtil the internal diutatian la .tinder con trcl becaths VS. etratts psrJtisai in the Est cfa; Kcdrransan. cr.dthe"ataty af ithe. entire difthscc tryrondup ;-..t the aan:e tin:etXea 'reacted adrcsto ta! a 9 "We would then be encd in the combat . . . we would be fighting ajsinst Arab dates and that b not the road to peace." ' y Earlier Monday, White House spokesman Larry Speskea said evidence collected so far sufsted thst Iranian extremists were responsible for the bombing Ha did not elaborate. : Secretary of State George Shulti and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger were holding closed raecii?3 with members cf Congress, many of whom have dsznanded a full esplanation for Ecasan's pc Icy cf kcapbj -traopa In Lebanon.' vr'-'- ' : .?;- : .:Ths president and CDrrer-cicnrJ leaders reached a cerriprcrrdse freeraeat bit poath under which the llzzlzzi would remain- la Ibancn for' IS more tzt a!terthe bonllr svhieh took the highest VS. 1 3' .; Dracaia (Tads Clements) s.tzr:i that even vsiapre3,will raa!;e &aeri2ees far.a good casse. Ia7.iaa::er3 in both' Darties .have demanded that the VS. military etTorts to defend them. Eeaan said ilarine Commandant Gen. Paul Kel !ey, who fiev to Beirut Monday, would study ways to minimhe the risk to his men such as the possibiity of putting the new headquarters on VS. Navy ships off the Lebanese coast' ; ; -: - - ' l-. . - , "We are going to make every effort we can to minimise the risk, but also to find those responsibie, he Said, "--r: ;';-"::r;-::. . ; 'J.' . . . Speskes said Sunday "we intend to respond to this criminal act when the perpetrators are identified." A joint effort has been launched by the VS. Marine command and the Navy to reconstruct the events th-:t. bits the tl:cd bath in which 1C2 Marines were VTid '"' - -" . L.e i-L czrxizn said that lVc,i snips of evi dence provided by eyewitnesses it now appeared : that one Marine at a guard post fired five shots jat -c:;ff phcia by crsrj An-ifwi- rrhe killer truck as it approachedrKe idt.eould hot be determined if the truck was hit. -: :' Continued on Pae 7 .mi 'blba3d&izor search . . Count Draeula is best 'JknoVrn for his forays into V '. tJie niht in search cf tlsod from unssspectfcs vie thss. but e.ven the Count wi settle-far a V-3 this --; wefik a the pledge class of UNL's Acacia-fraterritj: . v The tlscd ec"cted through the house's "Dracu-. lableod predict v,12 be dsr.aiid-to- the Lincoln. Community DIscd Bank and the Chrlne Bum. Unite Hi '1 --" ftffc-v. - ' .. '"""' r- LA jrfe WW:!) "V' B r The community tbod bankyl be at the ilefcraslsi Union Ballroom today from 9 a.ra. to 3 p.m. to accept donors. Four of .every five pints of blood collected will be sent to the Shrine Burn Unite and the fifth pint will go to'thelinccln blood bank. . . Cc::ti;r.-ad cn 7 Inoide- Th3 director cf th Swsnson Ccntor for Nutrition at the fJU Medical Center says U.S. aid to Third World countries is an investment, not a hand out ,... , . . , .......... Pa3,6 . "Major Barbara" offers a dsligtitful mix of , comedy and social commentary .... Ta3 0 Nebraska football Coach Tom Osborne says emotions plsyed a big role in Saturday's C3-13 win c:"::lnst Colorado Pr,"3 13 inde:: " " Arts and Entertainment 0 Clarified 11 Guy,: or 6 .' 12 Cditcri:.! 4 Cf The? Wire : 2 C ports ........ 13 . ......... , , r Si h Bleed. Ici't, ar.,J CLssLIneX retimed fen Cree-reek tri to CLina earlier tils mentis. Clieobireh ier,3 at uaisase sversiuej v.:;.2 l,iz caia ce was "mere inxerestea ra o; H ... J Ccreat servias Prof essors; study Chinese technology Two UNL professors recently visited China on invitations to study Chinese technology and culture. "The main purpose of our trip was to develop a friendship between China and the United States, and to find out where the Chinese were in terms of technological development,", said Fred Choobineh, -assistant professor of Industrial and Management Systems in the Engineering college. ; From Sept. 16 to Oct. C, Choobineh and Anthro pology Department Chairman Peter Bleed were in China as members of a delegation put together by' the China Association of Science and Technology:.' Twenty-one of 40 professionals invited went on the trip. their travels; Beyinj, Shenyang, Benxi, Shanghai, income. Hangzhow and Guangzhow. At four of the six cities, the delegation gave one of a number' of prepared presentations at Chinese universities. At the other two cities, the 21 members of the delegation toured factories and plants.- i .'. "I was surprised that China was such a poor coun try, and at how consistent the poverty was," Bleed said. 'r,:;;:T:t... : .":Vr ... : Bleed found the greatest contrast in poverty was ; between the cities of Shenyang and Shanghai He said Shenyang was a cold, drab factory city. On the other hand, Shanghai was a much livelier and seem ingly more prosperous city. Bleed said it was not that the rtc-res were bare; .tr.cyv