?.!cnd;,y, Qtct:r4, 1C33 PC"3 4 Dii!y Ncbrc;ksn n o a! ' j M I f . , -jj fe. ft Academics mb kJi There should be no question about it. UNL's primary responsibility b the education of its 24,764 students. Any other role the university b perceived to play should be secondary to that. . But, apparently, Gov. Kerrey and at least one state businessman think differently. Wire service reports indicate Kerrey was angry last week when James George, plant manager for the Decton Dickinson syringe plant in Columbus, said he had gone to UNL for research assistance and was told to see a pro fessor who would do it for a fee. No one can question that as a state educational institution, UNL has an obligation to be of assistance when possible. It docs not, however, have an obligation to go out of its way to do research for a business at the time and expense of its own academic program. The Lincoln Journal quoted John Strong, vice chancellor for academic affairs, as saying the university is neither financed or equipped well enough to answer all the requests it gets for assistance. it 3 jiiiii'piij 1 .oft'iiTRTii mf mi The world was thrown for two loops. First, when the Soviets shot down that passenger jet. Second, when our president res ponded with something less than nuc lear war. After the shock wore of the most Kg. Paul Harvey aggressive right-wingers were reas sured and the left-wingers were respectful President Reagan's anti-communist credentials date way back. So vigorous, so "militant" was he in the two decades preceding his election that some scribblers 'predicted we'd have a hip-shooting cowboy in the White House. At least one of those same critics now protests that the president's res ponse to the Soviet murder of 289 people aboard that Korean jetliner "was not tough enough." President Reagan's response to the airliner thing, while firm, was mea sured, deliberate and responsible. Given the foct that the United States and the Soviet Union are going to have to live side-by-side on this planet, our inescapable objective must be to in duce the Soviets to modify their bellig erent and deceitful behavior. The liars of Moscow who overtly dis torted the airliner atrocity are the same people with whom we are seek ing to negotiate arms control. ' " We know we cant trust them. The most naive Kremlin apologist in Congress has to know now that we cannot expect meaningful treaties with them. . Our president could never have con vinced some of them but now the Soviets have done that job for him. With minimal rhetoric our president let the Soviets unmask th Our coram in-chief had two ngMg xmx fbF( As a former graduate teaching assistant and a former assistant instructor as well as a ferc!x obvious options: t'ake war or say "I told you so." Ke did neither. Si wWw. L&a i& lvul the atrocity to stand on its own atroeiousness. ' -... As I say, the president's intervention in Latin America where he says the Soviets mi'ht move in and in the Middle East where he- says the Soviets might move in was encoun tering much diaecnt in Congress. - Less now, thanks to the & Indeed, , the recent event strates that they are the irre: hip-shooters, net he. - - .And however, inadvertently, it may -.well have re-elected him. ' . -.. 12-3, Ls-9 Az::l :3 TI:?s Citia ittx on Kerrey was right when he said MJ usually stresses its rcle of assistance to farmers and businesses when it requests funding from the Legislature. But he must remember that NU rarely gets all the money it asla3 far. - The university's fLcal pl'.;;!;t b well known by now. Many of its classes are overcrowded, its faculty members are among the lowest paid in the country and some services have been reduced .or eliminated. In fact, it is ironic that this incident . should happen at the same time UNL and the reel of the NU system b plan ning to eliminate or reduce some pro- grams just to maintain the remainder of its programs at a reasonable level. The list of evidence could go on, but it is clear that UNL is so underfunded it can barely offer an academic pro gram, much less free research as sistance. " The university's research and tech nology should be used for the better ment cf the state's economy, bat busi nesses that wish to take advantage cf it should expect to pay a fair price. t v Jl t I L. Reagan let Soviets unmask n , . . . T7 - : ' w - 0 V UWA J I wa3 pleased vith Dill Allen's ' column titled "Vertem Kebrasl:a heart of 'the sinipla iif . H (Daily IZtjra;':c;i, Oct 17). I tlur.': 1.2 h i.v;.t ' abcat tl;2 ieni:cr;:i i:.:nne. t.i he cal!s it, cf out-cf-etats tcurrts. Allen, I am proud to tz rcn llzz::.::2. Lilie him, I fcnc?v?ryLttI: tbczl f.;xm- ing or r.Tiei:!ture, jxt I reecgr.l:2 its ; extreme importance to lv'ctr:!;.a and - to the United Ctates. As he suxts, what such tourists Siai'2 accepted b a national ideclcy v.tieh states that "what's happening" b only cn the " ccsts, certainly npt in I-JctTr.-i.'.ca. Even seme I.ebraskans have aeceptsd this ' . I would correct Allen cn cne paint, hsweicr, where he s t3 that il there b a nuclear war" Cl".1er o b more - g . ." to b2 "hit rztn than IfaxwelL Let '' o not f-:;l curatives. The impetus to p!.2ee the lUl extern in the sparsely '' per-u!::t?i VTcctcrn states went hand Li trr.d x.iih tl:e r.etisn cf a "limited ; nuclear war" ir.treiuecd under the : Carter crdr.i;tratiaa. The motivation ' behind prttiitg a substantial land- : Western stales b to lurs Kccian mis siles away from metrcpciltm areas: let the Hus-ians l amb the heartland, not the densely pepulated ccits. The im petus to place the Mil nlzzlz3 b West ern Netrr.:.:;a and 7ye;::.!n b one nanL'estation cf the pr".:r.:;;4 chauv inism Allen confronted this past Sam Umland ; instructor English eign;;tceacJaing experience with them) do not only demonstrate a significant pen-ercien cf the English langaa in "eLeeting their rerpensibilitics as assistants, tut rlro . succeed Li tsnbarding students with factual Lr.ac- student from Sierra Leone, I am appalled by the rather one-sided assessment made cn ferertn rradu- ate teaching assistants in UNL classrooms. Tl.e gen eralizations made are as ill-founded as'the sel itierjj proposed and they only reflect a myopic vi:. v cf a serious problem at UNL. If students are to r..'r;: the problem in its totality, we must endeavcr.to. 1 ' Ft ' T! aa , ' In the f:t r ' " :3, net allfercn ??aduate teiehir.g c.::::trr.t3 1, unL-.telle Ergh. EquO to, net a!l Ar.-::l:::i eiudents at UNL can underr.tr.rd In the same way, subjecting all fcrcin teaching r::tr.r.t3 to specific lan!ua-2 "ccmratencv tests is : net cr.ly r.rga tively discriminatory, and prejudicial, but b c-jgrstive cf elements cf ethnaeentricity which pen-ade3 the intcrtctive prccc-es cn cam- aj isrms ci i:. -:e Enh. For come stud aerating to t;.e accent cf a forel-n sneaks? b ei Ltrursiountails ata:k as passing a course in r - its cf it. In eueh a c::-, the foreign instructor bvarial'y teec-r.3 r-e::,-: as the barrier to the rtud:r.tv3 pre-eri i.:3r;: : :.ir.y net even te tr.2vcriar.ee 4 there b cdvcys a sir:- answer to a u usually t..ewt cueetion (m - - .rs3j, i wu refrain from prcpe:;ri eolations. On t.e ctr.er hand, rsay I su'-eat that criteria far the stleeticn cf graduate teaehb.-! crri:tar.t3 be fully assistants in general, as reflected in their p-zfrr- ;i t:. 1. --. Wt 4- :htr; - 4 .i r than ". I.a pclr.t, t: - t what b taught and how it b tau b teaching it I can safely c! im at t pert cf the problem, they c!3 net in tl.e:.. ":I;C3 cen stitute the prctlem. Cr:'.::: :m cf thb nature s!:e::!,l platt-1 I ' f" ? - ?' -f - A w. o well as fcrein ' sc: z c f v. hem (from my Il;r.;t:d . .. . ... ... . - r -. c. r - - -.v. 4-. 4 . -I J.. c.-e;" acar.1 tt rrther. the ::ul:r.ts' i" :l"::yt3 r - r t. Ccn :eu i;: -r.2 , cj a farc'o - --t, to Cr.d cit Li t !: : : : :;.:z : : :C.'z2 rr:r f :tn; e. - a f;r;'"s tirc:".3 t.il!i crccr.ta that r f.-::.i r. ;-au r : J ta? r:.e:t L.J LVcZzz.l3 ad;-t to the tm:t: rs (r.:: b 3 l:e re cf a id i;to cr tr.ree rarcra .2 r:t far tl;e re -r r :;:r.:3 t!.'t suit cur . a , tame maaeatian. n:.:" ' ro I v. Ilrd cate a mere riarci car.::-.:ir.:2 ,::h c:4-'.'-hc . .,-v;r.er.is ana star.aari In r It it fc. hi--t:;:.: r.aa-j cair.r.ct Li i;..irL.;.r a k d and analyzed, cr.d If r.aecaaajy be sub- VD- d reas- cr.e.ererthss:.!eetien prccant olsi::: entirely to t..e cepartmer.ts carer rr.eri in ce-T v.ith the tcz" iremar.ts and stiu' :t;:r.:. r rr.d rr.cni tcraa ty the Jluite cc'J : FbaTy, may I c-tri etr t, t!: t rrtltrarily -terpre-!r :nt3r-;Ut-":t:;.:.trr3uni-: American, but it a!ao ra ' r: : cf equity and moral c!ae;:"- un- n :V-r.:i3lwCol; C --