Frldr, October 21, K:3 Dally Ncbrcshsh u n I" L i 1 u TiSFESTSTEP I3ACCLLECLH..:E. ' i i i I I I A college degree shows your ability to succeed. The Air Force needs goal-crientcd people for pilots, navigators, and engineers. If you qualify for Officer Training School, you'll become an Air Force Officer with excellent pay and benefits. Only a limited number of these special opportunities remain for college seniors end graduates. Call now! A Special USAF Officer Selection Team will be interviewing at UUL Placement Offict Ksbn&ka Union rtoom 225, CoothL 9:C3mto5:C3pm You're under no obligation. For more information call TGst Dob Waters (402) 471-5S01 CALL COLLECT ArtoftkcVest J Th5 Prrlrie Zllzr" G t,A T::.;:t TrdP (tc!3?r) ly Lcvcn Ycrt, are t .j c!4i prints cn !cp!ay op ait at tl3 TrljLL;;!:: cxJ. L1C3 3 ti2 Cc.r dr C . 3 Cc3 Art CcEcotlsa, Leva Iltrasy i:3. ril-ii-clh-j tech rlizti In the eallUt ir.:!x.:2 11;::!:.?, etc!. lr.-3i LlT -"--t tree J cr.-!r-j and cslanrccd LI:L3.TL2 cH-!U:a Ls t;:;a Llcnday rca 13 a-ra. ts S p. ar. J C ar; ...;y Lrcoi 2 p.a. ta 5 1 yd-I. ,. ..,-J-tt UVUL ;. - 1 - n w 4- ZTOr 2SS CHQISTF3AS ALEUF2 FOII 1S33! r Zfi rf music. A CHRISTMAS ALBUM nxn lower bval Doug!w III Vl " ! vC"" V . FIK : Rcferrkis to the PI1C prccrm, Ilryer v said if Srezz2 prcrs continue i'zzi dtcr yczr, Cc-rcss should consider rec?urir.3 a cever crcp on the idled land to help reduce r:J 'Jr."cn b-ery ccnecrr.c i rJbc rlrupt 3 in UJS. form x:cy, Azuna Fe dd it is hsrd fcr importers to t when Ui5. nrc.!n cricca r.o up firV Th chir.""-3 c.uc2 social ir-. trinity In the fcrr;t cf fed shor- CO. 3 i if 4 tt v i . ... w-tsattea&:,.iji "" :; :: :mit '"VI . t i V - M . ' ? 3 i m ft f. m fa3 cur hie jprnin surplus end trkt- ir3 ccm prices up, but 73 just a tem porary nessurs to reduce supplies, he ..." ' , '.7e crit solve our t riTvLlturd prcb ' Iznj r;;'.h just U5. fcra policy but is Ccir.j to tl:e a concerted cfTert by tH Arur.a said thctJcpcjs b the nur.bcr one importer cf US. corn, sorghum end soybeans.'; Japanese Erriculture h net necxly s cflleknt ss American 'triculture, he scid. American fcxms are nearly 100. times larger cn the averse that Japa-' . - J;pcn h the t::,t c' cf the continue cur tzzi cZrtJ to l:ccp this rrfculturd b needed to help c:c3 and to;.re all par- the panel cllacucaica j part of the sixth annual lbracl Ilcdia Bays Uniex The event b r.;: entered by the Department cfl:ult;:r;J Ccmmun ieatiens and the Inriiiuis cf Asrieul- r 'VO I 3 Ais!ph Coors Company. Gokten. Colorado C0401 Drewer of Fine Quc!;ty Dears Since 1373. ii P s n 1 ii (f t' r' 7 J A!.v r.t v.r.ti ta i.Tpms ssntscna. Lliyts iff pxrar. a tpru:s, ; q frJ. If !) f V rw. $--.. , .-; --J "; . . t . . - . tzttzr, I.".:3 yea cm whip t!; d:y chssd vvi:h a r.r.- f::.'r rr,!3. For 23 yesrj tha "Cc::?;2" f r.s . ' .tes.iacan:.-nur.;ty ' ; "J , . . . ecnrinj ' C i ' "i 1 i ...... t 6...-J I V. I I . ' FO?. COMPLETE BAr.DEHirC Ai:n r"?A!lTV : - I II I J . T -1 c r T lji Lc-- Xlnccln's cn 7.:'.. .